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The next call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group is scheduled to take place on Monday, 28 March 2016 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

09:00 PST, 1200 EST, 16:00 London, 17:00 CET

for other places see:


1. Review the Agenda

2. Roll Call/Statements of Interest

3. Walk Through of Subjects/Issues

   1. Address any further clarifying questions on Work Streams 1 and 2.

   2. Work Streams 3, 4, and 5

4. If time permits — Letter from Steve Crocker to the PDP WG and CCT RT Re: ALAC and GAC concerns regarding the effectiveness of the Public Interest Commitments (PICs) for sensitive new gTLDs (attached)

5. AOB



AC Chat


Apologies:  Richard Padilla, Jian Chang, Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez, Ken Stubbs, David Ackerman, Carlton Samuels, Grace Mutung'u, Endo Atsush, Cheryl Landgdon-Orr

On audio only: None

Notes/Action items:

1.  Any further clarifying questions on Work Tracks 1 and 2

-- No further clarifying questions.


2.  Work Tracks 3, 4, 5

Clarifying Questions:


Track 3 -- String Contention, Objections, Disputes


String similarity evaluations:

1.  Kavouss Arasteh: Do we have a checklist of all those problems/difficulties with respect to similarity/singular v. plural so that someone could update it?


Jeff Neuman: Action -- It would be very valuable to produce a list of the singular v. plural, as well as group names with similar meaning.  In response to Paul McGrady's note --  there were initial evaluations and objections -- should user confusion in a trademark sense be part of an initial application/evaluation, or as part of an objection.  If in the initital evaluation what factors would go into that evaluation.


2.  Alan Greenberg -- Level playing fields: How much emphasis should be made on this issue?  Have we decided if this is problematic.

Jeff Neuman: This is an overall issue.  Same with safeguards.  No decisions have been made at this point.



Action: Look at all the objections that were filed, how they turned out, consistency.  (CCT Review Team may be doing this.)


Action: Look at the role of the independent objector.


Kavouss Arasteh: Who is authorized to raise a question or objection based on the public interest?  Should we have some type of rationale?  Do we also accept political objections?


Jeff Neuman: In 2012 anyone was entitled to file a public interest objection, but it did cost money.  The grounds for the objection were in the Applicant Guidebook.  There was a process to ensure that the claim had some merit.  There was no formal objection ground for political objections, but the GAC or governments could file early warnings.  The GAC could always provide advice during the process.


Paul McGrady:  We need to look very carefully at the GAC's role and how that played out in the first round.


Ken Stubbs: Develop a process and methodologies for dealing with objections to avoid them dragging out.


Greg Shatan: Re: consistency of outcomes -- we need to look at these things as processes and how this relates to the auction process. 


Action: Jeff Neuman: Include in this track contention resolution aspects, such as auctions, indirect contentions, etc.


Jay Westerdal: Some of the issues may take a year or two longer to resolve.  Not sure how we address that.  Jeff Neuman: Not sure how we can have an impact on the previous round.  Falls into how we stick to the principle that we are not advantaging/disadvantaging previous versus future applicants.


Track 4: Internationalized Domain Names


Paul McGrady: How far are we allowed to go with respect to encouraging adoption of internationalized domain names?  Can we recommend that ICANN lower the cost on IDNs?


Jeff Neuman: It be that we could discuss issues -- but not exact pricing -- that in theory that you could have a recommendation that ICANN should have a subsidy, or that ICANN should encourage.


Track 5: Technical & Operations


Alan Greenberg: We should be getting a report on whether the questions on the accreditation process met the needs or should they be changed.


Jeff Neuman: I think ICANN staff have said they want to participate in this PDP WG.  They should be active members and listed on the wiki page.  Action: PDP WG support staff will take the action to add staff to the WG member list on the wiki.  I will take that as an action item.  Mary Wong: Note that the WG could ask for answers from staff for specific questions.


Alan: I think we want something written from them, but much of this is

implementation so it is not clear how deep we need to get into it.  Jeff Neuman: This will  probably be different for each issue.


Jeff Neuman: It might be in the implementation report that they did.  See:  Also the comments on the report:


Avri Doria: We should make sure we look at relates to the original policy that the GNSO came out with that all registry requirements don't need to be the same.  Jeff Neuman: I could see that as a good issue for track 5.


Kurt Pritz: The next version of the PowerPoint could be to standardized the questions for each of the issues.  What was the policy goal, and was that goal met?  Should the policy goal be changed?


Jeff Neuman: The Discussion Group did ask what was the policy goal and these issues are listed accordingly.


3.  Letter from Steve Crocker


Jeff Neuman: I do think that the creation of yet another group to look at these questions would create a lot of overlap.  I think these questions are captured in the issues we have laid out and if not we should make sure they are in there.  We could respond to the Board by thanking them and that these are issues that are properly for the GNSO to consider.


Alan Greenberg: We can say, "noted" and the items are in our work list.


Steve Coates: General consensus is that this is a good letter.  It seems that a short response is necessary and appropriate.  Any questions with that approach?

Alan Greenberg: And we will coordinate with the CCT Review Team.


Jeff Neuman: Amr notes that these issues were brought up about the 2012 round in Marrakech.  We should make it clear that our jurisdiction is only over subsequent procedures, not current TLDs.


Alan Greenberg: There is no intent in the current ALAC advice to fix problems with the current round.

4.  Liaisons from SOs/ACs


Action: It would be up to the SO and AC.  They would not have special status in this WG, except for the GNSO Liaison (they may have liaison status in their groups).  Only perhaps with the GAC, if they feel the need.


Reference documents:

Letter from Steve Crocker to the PDP WG and CCT RT Re: ALAC and GAC concerns regarding the effectiveness of the Public Interest Commitments (PICs) for sensitive new gTLDs 

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