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Sandra Hoferichter:                 Then I would like to start right now.  Welcome to the call.  First of all before we start I would really like to thank you for all the active participation on the email list and evaluating the document I sent around.  I'm really happy and thankful for this engagement in this Program Committee group and I am convinced this was a very good solution instead of chairing or co-chairing this group only to have a program committee divided by the five regions.  Which is so active, I think that’s just extraordinary, thank you for this. 

The first part of the agenda is welcome and adoption of the call but I will start with the roll call.  I see we are nearly complete on the Adobe Connect room.  We have Avri Doria, Carlos Aguirre, Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Tijani Ben Jemaa, as well as from staff, Gisella Gruber, Heidi Ullrich, Matt Ashtiani and Silvia Vivanco.  And I can read in the chat that Sala is on the phone only, Gisella can you please confirm?

Gisella Gruber:                        Sala is on the phone, yes. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay thanks a lot.  Okay so we are complete from the Program Committee side which is great.  First agenda item is adoption of the agenda and addendums, so please let me know if there is anything you are missing in the agenda.  If you would like to add something just tell us now, raise your hand or speak.  Okay no hands, then I would start with the adoption of the invitation letter.  This was sent around and I received comments from Sala and Tijani which are already incorporated in the version online. 

Maybe we can post the link to this letter because I know this was uploaded already.  I have also received comments from Carlos prior to this call.  I had a short look at it and I'm not quite sure if I met everything Carlos changed in this letter.  Carlos would you like to quickly explain what was the change?  I don’t think this was something significant.

Carlos Aguirre:                        Yes thank you Sandra.  I [inaudible 00:03:06] in the draft letter some changes not substantial but changes in the end.  I only replaced the word newcomers by new participants, it sounds better for me.  Of course you can decide.  The other change I put in the draft letter is when you - in the project description paragraph of the second line between brackets board support [inaudible 00:03:58] but I don’t [inaudible 00:04:01] organization that completes the expression because we put after that a [inaudible 00:04:07] saying [inaudible 00:04:16] I think it's better to [inaudible 00:04:22] and not - sorry I - okay. 

The other change is in the second paragraph in the project description.  [Inaudible 00:04:43] and I put to create an ICANN Academy, it sounds better for me.  [Inaudible 00:04:58] change [inaudible 00:05:00] when you put to be repeated once a year in the first line, I put [inaudible 00:05:21] once a year at least because if it needed [inaudible 00:05:27] - I think we can repeat the course.  It's my opinion.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay thank you Carlos.  I don’t see any objections against this, and Sala raised an issue originally I was talking about newbies and she raised an issue as well to find another word other than newbies.  I think new coming ICANN participant were you - participants, newcomers in a good solution.  While thinking about the terms I was creating a new ICANN acronym which is New IOS and I would like to ask you if we should bring this forward. 

This can also be seen as a joke, so please let me know if you think we should not bring forward a new ICANN acronym for Newly Appoint ICANN Officer which is our main target group for the ICANN Academy. 

Heidi Ullrich:                          I believe Tijani has his hand raised.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I don’t see the - the screen who has raised a hand.

Heidi Ullrich:                          Yes but we can see when they raised their hands, we have a little icon that pops up.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Someone has to fix this screen though because it's not functional at the moment.

Heidi Ullrich:                          Matt maybe you can take care of that.

Avri Doria:                              I also have my hand up.

Heidi Ullrich:                          Okay so we have Tijani and I see Sandra has raised her hand as well.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 No this was actually my mistake.  I have not raised my hand.  I see Avri is first on the line is that right?

Avri Doria:                              I can't see it.

Heidi Ullrich:                          I believe Tijani is first. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay then let's have Tijani first please.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No Avri raised her hand before me, so please Avri.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay so Avri please.

Avri Doria:                              Okay thank you.  I have two suggestions, one of which is I do think that this needs an edit pass and I just read them before the meeting, so I apologize that I didn’t do it.  I think it needs an edit pass for English sentence construction and just a lot of connecting words missing and articles and stuff like that.  I think it needs that kind of editing pass.  But my main problem is the first sentence of the second paragraph and I have that same project with the slides.  The notion of ICANN the world’s most advanced multistakeholder organization whether that’s true of not I don’t know how we would tell if it's true. 

