Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the New gTLD Review Group on Tuesday 12 June 2012 at 1800 UTC
Rudi Vansnick:hi everybody
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello, everyone!
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Eduardo Diaz:Hola everyone!
Rudi Vansnick:hi Eduardo
Garth Bruen:Hello, Hola, Bon Jour...
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:gTLD Dashboard :
Marcelo Telez:Hello everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Hi everyone, welcome to the second RG call!
Dave Kissoondoyal:Hi all
Heidi Ullrich:Many thanks for joining these two RG calls at such short notice.
Carlton Samuels 2:Hi all
Carlton Samuels 2:Having a few challenges
Aziz:hi all
Rudi Vansnick:i see a blue screen
Marcelo Telez:Hello Carlton
Rudi Vansnick:now it is ok
Dave Kissoondoyal:ok
Marcelo Telez:now it´s apearing the presentation
Alexander Kondaurov:Hello everybody!
Carlton Samuels 2:Hola Marcelo, good to see you sir
Marcelo Telez:pleasure to me too Carlton
Heidi Ullrich:Matt has just informed me that the RG mailing list is operational:
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Matt!
Dave Kissoondoyal:
Eduardo Diaz:Is ALAC the only one that will have such an applcation status table?
Alexander Kondaurov:I'm sorry - how can I reach these pages from ?
Marcelo Telez:@Gisella my phone call is down, please con you fix it?
Rudi Vansnick:who is going to do this ?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Marcelo - we are dialling you again
Marcelo Telez:Thank you Gisella
Marcelo Telez:I´m in , thanks @Gisella
Heidi Ullrich:Marcelo, we've muted you (but lovely to hear your children calling you). *7 to unmute
Rudi Vansnick:@Carlton: +1
Marcelo Telez:Excuse me please Heidi, I press *6 but it don´t work...
Heidi Ullrich:@Marcelo, do you wish to speak?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Marcelo - we will unmute you if you wish to speak.
Heidi Ullrich:*7 to unmute. *6 to mute (but Adigo already muted you)
Gisella Gruber-White:Please raise your hand if you wish to speak
Marcelo Telez:@ Heidi not yet
Heidi Ullrich:ok
Carlton Samuels 2:I share Rudi's concern on work load and flow!
Marcelo Telez:@ Gisella Thanks, later meybe
Rudi Vansnick:is that the mailinglist address ?
Rudi Vansnick:@Carlton : and on top there is the ICANN meeting in Prague which will keep some of us off the job !
Alexander Kondaurov:When I've tried to leave a comment - I've got a login page. Where can I find login/pass?
Eduardo Diaz:No only that but you will have to duplicate the original objection itself too. MEssy!
Heidi Ullrich:Alexander, all members of the RG should have been sent their wiki log in instructions.
Gisella Gruber-White:Cintra has now joined the call
Heidi Ullrich:If you have not, apologies. We will do so today.
Heidi Ullrich:However, anyone should be able to post a comment.
Dave Kissoondoyal:Comments on objection grounds (limited public interest, community grounds) are kept on a separate wiki page - please give us the link of the page
Alexander Kondaurov:I've found, thank you!\
Rudi Vansnick:do we have 2 separated processes, one creating the wiki page with the comment(s) and then 2nd the comment interpretation process ?
Dave Kissoondoyal:@Carlton +1
Cintra Sooknanan:Apologies for not attending and coming on late today I was not notified of these calls. I may cut out midway through this call as I am the Caribbean Network Operators Meeting at the moment
Cintra Sooknanan:* not attending yesterday
Cintra Sooknanan:I have to leave meeting with ISOC and the University, please send the meeting notes, transcripts and date for the next meeting, Thanks much!
Marcelo Telez:@ Cintra hello and bye
Marcelo Telez:@ Gisella my call is down again, recall me please
Rudi Vansnick:good point Carlton
Eduardo Diaz:@carlston: That is what I wanted to say (but it came ourt totally convoluted)
Heidi Ullrich:Marcelo, you are being dialed back
Marcelo Telez:@ Heidi, thanks
Rudi Vansnick:that is fundamental to know, it looks like we still need to get more structured information from ICANN before we can really proceed !
Rudi Vansnick:it is really strange the whole process is not yet known ... we have to discover still a lot of the full procedure
Eduardo Diaz:CAn we use the labels to show the data that Carlston wants in the dashboard?
Marcelo Telez:@ Heidi, it maybe a problem with my phone because it is down again but now I´m hearing by the Adobe Connect paga
Gisella Gruber-White:will you stay on Adobe Marcelo?
Marcelo Telez:@ Gisella yes...
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Marcelo - thank you
Rudi Vansnick:@Carlton : +1
Marcelo Telez:@ Carlton +1
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I'm sorry I need to go. Another call has started 5 minutes ago for me.
Marcelo Telez:@ Olivier, bye and good luck...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks Marcelo. Bye
Rudi Vansnick:ok
Carlton Samuels:@Rudi on RG organisation for work: +1 We need a tight structure for the RG to even have a half decent possibility of succeeding!
Rudi Vansnick:bye Olivier
Eduardo Diaz:Are we having a meeting of this group next week?
Marcelo Telez:@ Carlton I think into the same way about the responsability and the time to do the work
Carlton Samuels:This is NOT a process to be led by priests! Everyone has to do the data gathering and analysis! The diversity provides the next best assurance of a good job!
Eduardo Diaz:Gracias Dev. This is not an esay task.
Dave Kissoondoyal:Thanks Dev and the ICANN Staff
Rudi Vansnick:thanks Dev for the hard work done already
Heidi Ullrich:There will be remote participation for the Joint New gTLD WG and RG meeting in Prague
Carlton Samuels:The most urgent job is data gathering and access!
Dave Kissoondoyal:bye all
Matt Ashtiani 2:Thank you, everyone!
Marcelo Telez:Bye everyone
Marcelo Telez:take cara of yours
Alexander Kondaurov:Bye!
Heidi Ullrich:Tuesday, 26 June 2012Joint At-Large New gTLD WG and Review Group Meeting Time: 15:30-17:00Meeting Room: Roma
Carlton Samuels:Once we consolidate data and iformation then we all look at it with differnet eyes - and experience - to render a judgment.
Carlton Samuels:In the end it is our collective judgment that matters. But we get the best when we are assured that all of the data is available and accessible to all of us
Marcelo Telez:@ Carlton as you remember I said in Costa Rica, I wanto to be a "good student" but I need more information to do well this job
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