CCT Meeting #70 - 21 March 2018
CCT Meeting #70 - 21 March 2018
Team: Carlton Samuels, Drew Bagley, Gao Mosweu, Jamie Hedlund, Jonathan Zuck, Jordyn Buchanan, Kaili Kan, Laureen Kapin, Waudo Siganga
ICANN Org: Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Brian Aitchison, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Karen Lentz, Steve Conte
Apologies: Megan Richards, Dejan Đukić
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
- Recommendation 5: Jordyn
- Recommendation 9: Waudo
- Consolidated recommendations: C, 19, 34: Drew
- Recs. 40, 41, 42: David
- Updated section of the competition chapter addressing USG comment – see “Substitution Analysis” attached: Jonathan
- A.O.B.
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Transcript: EN
Decisions Reached:
Action Items:
- Rec 5: Based on Kaili's suggestion, Jordyn to cite 0.3% defensive registration and for details link it to section 4.3. Review team to review Jordyn's edits and send out questions if need be.
- Rec C: Drew to add success measures, and share with the review team for approval. David/Drew to add additional language to the chapter
- Review team to submit comments on Jonathan's Substitution Analysis. Jonathan to update section as needed.
- ICANN org to share summary of public comments, and surrounding text of recommendation 9.
, multiple selections available,