Diversity Meeting #24 (08 June 2017 @ 19:00 UTC)
Sub-group Members: Avri Doria, Fiona Asonga, Herb Waye, Julie Charvolen, Lito Ibarra, Lousewies , Olga Cavalli, Pua Hunter, Tracy Hackshaw.
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Mike Brennan (IT), Yvette Guigneaux. (Sarah – captioner).
Apologies: Rafik Dammak, Julie Hammer, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dalila Rahmouni
Interpretation Stats:
- FR: 0
- ES: 0
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
1. Roll Call
2. Review of Actions items:
- None from last call
3. Review of Draft Report in view of input from AC/SO
4. A.O.B.
Raw Captioning Notes
Please note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call
- (none)
Action Items:
- Staff – To send a reminder to the community to provide responses to the questionnaire.
- Drafting Team – circulate an updated draft based on the results of the questionnaire responses so far.
- Participants should comment the report.
Documents Presented:
Chat Transcript:
Yvette Guigneaux: (6/8/2017 10:43) Welcome all to the Diversity SubgroupMeeting #26 | 08 June 2017 @ 19:00 UTC
Yvette Guigneaux: (10:44) If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6). To unmute press *7. This call is recorded.
Yvette Guigneaux: (10:45) Reminder to all, please state your name before speaking for the Captioner.
Sarah Captioner: (11:44) Hi, could you promote Sarah Captioner to host. Thanks!
Yvette Guigneaux: (11:45) done Sarah =)
Sarah Captioner: (11:46) Thanks!
Yvette Guigneaux: (11:46) yw
Olga Cavalli: (11:46) hello!!!
FIONA ASONGA: (11:50) Hallo Everyone
Lito Ibarra: (11:58) Hello all
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (11:58) hello all
avri doria: (12:01) no AC audio this time?
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:01) we can hear you well Fiona
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:01) recording started
Olga Cavalli: (12:01) could hear something but its gone
Lito Ibarra: (12:02) I'm listening ok
avri doria: (12:02) ok, can satisfy myself with listen only and chat.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:03) we are done with roll call Fiona
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:03) i'm good with the role call here
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:04) scrolling available if need bwe
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:04) *be
Lousewies: (12:05) I can hear fine, but no content
Lousewies: (12:05) board and icann org/staff are finalising
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:06) staff will send a reminder
Herb Waye Ombuds: (12:06) Hi everyone, sorry for being late
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:06) For the captioner and interpreters - please identify yourself before speaking
Olga Cavalli: (12:10) ihave no audio
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:11) works fine here
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:11) do you want us to call you?
Olga Cavalli: (12:12) ok will close and open again
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:12) ok
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:14) Olga - were you able to get back in?
Herb Waye Ombuds: (12:15) I must step away for 10 minutes... back shortly
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:15) Hand up - from Bernie
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:18) agree
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:18) ok Herb
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:19) I think this a very wise and practical approach
avri doria: (12:24) problem with that is the old folks are really the overloaded ones. and even those of us that do mentor find it to be yet another task.
Olga Cavalli: (12:24) good point we do informal mentoring in latin america with gac colleagues
Olga Cavalli: (12:25) avri is right about overload of work
avri doria: (12:25) there is also active and passive mentorship. i do a lot of passive. will answer any question (yes i admit to being one of the old folks) but do not do active mentoring where i advise unbidden.
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:25) Hand up - from Bernie
avri doria: (12:26) so if we suggest menoring we should specific about what we are suggesting.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:26) correct
avri doria: (12:26) comes yet another work item to be handled.
Herb Waye Ombuds: (12:26) back
avri doria: (12:27) there is no AC audio, no voice today.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:27) hand
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:27) did you want us to call you Avri?
avri doria: (12:27) and my phone is busy doing somethin else.
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:28) oh ok
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:29) Olga - did you want us to call you?
avri doria: (12:30) i disagree, diferent people have different concepts and the metors and the mentees need to understand
Olga Cavalli: (12:30) i can hear with some silents have no mic
avri doria: (12:30) a design your own tool that you sue anywya you wish. yeah, it could work.
avri doria: (12:31) why no AC voice today?
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:31) have to step away for a minute
Sarah Captioner: (12:35) ssoc?
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:35) SSAC
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:35) yw
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:36) back
Olga Cavalli: (12:37) gac is not in favor of including skills
Olga Cavalli: (12:37) no skills
Herb Waye Ombuds: (12:37) trying to catch up... what page are we on?
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:38) Avri - for interpretation capabilities we use Adigo, instead of the AC Room so folks can choose which interpretation language they would like - sorry for the inconvenience
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:38) Fiona - what page would you like displayed on screen?
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:39) time check - 20 minutes to the top of the hour
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:41) Herb - i believe it is page 11 with the recommendations
Herb Waye Ombuds: (12:42) thanks
Yvette Guigneaux: (12:42) thank you Fiona
Olga Cavalli: (12:43) will we have chance to review it?
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:45) I do not have thatinformation
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:45) will do
Lito Ibarra: (12:47) Send one last reminder and then report whatever we get
Lito Ibarra: (12:50) Also, agree with Bernard not to worry too much
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:50) bye all
Herb Waye Ombuds: (12:50) have a great day everyone, bonjour a la prochaine
avri doria: (12:50) bye.
Lousewies: (12:50) bye all
Olga Cavalli: (12:50) thanks Fiona
Lito Ibarra: (12:50) Thanks, Fiona and all
Olga Cavalli: (12:50) bye