To some people those are fighting words.  To some people that’s an unprovable claim.  It doesn’t really add anything to either the letter or the presentation in terms of essential content.  What think might be a reasonable replacement for it is ICANN has highly developed and highly complex multistakeholder structure which is the significant point here, not that it's the most advanced.  Not that it's better than anybody else's.  I could argue that one and have many times. 

But what is important to that sentence is the structure is definitely gothic.  I don’t think we want to say that.  But we do want to say that it is highly developed and very complex.  And I think that’s the essential point we need to make.  And that goes for the slides as well as this paragraph, thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Avri.  I would agree to this but let's ask the others in the group, if there no objections against this change would you be also willing to edit the English language?

Avri Doria:                              Yes but I've often found that after I've done it, Tijani comes along and does an even better job. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay so -

Avri Doria:                              Because I speak American.  I don’t have proper English, I have proper American. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes but I think -

Avri Doria:                              But I'm willing to do it.  But if someone is willing to do it, that’s good, perhaps even better.  And as I say, anytime I have edited something Tijani has found some very good corrections to make. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, so then this should be the last edit around between you and Tijani.  Tijani will be the next and I would ask you if there are no objections from the others, to change the first sentence of the second paragraph the way you just proposed.  I will adopt this in the slides as well then later on.  Let's have the last edit round for and now let's listen to what Tijani has to say.  Tijani the floor is yours.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you Sandra.  First of all I have to say that I didn’t hear anything from what Avri said unfortunately.  It's perhaps that I am too old that I don’t hear very well.  I hear you good Sandra but Avri is very far.  I didn’t understand anything.  I will ask you please to explain to me what is the change Avri wants to do.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Avri wants to change the first sentence of the second paragraph which sounds now like ICANN is the most advanced multistakeholder organization in the world.  And she wants to change it to highly developed and very complex multistakeholder organization because she says the one thing is more of a statement and the other thing is closer to the truth.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I understand and I agree completely.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay and the second point she suggested that the whole document needs to be edited by a native speaker.

Avri Doria:                              No I didn’t say native speaker.  I said a proper speaker.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 A proper speaker and the proper speaker could be herself.  She volunteered to do this but she mentioned also that you, Tijani, have always some very good and even better corrections to make.  I suggested to have a final edition round between you and Avri, if you would both agree.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay I agree no problem.  First I noticed that the [inaudible 00:13:23] you made on the screen on the Adobe Connect it is different from the text you sent Sandra hours ago.  For example the paragraph was removed in your email.  But in this text on the screen it is not removed.   I want to emphasize the fact that I don’t want it to be removed because it's very important.  

It will be a [inaudible 00:13:50] to answer questions that we already ask in our Working Group, everyone said no that is not only for this kind of training, it is a whole program et cetera.  So the last paragraph explained that and I want it to be there. I don’t want it to be removed.   Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Tijani.  Actually what I did, I sent around just before this conference call was a slightly adjusted.  I did not remove something.  I was going to adjust and to avoid repeated sentence.  If you see this as a removement, it was a change.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay no problem. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 It says here, the original one said, after a first review the current proposal should be implemented and I said okay it might be difficult to say after the first review we immediately start to implement this in an overarching Academy.  I put this in a more general way.  But if you think there is something substantial missing then I would ask you to just include this in your final editing. 

But one thing I would like to have in the last thing, and for strategic or tactical reasons we should put this forward to say okay we want to synchronize it with the existing capacity building program and in the second sentence to meet the needs of other ICANN stakeholder groups by using various inclusive training materials. 

I put this, well let's not say behind - but I want to emphasize first to synchronize it with the existing one because this leads us directly to the more inclusive and advanced overarching Academy.  But I'm willing to change this as the others in the Program Committee have another opinion.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay last thing Sandra I heard Carlos proposing to change the newcomers by participants, I don’t agree because the meaning is not the same.  Newcomers are not participants.  They are newcomers - they are leaders, they are not participants.  Newcomers from leadership - they are upcoming leadership in ICANN, so we need to precise that they are newcomers and those SO and AC and also the Board. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I was thinking about the [inaudible 00:17:08] and newcomers and participants as well.  And I think the first paragraph point of departure; we can truly talk about newcomers because this is a more general paragraph.  In the second paragraph you're right we have to concentrate not on newcomers participants but on new ICANN leaders.  Yes but in the first paragraph I don’t think this is a problem. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay that’s all thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay thank you Tijani.  Olivier you have the floor.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thanks very much Sandra.  A couple of things, first I've been asking for the past 10 minutes for the screen to be not on auto scroll and there are five people who are able to undo this, great that’s been done finally.  So then I will be able to read what's actually on the screen rather than having this thing fly by me at an impressive rate. 

