No. | Recommendation | Recipient | Thematic Group Source | Assignees | Status |
2 | ICANN should increase support (budget, staff) to programmes having brought valuable members to the community. | ICANN Staff | TG1 |
| ON HOLD - Pending External Process Pending conversation with Xavier Calvez and Nora Abusitta in ICANN 54 |
- During ICANN 54 in Dublin, the ALAC to meet with Xavier Calvez to discuss FY17 Special Budget Request, with a focus on core activities/programs such as the Leadership Training Program
- During ICANN 54 in Dublin, the ALAC to meet with Nora Abusitta to discuss this recommendation and the Next Gen Program, ICANN Fellowship, and Auction Proceeds
- (O&E SC):
- O&E SC co-chairs to review the appropriate O&E programs and come up with key ideas for those programs. This can be a preparatory work for the conversation with Xavier.
- Staff to invite the O&E SC co-chairs to the RALO secretariat session that will review the FY17 special budget request (Tue 29 Sep, 18:00 UTC); to add this as an agenda item
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- During ICANN 54 in Dublin, the ALAC to meet with GSE Staff and discuss the lack of communications/collaboration/synergy between GSE and some RALOs in outreach & engagement activities (exception: AFRALO has a very good synergy with AFRICANN).
- Outreach & Engagement SC to review the list of programs identified and see which ones are the most beneficial with great ROIs that need to be kept
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- Capacity Building WG to report on this recommendation
- Define 'programmes' that brought value members to the community.
- Need to think of ways to optimize budget.
- Outreach Sub-Committee to identify the so-called programs
- Finance & Budget Sub-Committee to evaluate the resources used so far and understand whether any additional funds is needed
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- Need to identify which programs that are most relevant to this recommendation and most valuable. We need to have examples, metrics, RoIs to demonstrate their value.
- Re the programs/activities that don't have great ROIs, we shouldn't simply give up but should figure out ways to make them more effective.
- The revenue stream of ICANN is uncertain and potential hard decisions in terms of cutting programs/activities may need to be made.
- GSE has done events/outreach activities in North America region without contacting or informing NARALO. It would be better to form RALOs-GSE collaboration and improve communication.
- We should also recognize the benefits that stem from the great synergy between RALOs and ICANN departments (e.g. AFRALO - AFRICANN)
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- Dev Anand Teelucksingh has shared the outreach calendar with GSE VPs and encouraged them to include events in the calendar
- Communications between GSE and At-Large need to be improved, and this can be a point of discussion during ALAC Meeting with the VPs
- FSBC may not be able to meet before Dublin, but has been looking at the questions that Carlton asked (Question: What is the real practical outcome from all the budget work? Is the At-Large better funded? How much of the At-Large budgetary requests are satisfied? Which ones make our priority list?) and will discuss this with ICANN Finance Dept.
Input from Outreach & Engagement Sub-committee:
- Define 'programmes' that brought valuable members to the community.
- Leadership Training
- Next Gen
- Fellowship
- Regional Strategic Plans
- Language Services
- Online courses
- RALO Face-to-Face General Assembly
- Synergy between certain RALOs and GSE (e.g. AFRALO - AFRICANN)
- Continue & increase support for the aforementioned programs
- Identify the appropriate staff members as recipients
- Continue to provide support for people to follow ICANN activities remotely:
- Cameras (more rooms, not just the ALAC ones)
- Remote Hubs
- (O&E SC):
- EURALO will organize a networking and outreach event after the GA (coordinated with Jean-Jacques Sahel); it is an open event and is also an opportunity for other RALO members to participate. The event will invite ISOC Europe that will circulate a special invitation to encourage European chapters to participate.
- Re support issues for the outreach & engagement programs – if specific programs are identified, they can be submitted as part of the budget request for FY17. O&E SC can help identify appropriate programs. O&E SC with discuss with Xavier Calvez in ICANN 54 to understand how this can be done.