CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2018.02.09 - Adobe Chat

CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2018.02.09 - Adobe Chat

----------------------- (02/09/2018 06:35) -----------------------
Desiree Cabrera: Today's agenda is also available at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CPMMB/pages/110791282/CCWG+on+IG+Teleconference+-+2018.02.09
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:04) -----------------------
Berry Cobb: Berry here just observing from GNSO Policy team.

avri doria: i am here observing for the fun of it.

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: you're encouraged to contribute

Nigel Hickson: Good afteroon all
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:08) -----------------------
judith hellerstein: Good day Nigel
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:09) -----------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: again there is a huge delay, several seconds, between Rafik & everyone else

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: which does make it a bit confusing with people speaking over each other....
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:12) -----------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: This is just a preamble/introduction anyway which is not actually part of the proposed charter

Zakir: audio issue at my end as well. Is it only me??

Jim Prendergast: I have a broader question for the group that is not specific to language in the document.

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: @Zakir: it depends on what "audio issue" it is. The delay is normal

Zakir: Thank you Olivier. Was some kinda dstortion. No better.

Zakir: Now*
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:15) -----------------------
Lori Schulman: Hello. Sorry that I am late.
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:22) -----------------------
judith hellerstein: Rafik keeps cutting out, is that me or others

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: it's shifts in delay. Rafik's on Adobe Connect

Nigel Hickson: I had a point on 1. Introduction if we could loop back at end.

Zakir: @Judith, at my end too.

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: ok @Nigel. Noted
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:28) -----------------------
Jim Prendergast: circulating internally?

judith hellerstein: I like lori's ideas

avri doria: there is also comments sent to other entities comment calls.

avri doria: there is also comments sent to other entities' comment calls.

avri doria: do not know what that showed up twice

judith hellerstein: I agree with lori.
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:33) -----------------------
Nigel Hickson: Agree; yes this works I think

Zakir: +1.

Lori Schulman: Rafik seems to be having Adobe issues.
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:38) -----------------------
Zakir: For those who are unable to read the screen shared via adobe. Here is the direct google doc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hnr5r1V-WDUxNswlVxqUUarQRCKc1YqdDVmkeX49Fd8/edit
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:39) -----------------------
Zakir: Yes, i can see Nigel is here now on th gdoc. :)

judith hellerstein: I would support option 2
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:44) -----------------------
Lori Schulman: agree, about not limiting to GNSO
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:48) -----------------------
Lori Schulman: Maybe Bernie Turcotte?

Lori Schulman: Or Marika?

Lori Schulman: I don't know

Alan Greenberg 2: We do not need Board approval to exist. We may need their tacit approval if we expect resources (incl staff) to be allocated to us.
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:50) -----------------------
judith hellerstein: but we need resources
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:52) -----------------------
Rafik: we can just add text about liasing with Baord WG on IG, but removing the rest of the section
----------------------- (02/09/2018 08:56) -----------------------
Jim Prendergast: i know were coming up on time but I am interested in Nigels MWC update as part of AOB. In case we run out of time, could Nigel send a note to the group with who from ICANN is going and what the agenda is, along with any other info he wanted to convey?

Lori Schulman: Hi, I will have to leave the meeting. Thank you for all of the hard work especially to Rafik.

Jim Prendergast: oh

Lori Schulman: I have another call now.

Laurent Ferrali: I have another call as well

avri doria: i am still having fun so can hang out for another 30

Jim Prendergast: calendar item was for 60 min

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: hmmm --- perhaps we should have mentioned more clearly that this would be a90 minute call

Mandy Carver: Particularly to request a cross community session at an ICANN mtg it sometimes needs one of the SO or AC to submit t or endorse the request

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: apologies for the calendar item incorrect length

Jim Prendergast: i can hang

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: +1 Mandy - and that's how a request for a room is being made
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:00) -----------------------
Mandy Carver: apologies but must leave for another call
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:01) -----------------------
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (listening w/ no audio, can be here too)

Rafik: just back

Rafik: @Olivier what wa ssuggested to be removed?
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:03) -----------------------
Rafik: I think we can remove mentions to liaisons, experts to keep it simple

Rafik: groups can appoint liaisons if they want

Rafik: we can remove it too
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:11) -----------------------
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: Would be good too to see UNCTAD Ecommerce week possibilities

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: thanks Nigel
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:19) -----------------------
Rafik: we can find the corret title from other charter template

Nigel Hickson: @Renata - Yes can send something; though we do not have resources proabalby to do a session
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:22) -----------------------
Renata Aquino Ribeiro: Nigel thanks
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:27) -----------------------
Rafik: yes we are just submitting it for discussion

Rafik: not planned for apprval for next council call
----------------------- (02/09/2018 09:29) -----------------------
Adam Peake: could we see a track change version. 2:30am in Tokyo :-)

Rafik: I will work on clean version

Rafik: Olivier if you can add the wording from Alan it will be helpful

Rafik: I annot promise for teack change version

Adam Peake: Rafik, thank you.

Rafik: we need to submit by next week

Adam Peake: I can use compare docs. no problem

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (apologies, need to drop, many thanks)

Zakir: thank you olivier, rafik and all. bye.

Rafik: bye all