ACTION ITEMS for this call
AI: . Last push to get EURALO's Ind. ALS started Wolf asked all participants to identify names of 2 persons who are willing to be the focal point so that we can submit the form to At Large staff.
Individual member: Siranush was the only individual member.
AI: Asked all participants to contact the EURODIG Secretariat if you would like to get involved in EURODIG 2013. Any inputs from the community are much appreciate it.
AI: Lisbon GA, please submit comments for the contents of the GA.
Ideas and topics from your point of view are welcome. Post comments on the WIKI GA Workspace or/and maillist.
AI:Wolf to compile a list with ideas for the GA discussion already to be commented and edited on the list.
AI: OCL asked all participants to volunteer for the New gTLD Metrics Task Force (see Workspace) At-Large ALAC New gTLD Metrics Task Force Report Workspace
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