The only thing I've been able to make out is ALAC should always be the ALAC.  But I have also noticed that my name is at the bottom of the letter, so I gather I will probably give it the final read, so I guess I don’t need to add anything right now.  I hope it will be in a good shape by the time it reaches my desk.  Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay [inaudible 00:18:43] this is the point when you feel very [inaudible 00:18:48] by your computer.  I'm sorry.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          It's the time when everybody sees what you're doing. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I don’t have my camera on.  I was not sure because I see this as an official ALAC letter; it was my understanding that the chair of the ALAC should sign this letter.  Please correct me if this should be done by someone else.  But yes indeed I would be happy if you would have a final editing.  But we should do this in the next two days so send this out to the communities.  Because I have looked at the webinar Doodle and it seems to be an option this Friday, so we have to finalize this very soon.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I'm ready to send it out in the next hour if you want.  We can - the moment it lands here I will send it out, no problem.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay perfect, then I send the latest version from Carlos or you might have it already from Carlos.  Everybody has the latest version from Carlos.  Then I would ask Olivier and Tijani and Avri for the final editing and then we should be fine with this document. 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Perfect.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you, then I see this agenda item as closed.  The next point is about the planning for the webinar.  I mentioned it already, the Doodle for the moment looks like we will have this webinar on Friday evening.  Actually the same time more or less as have had the last calls and we have this one now, which is I know unfortunate for the Asia- Pacific countries.  But I was willing to have it at another time but that’s what a Doodle said. 

I was told by ICANN staff that the Doodle was first sent out to the At-Large community and would then be announced to the other constituency saying these are the times, please participate.  I hope we will have a good participation, apart from At-Large although I'm very happy with an inclusive At-Large participation.  If you would not mind we can go quickly through the slides or if anyone has a general comment if anyone has had time to look at it in detail. 

I've seen there were some misunderstandings regarding Slides 13-20 which are actually only the given templates by ICANN staff.  And I was not about to delete them before this version is going to be finalized.  Because I might need them for [inaudible 00:22:05] of slides etc., but this should be more about the content.  Tijani you have the floor please.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Thank you Sandra.  I have had a look on the PPT and I can tell you that I find that well I'm not talking about details but perhaps there is a syntax problem or something like this but in general it looks very good for me.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you.  Shall we go quickly through these slides and then I will ask Matt to post this on the Adobe Connect so we can then quickly go through the slides and anyone who has a comment to make, just step in.  Okay so this is the entry slide, learning how multistakeholder governance model works in practice.  I think somebody has a better idea for this subtitle I will be happy to add this because the multistakeholder is not about internet governance it's more about ICANN.  if anyone has a better subtitle, you don’t have to tell me immediately, but if you have another idea.  Sala you raised your hand, Sala please?

Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro:         Thank you Sandra.  Well a suggestion would be ICANN Academy and instead of writing from Avri’s previous comments in terms of understanding the ICANN ecosystem or something. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I was thinking about this too, but I don’t have the proper sentence in my mind. 

Sala Tamanikaiwaimaro:         Sure you can use a word.  That’s the only comment I wanted to make, thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay thank you Sala.  Maybe we will have a better idea once Avri edits or changes this paragraph.  And then we can adopt this into the slides.  Second slide actually the slides, there is not any other content other than you already know from the previous documents from the project description or from the first proposal online or from the curriculum which was just adopted.  There is no other content, it's more or less about evaluation about how these slides are to be understood.  Avri you raised your hand?

Avri Doria:                              Yes, I was listening before, some action item that I had, that after I rewrote some paragraph something was going to happen?  What paragraph am I rewriting?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 The paragraph you proposed from ICANN to the most advanced multistakeholder -

Avri Doria:                              I already put that in the chat and what I put if anyone is interested was “ICANN is a very developed and highly complex multistakeholder organization.”  That was the phrase and I have already put it in the chat.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay I'm sorry I'm not able to follow the chat.

Avri Doria:                              Sorry what I heard there was a paragraph I was writing I got scared because I didn’t know what paragraph I was writing.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay great.  Carlos you raised your hand?

Carlos Aguirre:                        Yes, thank you Sandra.  Just I have a question that goes with that.  In this slide you mentioned the word organization [inaudible 00:26:31], in Number 6, you mentioned the same word organization but with [inaudible 00:26:52].  I don’t know what is the correct, it's not my language, English is not number one.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes on is the English version, the other one with the S and with the [inaudible 00:27:10] is the American version and I'm always confused between those both.     

Carlos Aguirre:                        Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 You're welcome.  Any other comments to point of departure slide?  No we will change the first point according to Avri’s proposal.  Next of the point of departure also taken from the online document, I see this is destroyed here.  We have to take care of that.  It’s not going to happen when we have the webinar.  The last point is going behind the slide actually.    This slide is focusing on the newly appointed ICANN officers where I created the new acronym new IOs which is still under discussion.  Well this is our vision is that the ICANN Academy could fill this existing gap.  Tijani any comment?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes perhaps we don’t have to add the new acronym.  I think the [inaudible 00:28:48] - so use something which is the usual for people are [inaudible 00:28:55].  Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay I agree.  So the two key elements this slide is very - has not much content but I think we can talk a lot of the slides to explain how the knowledge share is going to take place and what socializing aspect is going to implement.  The target groups taken from the curriculum, there should not be any questions because that is what have agreed upon already.  The concept as well, nothing new. 

And I see all the slides are destroyed.  They are all going behind the slide which was not the case when I sent them out.  We should work with the PDF probably.  Type of program, this is where it explains a little bit.  Generally what we are planning and whoever will have this presentation could then refer to the curriculum where these points are detailed, formulated.  Avri you raised your hand?

Avri Doria:                              Yes, what does no extended conference mean?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Actually what I was proposing was that we don’t want to have an extended ICANN meeting like were you sit in a meeting room from 8 to 6 speaking into microphones.  It was more about those interactions and socializing aspects.  But if this is unclear then we can -

Avri Doria:                              It might be good to put what you just said, interactive format.  As opposed to no extended conference so that it's a positive that’s put there and that’s understandable, like a sharing environment as opposed, but no extended conference didn’t mean anything to me, so thanks.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay good point, point taken.   Tijani any comment?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes I don’t think it's [inaudible 00:31:41] program you are explaining here.  It’s more the way the sessions will be done.  It's not the program it's more the capacity building, the training.  If you say type of program, that means type of content, the program is always for me content.  

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, for me it's not but good to know. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Perhaps my English is not good.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 No, I think this comes from the German background because if I talk about a type of program, then I mean also the format.  What would you propose as a title? 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    [Inaudible 00:32:30] type of format - I don’t know [inaudible 00:32:36]. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay.  Format of the Academy?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay.  Then I would move to the next one, and now I see the slides are fixed thank you.  The next one is about the curriculum which only refers to the headlines taken from the curriculum and whoever is presenting these slides can refer to the content which is written in the curriculum and will be sent out to the participants in advance.  These slides are actually designed only as a guideline, as a red line for the presenter to follow and not about as a standalone explanation thing. 

Please let me know if you would put more content about we are going to do on Day 1 on the core topics.  What is specific ICANN training means?  What are current ICANN issues please let me know if you would like more content on this.  Tijani? 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I don’t think so.  But when you present it you will speak about the first point as you explain it.  You don’t need to put it on the slides. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay that was exactly my idea and happy that you agree with this.   The next slide is about the methodology where I referred to what has been proposed, what kind of training materials should be used which refers to the [inaudible 00:34:48] Wiki workspace, there is a point about multilingual support where we can also explain why we do not propose to have simultaneous interpretation. 

And I think something which is also very important is the second part, follow-up during the beginners session webinar and technology day because this is the point where the entire community is going to be involved because the beginners session and the technology day is organized by the GNSO and by the ccNSO.  I think we should make the point that this is a very good methodology to include the entire ICANN community.  Avri you raised your hand please?

Avri Doria:                              Yes on the model and Wiki workspace line, first of all I'm not sure that we've figured out how we’re going to use Moodle yet.  I'm not sure that most people know what it is yet.  If you include that in your list, I think you better be ready to explain what and how.  And it might be better to just say Wiki and other online support will be included or something.  And then as we figure out how to use Moodle and I know two of our members know how to use Moodle. 

But once we figure out how to use it in sort of a didactic manner and an assistive manner we can include it, we can introduce it.  But I don’t know that it adds clarify in this level of presentation.  I may be wrong.  I may be the only one that didn’t know about Moodle until this process started.  But I just don’t expect that many people to know what it is already, thanks.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Avri.  I think this is the first time that I would object to what you have said because it was the same to me.  I heard about Moodle which sounds like Doodle in my ears and I was somehow in the same situation saying do we need this.  And when Siva and Glenn presented what they did, then I was quite impressed and I understood immediately what it's good for.  I would keep this in because Wiki workspace is a common word everybody knows and expect the ICANN website is thinking about the ICANN website. 

But if you raise this thing Moodle this shows on the one hand that we have really a great capacity within ALAC who is able to set up something like this.  And on the other hand we get this terminus into hats of the people as this especially this tool will or has the potential to directly guide us to the online learning materials which are proposed by the ALAC.  Who was first Avri or Tijani?

Avri Doria:                              Yes, I think I got it up first.  Okay if you're ready to go into all that, I'm not saying that we shouldn’t use it and that we shouldn’t figure out how to use didactically inside this Academy.  That wasn’t the point I was making.  I just don’t know how much time we want to spend explaining what it is while explaining the methodology.  Certainly saying Wiki and other online services but really if you want to have it in there and you want to be ready to explain it to people, then cool.  I will take back my objection.  But be ready to spend time on it. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes, I think we are right we have to take this into consideration that people who don’t know about it and they will have question.  Tijani what is your opinion?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No, I will not [inaudible 00:39:20].  I want to ask a question.  I'm trying to find the word Moodle.  In all dictionaries I can't find.  Online dictionary, I have two types of dictionaries, in the English language I did not find the word Moodle.  So would someone explain to me, I don’t understand this?

Avri Doria:                              I just put - I'm putting a URL and basically Moodle is a new tool type and there is a  It’s an educational curriculum development material correlation type really cool tool.  It's not an English word per se.  It’s the name of a thing. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Just like Doodle or whatever.  Tijani?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I did not hear what you said.  But you can send me the link on Skype or by email so that I understand you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay what Avri just told us was she posted a link into the Adobe Connect chat room which explains in a very simple way what a Moodle is.  And she referred that Moodle was not an English terms, it's a name for something used.  Now we are already three who didn’t know what Moodle was.  But I still think we should take an effort and explain it o the people.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Very good thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Then I will move to the next slide which is the outlook.  I'm not sure for the headlines if this one outlook and the next one looking ahead are the right ones.  Maybe if you have another idea please let me know.  The outlook slide was about what's next.  Developed as a community project which should be done or continued in Costa Rica, have a pilot in Toronto, review and improvements and then focus on an annual Academy. 

I remember that Carlos changed in the invitation letter that he proposed at least one Academy.  I think we agreed already in the Working Group that we will have only one per year right after the NomCom appointments have been made and announced.  I think one a year makes sense.  I don’t think that we can have more than one or that more than one makes sense.  Tijani you raised your hand?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No, I am sorry, I will lower it.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, so any comments to this slide, outlook?  Anything which could be developed?  Which could be underlined more?  The development as a community project, Olivier please?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Sandra.  I just suggested in the chat instead of calling it outlook, calling it what's next because outlook is a product as you all know and some people might think hang on they might be confused and think oh, what outlook.  And so instead of putting outlook, put what's next.  Keep it very simple for people to be able to just read it and you won't have 100% of their concentration.   Usually people are about 20% concentrated when they are on those conference calls and I'm well aware of it.  You will find that. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay that’s a good suggestion.  I think we should change this the way you propose. 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Either that or next steps, I see that Avri is putting in the chat, so that could be next steps or what's next.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Tijani?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes but Olivier developed as a community the project is not the next step.  The next step [inaudible 00:44:07].    If we put next step we have to [inaudible 00:44:12]. 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          What's next then. 

