Consolidation - 24 March 2022 @ 18:00 UTC
Members: David McAuley, Kristina Rosette, Liz Le, Susan Payne
ICANN Org: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
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- Review of agenda
- Continue with review and discussion of the updated version Rule 7 - Google doc - []
- Next meeting – TBA
Zoom Chat Transcript
00:23:28 Kristina Rosette: hi! having some work done on the house so may be on mute quite a bit.
00:32:53 David McAuley - (Verisign): fair point, Kristina
00:34:39 David McAuley - (Verisign): + 1 Susan
00:38:53 David McAuley - (Verisign): ok, that is fair, Liz
00:39:08 David McAuley - (Verisign): I can agree to what Liz said
00:39:21 Kristina Rosette: support keeping both
00:39:50 David McAuley - (Verisign): great, thanks for considering this - and happy with resolution
00:47:02 David McAuley - (Verisign): 8 seems ok to me
00:52:42 Liz Le: Agreed with Kristina on the importance of this issue
00:52:44 David McAuley - (Verisign): I am hoping that members of the standing panel will be operating under a continuing duty to note any CoI
00:52:51 Liz Le: +1 David
00:52:59 David McAuley - (Verisign): not sure what duty an ICDR panelist has
00:53:40 David McAuley - (Verisign): such an attestation sounds fine to me
00:53:50 Liz Le: +1 Kristina
00:54:25 Kristina Rosette: I think if you scroll up a bit you may be able to see it
00:57:34 David McAuley - (Verisign): maybe say applicable rather than appropriate
00:58:03 Liz Le: Agreed with David
00:59:19 Kristina Rosette: +1 to David's suggestion
01:03:59 Bernard Turcotte: Time check - 15 minutes left in call
01:04:40 David McAuley - (Verisign): That's interesting, thanks Liz -
01:11:31 David McAuley - (Verisign): yes
01:11:31 Kristina Rosette: sounds reasonable to me
01:11:37 Liz Le: yes
01:13:21 David McAuley - (Verisign): seems fair to me
01:14:58 Kristina Rosette: With apologies, I have to drop to talk with one of the folks working on the house. I'll check the recording for this last discussion.
01:17:11 David McAuley - (Verisign): Really interesting - I guess such a situation could lead to efficiencies
01:17:56 Liz Le: Agree
01:18:04 David McAuley - (Verisign): me too
01:18:39 David McAuley - (Verisign): Agreed thanks Susan
01:18:53 David McAuley - (Verisign): we are
01:19:11 Bernard Turcotte: bye all - 2 weeks same time same channel