Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the At-Large Social Media special purpose call to discuss the ICANN 53 Social Media strategy call on Tuesday, 09 June 2015 at 17:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/30DvBQ
Maria Paola Perez:Hi, I'm here.. Waiting for the 17:00 UTC. Kind Regards from Venezuela
Ariel Liang:Hello Paola!
Ariel Liang:Hello Raitme
Ariel Liang:Hi Dev
Maria Paola Perez:Hello!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone!
Raitme Citterio:hi
Raitme Citterio:hello Ariel
Ariel Liang:welcome Alberto
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Raitme
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Maria
Alberto Soto:Hello all! Hello Ariel, thanks!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Alberto
Alberto Soto:Ji Dev!
Alberto Soto:Hi Dev Sorry
Leon Sanchez:Hello all!
Leon Sanchez:sorry for being late
Ariel Liang:no worries
Ariel Liang:this is the social media WG wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/iC-xBQ
Terri Agnew:Welcome Jacqueline Morris
Raitme Citterio:i have experience to working at Buffer
Ariel Liang:that's great Raitme
Raitme Citterio:and de other tools of social media
Maria Paola Perez:I don't have any experience with Buffer but I reviewed it, and is easy to use
Ariel Liang:https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge
Ariel Liang:https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge
Raitme Citterio:one suggestion is to be combined with new possibilities to Periscope or Meerkat to live-streaming
Leon Sanchez:One thing I want to highlight and acknowledge is that most, if not all, voluntaries signed up are spanish speaking!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@Raitme - practically all of the main ICANN sessions are recorded and streamed live via Adobe Connect and streaming audio
Raitme Citterio:ok
Jacqueline:Only question - since I don't speak (or write) Spanish - how useful will I be to this group?
Raitme Citterio:only one question because to change @atlarge twitter account?
Raitme Citterio:ok
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:lost audio
Raitme Citterio:lost audio
Terri Agnew:finding line
Leon Sanchez:terrible noise
Raitme Citterio:terrible noise
Terri Agnew:Please remember to mute your line when not speaking
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:lost audio completely
Raitme Citterio:@jacqueline mute audio please
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:going to disconnect and rejoin the room
Raitme Citterio:thanks
Jacqueline:I didn't have audio on
Jacqueline:but apparently it was
Alberto Soto:in the channel in Spanish I haven´t noise
Terri Agnew:@Alberto, are you able to hear at this time?
Alberto Soto:Yes Terri
Terri Agnew:Thank you for confirming
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:back on
Alberto Soto:@Ariel OK
Ariel Liang:https://community.icann.org/x/TgUdAw
Jacqueline:Can staff get a list together of most useful twitter handles? For example Chairs, Board members, keynote speakers etc
Jacqueline:Actually, you will be far more sure to have a mobile in hand than a computer
Raitme Citterio:good idea @jacqueline
Jacqueline:Exactly. Board members, ALL the SO/AC memebers as well, as there are joint meetings
Jacqueline:Basically, so contributors don't have to go looking them up to use
Alberto Soto:My Skype: sotoroldan
Jacqueline:AARGH. Skype groups are SOOO active during meetings we got notifications for ever. Hard to keep up. But OK
Jacqueline:Skype - triniwebdiva
Jacqueline:Twitter - @triniwebdiva
Alberto Soto:My twitter: #sotoalber
Leon Sanchez:In my case the best way to be in touch is through Twitter DM or mention
Raitme Citterio:twitter groups have the option of using direct messages
Maria Paola Perez:The best way to stay in touch for me, will be Skype. (Skype and Twitter: paoperezc)
Jacqueline:I'll be physically in BA.
Alberto Soto:I yes
Maria Paola Perez:I have one question, You have an Instagram account? For me it's a good network to distribute content
Jacqueline:I'm actually already here. National strike is fun.
Leon Sanchez:I will be at the meeting
Jacqueline:Yes, Maria - I agree!
Raitme Citterio:I will attend as a fellow at the meeting
Maria Paola Perez:No :(
Maria Paola Perez:But I will participate remotely
Jacqueline:Any time - I'm in BA already
Alberto Soto:I will be the 18th
Alberto Soto:sorry, the 19th
Maria Paola Perez:I'm interesting in ICANN53, so I will be attentive to all the details during the event.
Alberto Soto:No professional camera
Raitme Citterio:i have professional camera
Jacqueline:Is Jorge Etges coming?
Maria Paola Perez:But with a good smartphone you can work on it
Alberto Soto:but I have an excellent tablet
Raitme Citterio:we will consider post on instagram?
Maria Paola Perez:As a tip , the photos for publication should not have filters
Jacqueline:I can translate FROM SPanish TO English on the fly.
Jacqueline:But not vice versa
Jacqueline:The directory will be useful throughout ICANN
Maria Paola Perez:For advice, I could offer me to publish in EN/ES content in a Instagram account , including the use of related hashtags . I think the Buffer doesn't support Instagram but it's not a hard work
Leon Sanchez:we can try
Maria Paola Perez:I can help translate English to Spanish
Maria Paola Perez:@Jacqueline
Raitme Citterio:i liked a idea @paola
Maria Paola Perez:I have a lot of experience
Maria Paola Perez:with instagram
Jacqueline:I Instagram much more than Tweet reeccently.
Raitme Citterio:my twitter @rcitterio
Jacqueline:Try IFTTT to integrate Instagram with Buffer if it doesn't
Leon Sanchez:thanks everyone!
Raitme Citterio:yes @jacqueline
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:indeed can look at IFTTT
Raitme Citterio:i sending @dev to recipes at IFTTT
Jacqueline:@Raitme Cool
Alberto Soto:Thanks!! Bye!!
Raitme Citterio:thanks
Raitme Citterio:all
Raitme Citterio:bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone, take care all
Ariel Liang:Thanks all again!
Ariel Liang:really appreciate your help in this intiative
Maria Paola Perez:yes, but the difference with Twitter and Facebook is that Instagram can not do many publications often, we can lose followers . Only would be the more relevant content
Maria Paola Perez:Thanks, bye for everyone
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks Maria, we can continue the discussions via email and via the Skype group
Maria Paola Perez:Thank you very much. Nice to meet you. Happy Tuesday
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thank you