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Participants: Sebastien Bachollet (SB), Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OLB), A. Muehlberg (AM), L. Donnerhacke (LD), A. Peake (AP), H. Jensen (HJ), P. Vande Walle (PVW), Wolf Ludwig (WL)

Apologies: B. Drake (BD) and D. Greve (DG)

Staff: H. Ullrich (HU)

Roll Call was taken and apologies noted.

Staff noted that summary minutes of 04 August had not yet been prepared. The action items were reviewed and approved. WL noted that the action items were the key issue to have posted over the summary items.

The Open Public Comment Periods were reviewed.

SB noted that more input from EURALO members are needed.

It was agreed that work related to the open public comment on the Proposed Bylaw Changes to Improve Accountability be shared between the working groups on Accountability and Transparency and the Future Structure and Governance of ICANN.

PVW noted other current open public comments included: 1) Bylaw Amendments related to the Restructuring of the GNSO; 2) Proposed Bylaw Changes to Improve Accountability; 3) Initial Report of the Geo-regions WG. PVW suggested that the R. Vansnick (RV), the ccNSO liaison be asked to follow the work of the geo-regions WG on behalf of EURALO.

PVW provided an update on the ‘re-booting the IRT’ initiative of E. Leibovitch, including that EL would like to expand the group to include registries and registrars, the IRT and WIPO. It was noted that this will require much work given the planned time-line.

The various on-going Election Calls were discussed.

It was noted that Patrick had accepted the nomination as EURALO representative to the ALAC.

WL noted that he had nominated OLB as the NomCom delegate from EURALO and that this nomination had been supported by several other ALS representatives. OLB stated he would send a message to the EURO-discuss list to accept the nomination.

Names put forward by EURALO for the Board Liaison were SB and Wendy Seltzer. The election process of the Board Liaison was discussed and clarified. AP stated he would send a message of support for both SB and W. Seltzer.

AP noted that it would be useful to reach out to the ALS to encourage more nominations. WL pointed out that the ALSes who would be active in the elections, would be aware of the nomination calls. AP raised his concern over under-contested elections.

Plans for EuroDIG were discussed.

The Travel Briefings of 11 August was discussed. SB noted that the agreed way forward was to have the status quo for the Seoul meeting and reviewed the two options that had been discussed on the travel briefing call. SB stated that he did not support either and stressed the need to continue to request for increased At-Large funding as At-Large input into ICANN policy development was very useful. WL agreed and noted that ICANN had created RALO structures 3 years ago and therefore ICANN should provide funding in order for the regional structure to work as it was intended. SB noted that the travel budget should be spread over two years and suggested to have regional meetings within the first two year budget cycle followed by a summit-like meeting in the following two year budget cycle. It was also noted that more transparency was needed regarding liaison travel funding.

There was a discussion that participation among EURALO ALSes needed to increase. HU noted that the work of AFRALO in developing methods for increasing participation among ALSes may be of interest to EURALO.

It was noted that the first Cross-RALO call since Sydney would be held shortly.

Text revisions on the EURALO flyer were discussed. Next steps on the flyer would be to make transform WL’s contributed text into a testimonial. HU and Scott Pinzon to make final edits by end of week. EURALO members would then have 24 hours to make comments. It was noted that the deadline for the final text would be 31 August in order to allow time for printing.

WL reviewed upcoming EURALO outreach activities. WL asked for names of those who will be attending EuroDIG.

WL, DG and HU will work off-line on the scheduling of a EURALO meeting.

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