Nairobi At-Large Meeting Agendas
No At-Large meetings are to be scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday, 10 March, so as to have this time clear for community interest briefings.
Theresa Swinehart of Global Partnerships is to be given 30 minutes to present on increasing At-Large/Global Partnership linkages on the afternoon of Sunday, 07 March.
Staff to send a request to the regional leadership on preparing specific regional-specific materials for the discussion on promoting ICANN through At-Large Outreach Activities that is scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, 07 March.
Staff to circulate the list of non-At-Large meetings a week ahead of the start of the Nairobi Meeting to enable ALAC and regional leader representatives to indicate which meetings they wish to sign up to report back on.
Staff to ask RALO leaders that given the meeting time/space limitations that will exist in Nairobi, whether they still wish to hold regional meetings.
Staff to confirm with D. Piscitello whether there will be root-scaling study published by Nairobi. If so, staff to request D. Piscitello to provide a briefing.
Mid-month Executive Committee Meeting
Staff to schedule future mid-month Executive Committee meeting for 90 minutes.