WSIS Forum at ITU 2018
WSIS Forum Web Site
Workshop Preparation
Session proposal:
Session details:
GIP Summary of Session:
Date: Monday 19 March 2018; 16:30-18:15
Location: Room K2
Final Submission
“A Dialogue on different cooperation models for approaches to Internet Public
Policy development” - Action Line 11
This session, organised by the ICANN Cross Community Working Group on
Internet Governance (CCWG IG) will look at varying patterns and examples of
multi stakeholder engagement across a number of different fora, contrasting
their effectiveness and potential lessons to be learned. The views and
experiences of all those present will be valuable for this Roundtable discussion.
The Session will be constructive and positive, but will not shy away from controversy, noting successes and failures in the development of Internet public policy by different bodies and organisations in recent years.
Participants will include members of the ICANN Community, as well as representatives from other organisations and bodies involved in Internet public policy development.
1. Introductions and Welcome
2. Brief outlines of processes of Engagement / policy development at ICANN, ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and elsewhere
3. General Discussion and dialogue
4. Any conclusions and wrap up
Participants will include members of the ICANN Community:
Moderator: Marilyn Cade
Matthew Shears, ICANN Board
Nigel Hickson, VP, Government Engagement, ICANN
Joanna Kulesza, NCUC, ICANN Community, University of Lodz, Poland (recorded presentation)
Preetam Maloor, Strategy and Policy Advisor, ITU,
Torbjorn Fredriksson, Chief; ICT Policy Section, UNCTAD
Hu, Xianhong, UNESCO.
Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, Professor for International Communication Policy and Regulation at the Department for Media and Information Sciences of the University of Aarhus, Commissioner for Commission on Security of Cyberspace
Dr Tatiana Tropina, Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law
Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat