ALAC and Regional Leadership Meeting
- Unlicensed user is to share the videos and podcasts of the At Large community with Jim Trengrove, Senior Director of Communications.
- Maguy Serad is to look into the issue of the PICs and enforcement.
- Unlicensed user is to organize monthly Outreach Sub-Committee meetings that rotate to allow for more global participation. A doodle is to be sent to establish the date/times.
- The ALAC is to look into the possibility of forming a joint WG to look at Deep Packet Inspection. Unlicensed user is currently working on this AI.
Roundtable on the ALAC R3 White Paper
- Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user are to develop an outline on the proposed steps and way forward for the R3.
APRALO Roundtable on gTLDs
- Unlicensed user is to note the success of the APRALO Roundtable, as well as the importance of the IDN issue, to the senior ICANN leadership.
ALAC: Policy Discussion - Part II
- Unlicensed user is to update the main At-Large Working Groups workspace and its child pages.
- Unlicensed user is to prepare a list of the current members on each At-Large mailing list.
- Unlicensed user is to send a weekly email to ALAC-Announce noting upcoming At-Large and GNSO Working Group meetings.
- Unlicensed user is to send a reminder to the mailing lists on how to subscribe to calendars.
- Unlicensed user is to work with the community members drafting an ALAC statement and prepare paragraphs on how the policy issue might impact Internet end-users.
APRALO General Assembly
- Unlicensed user is to work with the APRALO Secretariat on the exact schedule for APRALO Elections, Selections, and Appointments.
At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting
- Unlicensed user to remind Regional Secretariats of their wish to have calls more than once a month before ICANN Meetings.
- Unlicensed user to remind Regional Secretariats of their wish to make agendas during the ICANN Meetings shorter.
At-Large IDN Working Group
- APRALO to prepare to a Statement on the Trademark Clearinghouse and IDN Variants. It is to be circulated on the mailing list and go to the ALAC for a vote on Thursday. It it is adopted, it is to go to the Board before Friday.
AFRALO/AfrICANN Joint Meeting
- Unlicensed user is to add the following topics to the next AFRALO/AfrICANN Joint Meeting agenda:
- A fund for developing countries to participate at ICANN Meetings; and
- AFRALO/AfRICANN continuing and increasing capacity and engagement.
At-Large New gTLD Working Group Meeting
- Unlicensed user is to invite Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user to a future New gTLD WG meeting to discuss the SARP issue.
- Unlicensed user is to speak to Unlicensed user and ask for a report on the SARP.
- Unlicensed user is to ask Unlicensed user and other relevant ICANN Staff for an evaluation of the SARP.
- Unlicensed user is to invite the JAS WG and Unlicensed user to the next New gTLD WG meeting during an ICANN Meeting.
- The JAS Co-chairs, the ALAC and gNSO Chairs are to have a joint meeting on New gTLDs.
ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Meeting
- A condensed version of TMC and IDN variant Statement to be prepared for the Public Forum.
- Unlicensed user is to convey a message to Robin Gross, Chair of NCSG, that the ALAC will not issue a joint Statement but would like to continue to collaborate.
- The ALAC is to monitor ICANN Compliance through the end of year and assess any challenges in terms of WHOIS and Compliance.
APRALO Monthly Meeting
- Unlicensed user is to ask the ALAC to submit a Statement expressing disappointment that APRALO was not invited to the ICANN Asia Strategy Panel.
- Unlicensed user is to follow up with the APNIC head, Paul Wilson, regarding cross-engagement opportunities between APRALO ALSes and APNIC.
- Unlicensed user is to email APRALO ALSes and ask that they provide comments on the following requests for community comments:
- APRALO Roundtable;
- At-Large New gTLD Outreach and Evaluation Survey;
- ICANN ATRT2; and
- ICANN Reputation Survey.
- Unlicensed user is to oversee the production of an APRALO Brochure in Hindi.
- Unlicensed user is to ask all APRALO ALS to note their experiences, particularly what they gained, by participating at the Beijing Meeting on the ICANN wiki.
ALAC Executive Committee
- Unlicensed user is to draft a Statement on behalf of the ALAC that requests the Board to affirm its commitment to preserving the security and stability of the DNS with the delegation of the new gTLDs. In particular, the Statement will request the Board to review the status of implementation of relevant SSAC recommendations, including SAC 045.
- The ALAC is to participate in the ccNSO 10 year activities during the 47th ICANN Meeting in Durban.
- The ALAC is to organize a webinar on ccTLD delegation and re-delegation issues. The webinar is to include members of the ccNSO, Keith Davidson, senior Staff, and relevant IANA Staff.
- Unlicensed user is to allocated 60 minutes to Steve Crocker visits to ExCom meetings.
- Unlicensed user is to send a letter of thanks to Fadi Chéhade noting the the extraordinary work of ICANN Constituency Travel and in particular Joseph de Jesus.