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No developed as a community the project we are doing it now, it's not next step.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 No I think we have to develop this as a community project.  It means the cross community project because we have to get them in, they are not in yet.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I see your point, yes.  Okay. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 So that’s what I mean, this is not - if this comes out not very clear then we should try to change this point to make it clearer that want to have developed it as a cross community project.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    I thought you are speaking about our [inaudible 00:45:05] we are doing this as a cross community project.  But we have to bring them inside the project, yes you are right. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Avri maybe you have a suggestion?

Avri Doria:                              Yes, I think first of all, if that’s it you really should say - and I'm going to recommend something and then contradict myself.  But you should say basically develop as a cross community project, if that’s what you mean to say.  But then I immediately raise the red flag of people being afraid of things called cross community especially if you happen to be an SO whose names start with G, they are very afraid of the words cross community. 

Therefore it might be better to turn the phrase into something that says further ICANN outreach on the project or further socialization of the project or some line like that.  But developing as a community project there was already the notion that yes; ALAC did develop this as a community project and now you want to take it further so it brings the rest of the ICANN community in on the project perhaps.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I think you are right and further ICANN outreach sounds like a good option to me.  Any other comments on this?  Okay then I take this as agreed.  And the last slide is actually highlighting what has been discussed in length within the ICANN Academy Working Group that what we are proposing here now should not be the end of whatever.  But it should be further developed into an inclusive ICANN Academy concept.  And actually this is the sentence which is the last one taken from the invitation. 

We might have to reconsider the sentence, if we changed the one in the invitation letter.  Well let's see about what we will have first.  I think we will finalize the letter first and then make the adoptions to the slides.  And I will anyway send them around for your final approval before they will be published somewhere.  And I would ask ICANN staff to take these two documents down from the Wiki workspace before they are finalized because currently they are publically available. 

Matt Ashtiani:                                    Hi Sandra is that an action item?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes please take this as an action item to take this down until it's finalized and I will send you the final version soon.

Matt Ashtiani:                                    Great, thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Matt.  Okay Avri you raised your hand?

Avri Doria:                              No.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 This was the last slide for the moment.  Are there any other comments from your side generally?  Olivier?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you Sandra.  Now I just have one comment with regards to the slides, I have discussed the ICANN Academy with people from across the community, outside of ALAC and the question that I've often come across is “But is everybody going to be in the same bag because we are different?”  And I've heard that from a couple of communities “We’re different.”  And I wonder whether this slide deck should answer this question or should have some kind of mention as to yes we know that every community has got its own differences with the other communities but what we’re looking at is really looking at the core knowledge that people need to know. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Good point and point taken.  I will think about a new slide where we touch this issue.  And we should be prepared to answer questions on this. 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          You will definitely get questions on this.

Avri Doria:                              I don’t think you need a new slide.  I do think you need to be available perhaps at an earlier slide indicates that this is introductory information to put everybody on a common foot.  Yes, we realize that they're all special and they wanted to be treated special because they're special.  But that this is basically an introduction to make sure that everyone approaches with at least the first basic understanding in common with each other. 

Because after all, no matter how special they are, they do need to be able to communicate with each other.  I don’t know that you need a slide for it.  It's just assuming that it's you that’s running this seminar; you have to be ready to say that.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 And I would agree.  I think this is an important point.  I was not aware of this.  And I think we should add a slide about this and this should be by the target group slide but further up where we say these are the target groups and yes we know they are very special and they are very different from each other.  But we are here to get a basic understanding and to start a communication with each other.  I think this is then really important. 

Okay this is the presentation, if there are no other comments they I would go down to the next and last agenda item, update on the Costa Rica ICANN meeting.  I would ask Olivier to give us the latest update according to the Public Participation Committee which is scheduled for Thursday.  If it's confirmed so far and how we are going to organize this or how are we going to use the current slides?  Or do we produce new slides or what else we should know about the Public Participation Committee.  Olivier you have the floor. 

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Thank you very much Sandra.  Well are several things which will take place.  There is actually a private Public Participation Committee meeting that will just be myself and a handful of other people on Sunday morning which is the reason why I will be missing for a couple of sessions because I will have to basically provide an intro of what will be discussed in the Public Participation meeting. 

That’s just a little advanced notice that I will have to provide them with.  But then of course the Public Participation Committee meeting itself will have a full discussion about the ICANN Academy.  Now I understand that we will have had ourselves a session as well.  I'm a little lost as to when that is happening.  Heidi would you have the dates, you knew I was going to call on you.

Heidi Ullrich:                          Yes, actually I'm just looking at the launch new ICANN website.  So now you caught me by surprise.  But the At-Large session on the At-Large Academy is going to be Sunday afternoon at -

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          I've got it here Sunday afternoon ICANN Academy update, it's actually morning, it says 11-11:45.

Heidi Ullrich:                          Okay, so late morning.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          Capacity building - they we will have development of an At-Large capacity building program.  And then afterwards we will have establishment of a standing Subcommittee on outreach and next steps.  By the way, Sala since you're on the call, development of an At-Large capacity building program, you're going to be put to work on that one, so be ready.  That’s what's happening on Sunday.  And of course then on Thursday there is the Public Participation Committee. 

Now the question is whether we want to use the same slides as those?  I don’t know.  I'm open to either and Sandra you're the chair of this Working Group, so.  I think because we will have a lot more people than in the webinar that will probably be a good starting point.  And what we will have to do is change the background over to the Costa Rica slide background.  I don’t know how others think about it? 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Are there any comments before I start?  No, there are not then I would like to answer on Olivier.  I would also agree and use those slides for the Public Participation Committee meeting because I'm not sure how many outsiders we can expect for the webinar on the one hand.  And as you mentioned already there are a lot of more people and sometimes you mentioned it also, you have 20% of the attention, so seeing the slides twice might even deepen the content. 

I would not object against using the same slides again.  If you are okay with this, because as far as I understood you are going to present this during the Public Participation Committee right?

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:          That’s correct Sandra, it's Olivier here.  I think that the amount of people - the number of people that will be on the call will be much smaller than the number of people that will be in Costa Rica.  I don’t see it has hurting to show the slides twice.  In fact, we've seen some slides being shown many times by - well when we saw the new gTLD Applicant Program, et cetera, so I don’t think that there is any harm in showing it twice, thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Olivier.  Tijani you raised your hand?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Yes, I do think that [inaudible 00:56:52] slides but I am sure after the webinar perhaps you will update some of them according to the reaction of people.  So as a principle we use the same slides but we may update them meanwhile, thank you. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I think this is a valid point Tijani and I think you are definitely right.  But in general we are trying to go ahead with the same slides and just try to develop them for the next needs and the next one will be the Public Participation Committee meeting.  Are there any other comments?  Okay if not then I would refer to the last agenda item point, Any Other Business. 

This is my last question on every call, is there any question which came up during this call, anything which was missed, anything you like to add to something which was said before, then please raise your hand now.  I'm not sure Tijani if you raised your hand already, still?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No, no I am not.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, are there any comments, questions, anything to say?  Avri?

Avri Doria:                              On coming back to Moodle, since we’re going to put it up front, I think we have to start an effort - we don’t have to start it until Costa Rica - but I think we have to start thinking about how it is we plan to use this.  And I know that a sample one was put up.  I certainly haven’t had time to play with it. 

But basically those that have an idea about how it's used, maybe they could write up a page or two notion of how this fits in, what it is they recommend doing it, because if we’re going to be up front about it and we’re going to put it as one of our things for this Academy, then I think we better start working on what that means. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Good point and I think we could ask Siva or Glenn to write a page or half a page about what Moodle is about and how it can be used. 

Avri Doria:                              I'm not so much worried about how it can be used, I was actually thinking more of how are we planning to use it, to actually start looking at it.  Because it's very wide scope of how it can be used to make each learning module, et cetera.  But we have to start looking at it and say how do we think we want to use it? 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, I made my notes and will forward this to Siva.  Tijani you have raised your hand?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    No, I'm sorry I can't raise it.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Oh okay any other business, any other questions?  If this is not the case, I would like to finish this call.  I would like to thank you for your active participation.  It is a pleasure to work with you.  And let's - hear you soon during the webinar which will be most likely by the end of this week.  And I wish everybody a good start into the day, good rest of the day and good sleep.  Bye everybody.

[End of Transcript] 

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