C&CC Meeting #25 - 9 August

C&CC Meeting #25 - 9 August


Review Team Members:  Dejan Djukic, Jonathan Zuck, Jordyn Buchanan


Observers: John McCormac

ICANN Org:  Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Pamela Smith, Steve Conte, Alice Jansen, Brian Aitchison, Antonietta Mangiacotti

Apologies:  Jamie Hedlund, Megan Richards


  • Welcome
  • Recommendations consolidation & suggested edits including:
    • Rec 2-3: Jordyn
    • Rec 7-8: Dejan
    • Rec 9: Jordyn
    • Rec 10-40: Jordyn (following discussion with David)
    • Rec 11: Jordyn/Megan
    • Rec: 12: Dejan
    • Rec. 47-48: Megan (following edits from Jamie)
    • Rec 50: Jonathan/Megan
  • Discussion and Draft Report updates following .NET increased prices: Waudo
  • Discussion on Parking paper revision: Jordyn
  • A.O.B.


Chat:  EN

Transcript:  EN

Decisions Reached:

Action Items:

- ICANN ORG to share previous work made on price caps, and confirm whether there was a mechanism for registries to increase price caps that CCTRT didn’t use.
- Jonathan to revise the “p46 document” based on Waudo's previous edits.
- Dejan to consolidate recs 7 & 8 and revise the text based on Jordyn's input.
- Dejan to revise rec. 12.
- Rec 9: Waudo to look into revising the recommendation.
- Rec 10: Jordyn to liaise with David on whether the recommendation should be consolidated with recommendation 40. Jordyn to look into possible consolidation of rec 9 and 10.
- Rec 11: Jordyn to follow up with Megan on the revision.