CROPP Update and Program Reminder (2 April 2015)
The following email was sent to: Regional Vice Presidents
Date: 2 April 2015
Hi everyone – happy “it’s almost the weekend” day…some of you are closer to it that others :)
The internal facilitators of the CROPP initiative wanted to reach out to all of you first, before sending a similar note to the At Large and gNSO Non-Contracted Party Community Leaders, to let you know that the deadline for receiving proposals for FY15 Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program is near …May 15 to be exact. All CROPP requests must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by Structure Leaders and GSE Regional staff by 15 May, in order to meet the deadline for any travel to happen prior to 30 June, close of this fiscal year.
We thank all of you for your support this year, with increased collaboration between you and the community leaders both in outreach methodology and in communications re: CROPP requests and other opportunities/events in your region.
Though the onus is on the community to research potential CROPP opportunities, If there are events in your region that you know of, that would happen before the end of this fiscal year, that reflect your regional strategy or would be a good event for potential capacity building for a particular group…it would be good to reach out to that community leader to let them know and encourage their participation.
Attached are 2 charts that Ken put together for us, showing the number of events that have occurred and the number that are still available for each SO or Constituency. The community has surpassed the number of opportunities taken in FY14, and the selection of events seems much more focused on bringing new participants into ICANN.
Thank you again, and you will all be copied on the community email that will go out on Monday.
See you in Buenos Aires!
Janice Douma Lange