SOAC/E Wiki Project
SOAC/E Wiki Project
Category: SOAC/E
Sub-Category: SOAC/E Services
Space 1: Administration & Management Support
Space 2: Group/Team Support & Facilitation
Space 3: Training & Education
Space 4: Membership
Space 5: Input & Feedback Mechanisms
Space 6: Collaboration Mechanisms
Space 7: Content Delivery Mechanisms
Sub-Category: SOAC/E Staff Functions
Space 1: Leadership
Space 2: Planning
Space 3: Organization & Design
Space 4: Administration
Space 5: Support (Travel, et al.)
Space 6: Coordination
KB’s Recommendations:
- Even though we separated out a section in the MindMap, I suggest that Principles can be placed under Leadership as a page hierarchy.
- In terms of our mindmap section labeled Clients, I think that there are several representations the depend upon the purpose:
- Under Organization & Design, we should show the official SO/AC client structure similar, if not identical, to what is depicted on the mindmap.
- For community use, various organization lists (e.g., leaders) should be located on a page(s) under Administration & Management Support.
- Email lists/servers and the management/control topics we discussed with Reed Quinn should be placed under Collaboration Mechanisms.