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V1 - Submitted on 27 September 2011 - Alice Jansen


- 27 September 14:00 UTC (BS) section

- 28 September 08:00 UTC (LG) section

- 4 October 14:00 UTC (SR), (MY), LG sections

- 7 October 13:00 UTC (SL), (AJ), All sections

-10 October (ET) section


-       to identify additional gaps, recommendations and edits as soon as possible

-       to submit comments to chapter drafters as soon as possible, but in all events two weeks before Dakar (by October 9)

-       With the exception of the proxy/privacy section – comments on this section should be submitted to (PN) by 28 September 2011

-       to provide all Revised Chapters and Appendices to Team by by 16 October 2011 (one week before Dakar) so all can read and review before meeting to provide Users insight with feedback on their report and guidance on areas to cover for questionnaire

-       to create a glossary of terms for report

-       to review videos on Consumer Trust interviews on website to be shared by (LG) (optional)

-       to provide (LG) with input on survey questionnaire within two days of MDR meeting (tick)

-       to notify our own communities of why we are not holding a Public Forum and other outreach sessions in Dakar, and of our new timeline for completion of the report (November         30th) and next public meetings in Costa Rica.



-       to analyze and integrate comments or wordsmithing requests received on chapters

-       to move Methodology to Appendix

-       to add Glossary to Appendix

-       to add recommendations at end of appropriate sections for discussion and review (although they may ultimately move to their own section)

-       to add titles, date of update, person doing the update and page numbers to the tops of documents (change control)


-       to update Statement of Interest (tick)

-       to work with (BS) and (SL) on executive summary of the report

-       to start working on Capability Maturity Model

-       to finalize Consumer Trust Questionnaire with final input from group (due to LG 9/25)(tick)


-       to review the executive summary of the report with LG and BS (sounding board)

-       to write simple signification of WHOIS with (SH) and (SR)(tick)

-       to incorporate Definitions into Scope Chapter, working with (PN), (ET), (SR), (MY) and (KK)


-       to work with (BS), (ET) and (SH) on diagrams for the report

-       to review (AJ)’s proposed structure of the report

-       To update Data Accuracy, including adding recommendations of (ET) with those discussed with WRT.

-       to update Proxy/Privacy chapter, including adding recommendations of (KK) for review and comparison.

-       to incorporate Definitions into Scope Chapter, working with (SL), (ET), (SR), (MY) and (KK)


-       to work on Costa Rica schedule (desiderata), especially meetings with ICANN Board and GNSO Council

-       to review (AJ)’s Dakar draft communiqué (tick)

-       to incorporate Definitions into Scope Chapter, working with (SL), (ET), (SR), (MY) and (PN)(tick) (AJ)

-       to work with (JB) on updates to Policy Chapter

-       to move Methology to Appendix(tick) (AJ)

-       to expand Introduction with changes from MDR meeting

-       to review (AJ)’s proposed structure of the report

-       to assist (ET) in preparing agenda for Dakar


-       to review (AJ)’s proposed structure of the report

-       to add additional graphics to Policy chapter, including: Timeline, (PN)’s Matrices of Registry and Registrar contract provisions, and screenshots of WHOIS presentations by Ry/Rr into Policy chapter

-       To work with KK, Seth, SY, SL and PN on reviews and additions to scope chapter

-       To add Consensus Procedure re: response to National Laws to Policy chapter

-       to work with (KK) on updates to Policy Chapter


-       to update Statement of Interest(tick)

-       To work with (BS), (PN) and (SH) on diagrams for the report

-       To review (AJ)’s Dakar draft communiqué (tick)

-       to review (AJ)’s proposed structure of the report(tick)

-       to update Implementation/Compliance section per new format of Report, and with edits from meeting(tick)

-       to incorporate (ET) Recommendations into appropriate sections of report. (tick)

-       To prepare agenda for Dakar

-       to incorporate Definitions into Scope Chapter, working with (PN), (SL), (SR), (MY) and (KK)


--      to update Statement of Interest (tick)  (no need to)

--      to work with (LG) and (SL) on executive summary of the report

--      To work with (ET), (PN) and (SH) on diagrams for the report


-       to write simple signification of WHOIS with (SL) and (SR)

-       with regards to IDNs, to work with (WW) and (MY) on description to identify gaps and provide small amount of background

-       To work with (BS), (ET) and (PN) on diagrams for the report


-       to write simple signification of WHOIS with (SH) and (SL)

-       to incorporate Definitions into Scope Chapter, working with (PN), (ET), (KK), (MY) and (PN)

- to assist (LG) with revising the consumer trust chapter


-       with regards to IDNs, to work with (SH) and (MY) on description to identify gaps and provide small amount of background

-       to work with Team to add SSAC Terminology (or its overall concepts) to report


-       with regards to IDNs, to work with (SH) and (WW) on description to identify gaps and provide small amount of background

-       to incorporate Definitions into Scope Chapter, working with (PN), (ET), (SR), (SH) and (KK)


-       to continue ccTLD appendix to include ccTLD Best Practices and policies provided by Nominet, SIDN and other commenters

-       to provide links to the ccTLD appendix from appropriate areas of existing chapters.


-       to provide RAA Adoption figures (tick)

-       what is the thick vs thick WHOIS background (tick)

-       what is ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law (tick)

-       what are the mandatory/binding policies on registrars and registries (tick)

-       to provide historic timeline and explanation on why 3 different registry models and 2 different registrar models

-       GNSO privacy/proxy survey (tick)

-       Privacy/proxy list (tick)


-       to draft an action item list and to compare with (KK) (tick)

-       Dakar schedule: sessions to add/ delete (tick) , inform Staff (tick) , draft communiqué for (ET) and (KK)’s review (tick)

-       to finalize Dakar schedule and to circulate it by the end of this week (tick)

-       to incorporate chapters into the report outline and to restructure/format the report – for (PN), (KK), (JB) and (ET)’s review and consideration(tick)

-       to compile fresh document of recommendations which contains two formulations per recommendation(tick)

-       to keep Wiki updated with the revised chapters, as they are shared with Team(wink)

-       to implement version control system on Wiki, including posting dates for all report documents posted to website (chapters, recommendations, appendices)(tick)

-       to help with opening documents on website (on request)(smile)

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