CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2016.10.21 - Adobe Chat
Desiree Cabrera:Today's agenda can also be found at
Marilyn Cade:with apologies, Desiree, I need 2 minutes to get coffee.
Nigel Hickson:good afternoon
Farzaneh Bdaii:Hi
matthew shears:hi all
Rafik:sorry I was in diversity subgroup call
Farzaneh Bdaii:so energetic Olivier!
Berry Cobb:For those who do not know, I assist the GNSO
Berry Cobb:Policy team. Just observing listening and learning.
Rafik:@Berry welcome to GNSO ;)
Marilyn Cade:CSTD members are both Nigel and Marilyn and Jimson...
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Marilyn --- could you please say a few words after Nigel?
Marilyn Cade:Of course. just as needed/not to repeat.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Link to CCWG IG CSTD WIKI page:
Farzaneh Bdaii:This meeting has to be called ccwg-IG policy meeting
Farzaneh Bdaii:oops I have even spelled my name wrong ...
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:aaargh -- I thought I had put this in the title on the WIKI. Looks like it was not saved...
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I've amended the WIKI now to show it is POLICY :-)
judith hellerstein:Great comment Marilyn
Farzaneh Bdaii:spreading what message?
Marilyn Cade:Can I ask why there is someone who is anonymous on this CCWG-IG? I do not support having anonymous participants. Please, do sign in with who you are.
judith hellerstein:On the phone when you call in somethings the system does not let you sign in
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I think it is a telephone dial in only.
judith hellerstein:@olivier that was what i thought as well
Nigel Hickson:Always start out by hoping all are friendly...
Farzaneh Bdaii:we have a GAC member on call :) who is certainly interested and friendly :)
Marilyn Cade:Perhaps we can hear from Mark.
Marilyn Cade:but the list is also public for GAC.
Marilyn Cade:We can ask the GAC chair to share our invitation, can we not?
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:Agree with Marilyn - should try to convene a CSTD member GAC reps - GAC agenda Tuesday 8th allwos some time for this but keep it tight - 30-40 mins. I could speak to them,
Marilyn Cade:Chair, in the future, I do not really appreciate having anonymous on our list. If there is a challenge to join, then the party can advise the ICANN staff, so that they are identified.
Marilyn Cade:CCWG-IG and GAC - informal. probably not public, more focused.
Berry Cobb:It's possible that Mark's phone line is marked in the AC room as Anonymous. His mic changes when talking.
Marilyn Cade:Mark is shown as the UK GAC Rep.
Nigel Hickson:Yes; it is Mark I think
judith hellerstein:@marilyn, he could be in as both
Farzaneh Bdaii:Mark is the anonymous? :)
Marilyn Cade:Can I speak about Day Zero at some point?
Marilyn Cade:And about NRIs engagement. not to duplicate any other ...
Farzaneh Bdaii:well, ICANN is relevant I'd say
matthew shears:there is also a day 0 event on cybersecurity if of interest
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:IGF Full Agenda:
judith hellerstein:@matthew the deliberative poll
Jim Prendergast:that is subject to change
Jim Prendergast:some conflicts need to be worked out and near final will be posted soon
matthew shears:what is the topic Marilyn
judith hellerstein:Thanks marilyn, i was wondering about that
Farzaneh Bdaii:Jim?
Marilyn Cade:The Stanford Deliberative Poll is about Cybersecurity, as far as I can tell.
Jim Prendergast:hmm
Jim Prendergast:Im connected
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:for some reason we cannot hear you Jim
Nigel Hickson:happy to speak
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:
Farzaneh Bdaii:I can see
Marilyn Cade:with respect to what is relevant, actually, the CCWG-IG has a broader perspective which includes a safe, resilient and secure Internet.
Farzaneh Bdaii:as long as it is related to ICANN mission Marilyn
Marilyn Cade:support Farzi's comments.
Marilyn Cade:we love our informal stalkers.
judith hellerstein:Funny, funny Jim
matthew shears:wow stalking the mag! would never have imagined
Marilyn Cade:kudos to Jim for his joining the call of the MAG at 2 a.m. EST!!! I was collapsed after traveling for 35 hours from Namibia.
judith hellerstein:How many people will be in hyderabad in person
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:There is an ICANN session on transition on day zero
matthew shears:I will (visa permitting)
judith hellerstein:I will be there
Marilyn Cade:I am still struggling with my visa, as it was rejected, as I cannot document my travel visa in 2008, as I had a lost passport. Amazing. work in progress so far
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:The ATU proposal seeks to subordinate the GAC to Study Group 2!
