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KEPKA - Consumers Protection Centre

Nikolaos Tsemperlidis




Βασ. Ηρακλείου 32 Vas Heraklion 32

Θεσσαλονίκη Thessaloniki

Ελλάδα Greece

54624 54624


KEPKA - Consumers Protection Centre

The KE.P.KA.-Consumer Center - a non-profit, non governmental, nationwide consumer association. For twenty-eight years, fighting for the protection of consumer rights, environmental protection and improvement of quality of life.
Founded in 1982. It is the only major Consumer Association, based in Thessaloniki. The KE.P.KA. an organization with real members, with statutory functions (programmatic - General Meetings management accounts, published on the website of our financial and managerial reporting, elected every three years, Board and Audit Committee). is governed by a 9 member Board, all of whose members are Net volunteers. It was the first Consumers Union, recognized and recorded in the Register of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in accordance with the criteria N.2251/94, as amended by N.3587/2007. It contributes substantially to the reliable and continuous action to strengthen the Consumer Movement in our country.
The KE.P.KA. intervene actively establishing a legal framework that protects the consumer in the market. Because we believe that consumer protection is not achieved by individual laws, but through the integration of this protection to all legislation, representing consumers and interfere in local, national, and international levels and in all bodies.
The KE.P.KA. representing consumers at local level (conciliation commission Prefecture of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Organisation Popular Markets Commission Amicable Settlement of Disputes OASTH), nationally (Economic and Social Committee - ESC , National Consumer Council and Market - E.S.K.A. Commission D.E.K.O., National Council of Electronic Commerce - E.S.I.E. Commission Certification Associations Consumer E.S.K . A. Juvenile Protection Committee, National Network for the Prevention of Accidents and Violence - E.Di.P.A.V., National Organization of packaging and other products - NOAMPOP) at European level (European Consumer Consultative Group - ECCG, European Federation of Consumer-BEUC, the European Union for the Coordination of Consumer Representation in Certification - ANEC, the European Alliance for Transparency - ALTER - EU, European Network of Universities for Lifelong Learning - EUCEN) and international (International Organization of Consumers - CI, World Health Organization - HAI and Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue-TACD). The KE.P.KA. participates in the Advisory Committee for the use of the internet Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers - ICANN. Since December 2004, to 2007, the President of KE.P.KA. Mr. Nicholas Tsemperlidis was Coordinator E.S.K. Από το Φεβρουάριο του 2008, ο Πρόεδρος του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. Since February 2008, the President of KE.P.KA. είναι Μέλος της Εκτελεστικής Επιτροπής του Ε.Σ.Κ.Α. is a member of the Executive Committee E.S.K.A. Από το Φεβρουάριο του 2010, η Γενική Γραμματέας του ΚΕ.Π.ΚΑ. Since February 2010, the General Secretary of KE.P.KA. διορίστηκε τακτικό μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Συμβουλευτικής Ομάδας Καταναλωτών – ECCG. appointed member of the European Consumer Consultative Group - ECCG.


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