In anticipation of the meeting, the Chairs have asked me to share some documents for you to review as well as a reminder about the rules of engagement:
- No firm decisions are taken during any single meeting without the substance of those decisions having been articulated and open for review / consideration by those that may not have been present during the meeting
- Members are expected to communicate the views of the communities that have selected them to the CCWG, but also communicate back the information and deliberations from the CCWG to their respective communities
- Members and participants are expected to be conscious of time and the queue of speakers so as to allow all opportunities to speak, including those participating remotely. We have a timer on hand if we need to limit speaker time to guarantee participation
- Members and participants are expected to be familiar with and remain consistent with the pre-existing documents and documents developed during the course of the work of the CCWG. The list is as follows:
- Agenda
- Charter of the CCWG-Accountability
- Definitions & Scope document
- CWG diagram + Statement of Chairs from intensive work weekend
- WA1 inventory
- WA2 inventory
- WA4 list of contingency doc
- Advisors engagement proposal
- Timeline (slides + detailed project plan)
All of these documents will be available for download on the Wiki below: