ICANN civil society strategy approach:
July 2015 ICANN launched a new engagement initiative recognizing the need to strengthen and broaden the participation and role of global civil society in ICANN.
The strategy has been developed in consultation with many civil society organizations and individuals, focuses on raising awareness of ICANN and the Domain Name System (DNS) among global civil society at large. It also encourages and supports contributions and participation in ICANN policy processes by civil society volunteers.
Key documents:
Draft strategy document, version 1. Created 20 July 2105, last edited 21 October 2015 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tLfHfPcxeZUumwoP3eZdbRLRE-CEwJKv0uMXZO15kIo/edit
(this document was created in response to a request from the community at ICANN53 Buenos Aires, Argentina https://buenosaires53.icann.org/en/schedule/sun-alac-ncsg and was discussed during ICANN54, Dublin, Ireland https://meetings.icann.org/en/dublin54/schedule/wed-civil-society)
Draft strategy document, version 2, created after the Dublin ICANN54 meeting, created on 13 November 2015 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xC5pxWr4uzkU_Uoi3guGFEFrP9LHYk_KV11mRlBcqWQ/edit
Document editing closed 14 December 2015 for a community call on December 16. The final version of the strategy was agreed on this call:
DRAFT Approach – ICANN Civil Society, Non-Commercial, Academic and End-User Engagement in FY16
16 December 2015 (PDF)