Marilyn Cade:excellent news, Nigel, as your reception is always a great space to gather positive voices
judith hellerstein:Arab states also have a proposal on numbering
Jim Prendergast:its also classic venue shopping Mark
Marilyn Cade:ATU is quite amazing, and I am not sure that AU is in agreement, and actually, over the years, we have [I used ot be part of this when I represented a corporation] we did not support this silly proposal, which...
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:
Marilyn Cade:African Union, or African Telecom Union?
Jim Prendergast:ATU
Marilyn Cade:the RIRs, ccTLDs and others from Africa have opposed this proposal.
matthew shears:even forum shopping among the Study Groups
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:
matthew shears:Yes agree DOA is worrying to industry
judith hellerstein:Also Res 20 is another problematical resolution
Rafik:@Matt any report.briefing about that?
matthew shears:very pertinnent discussion to Internet ecosystem
matthew shears:+ 1 Marilyn
Jim Prendergast:I just came across this piece on the DONA/DOA issue. I thought it helped frame the issue well.
Jim Prendergast:it got lost in the IANA transition
judith hellerstein:Thanks Jim
matthew shears:Jim - it is a good piece - where the real challenges lie
Marilyn Cade:It is not too late to speak to governments.
ryan johnson:Hi OIivier- just FYI, Access Partnership will be there with a small delegation.
judith hellerstein:ISOC is sending many people. and there also have 4 WTSA ambassadors as well
Marilyn Cade:In fact, some governments are very friendly to our concerns. And they can engage with colleagues. MANY govts are still asking what to say/what to do. Why not ask for bilats and explain the better options.
matthew shears:+ 1 again Marilyn
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Thanks @Ryan
Marilyn Cade:ISOC ambassadors are experienced speakers and well positioned to influence governments? Happy to hear more from you, Judith
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:Some GAC reps inlc. me are conferring on how to handle the Res 47 amending proposal and advise our WTSA leads accordingly (my DCMS colleague Paul Blaker for UK) - so there willeb coordination on the ground.
Marilyn Cade:Most govts do not take delegations from other stakeholders. Some are accredited as Sector Members.
Marilyn Cade:Some are accredited such as ISOC, but also some are trying to attendon their delegations.
judith hellerstein:Alejandro pissanty is an ambassador and there is one from europe and from africa and one other region
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:Let me know asap if you want to arrange a meeting with CSTD member GAC reps in Hyderabad.
judith hellerstein:I would be happy to
Nigel Hickson:@Jim - thanks Sir
judith hellerstein:ISOC has funded 4 ambassadors
judith hellerstein: Mr. Alejandro Pisanty, Mexico Mr. Petro Kantchev, Bulgaria Ms. Sagarika Wickramasekera, Sri Lanka Mr. Verengai Mabika, Zimbabwe
Jim Prendergast:timing question - WTSA is 2 weeks long. Do we know when it might be up for consideration?
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:AUC are a GAC member (rep is Alice Munyua); ATU is a GAC observer (theri Sec Gen is listed as the rep).
Marilyn Cade:It also seems to me to contradict WSIS language.
Marilyn Cade:... e.g. technical coordination...
Marilyn Cade:African Telecom versus African govts....
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:It has come out of the blue - ATU are not active GAC observers.
matthew shears:resurgent ITU - need to pay more attention to it
ryan johnson:+1 Matthew.
Jim Prendergast:Do we know who from ISOC is attending WTSA?
Marilyn Cade:Yes, I suggested that the CCWG-IG express concern about the intervention of the ATU in an issue that is according to the WSIS Tunis Agenda, clearly in the responsibility of the technical community as they are about the technical community
judith hellerstein:Elizabeth oluch, Mark Buell, Perhaps Sally, and the 4 funded ambassadors
matthew shears:This is an issue for which we should also engage the RIRs and the technical communities in-country AND importantly with business, ICC BASIS etc.
Marilyn Cade:I was just in Namibia with 7 African govts, and can support that S.Africa is not necessarily engaging, and that other govts have limited resources to attend .
judith hellerstein:I support having a statement
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:Just a quick heads up that the negotiations in NY on the annual ICT4D resolution are now starting.
Farzaneh Badii:Bye thanks .
judith hellerstein:I can send the questions out to the list
Marilyn Cade:Olivier, we have had a lot of challenges for visas. WE need to speak to the challenges for participation when we meet.
Rafik:thanks Olivier
Rafik:thanks all
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:Let me know asap if you want to arrange a meeting with CSTD member GAC reps in Hyderabad.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond 2:yes please send them on the list
Mark Carvell UK GAC rep:bye!