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Name of Member



Edmon Chung



Olivier Crépin-Leblond



Mohamed El Bashir



Julie Hammer



Cheryl Langdon-Orr



John R. Levine



Andre Thompson



Patrick Vande Walle



Statements of Interest of Applicants (in alphabetical order by surname)

Eric Brunner-Williams

1) You should have knowledge or expertise of the objectives of the DSSA Working Group as referenced in the charter.

I have knowledge or expertise of the objectives of the DSSA Working Group as referenced in the charter.
2) You should be prepared to actively participate in the activities of the working group on an ongoing and long-term basis.
I am prepared to actively participate in the activities of the working group on an ongoing and long-term basis.
3) You should be prepared, if required, to sign a a Formal Affirmation of Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure paper (see Annex B of Charter) and/or a Non-Disclosure Agreement. The WG might want to set up a sub-working group to access confidential or proprietary information. If you want to participate in such a sub-working group you will most likely be be required to sign one or both of the aforementioned agreements in order to ensure access to and protection of confidential information.

I am prepared, if required, to sign a a Formal Affirmation of Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure paper (see Annex B of Charter)
and/or a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
If you are interested in joining this Working Group, we also need a Statement of Interest, containing the following information:

Current vocation, employer and position

Type of work performed

>     Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in that are interested parties in DSSA related topics.

  • >     Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in DSSA related topics. Are you representing other parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work team member.
    >     DSSA Working Group members are expected to demonstrate knowledge or expertise aspects of the objectives of the DSSA Working Group. Please, identify any knowledge, expertise or experience you have that would be relevant to the work of the DSSA Working Group.
    >     Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes, for example, if you are an academic or NGO and use your position to advance your ability to participate, this should be a part of the statement of interest, just as should employment by an organisation that has an interest in DNSSA Working Group outcomes.
    1. Vocation: Mathematician/programmer, technology policy advocate
    Employer: Consultant, pro bono coordinator of an Indigenous Internet
    Accessibility project
    Position: Programmer, technical policy analyst
    2. Programming distributed systems, including development of registry
    services capable platform, regulatory and contractual technical policy
    3. None.
    4. None.
    5. I wrote the DNSSEC funnel request for .cat, and contribute to the
    DNSEXT and DNSOP Working Groups of the IETF.
    6. I am unable to identify any tangible or intangible benefit from
    volunteering to participate in any ICANN policy development process.
    I suppose I have a relationship more binding than a "business
    relationship" with Tribal Governments, abstractly and occasionally
    concretely, relating to the policy objective of reducing the
    technical, economic, political and social barriers to communications
    technology adoption in "Indian Country". Nominally this must include
    some aspects relevant to the DSSA WG.

Edmon Chung

- Current vocation, employer and position

 DotAsia Organisation

Chief Executive Officer

 - Type of work performed


 - Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in organizations that are interested parties in DSSA related topics

 DotAsia Organisation

Vice Chair, ISOC Hong Kong

- Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in DSSA related topics. Are you representing other parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work group member.

None besides the above.

- DSSA Working Group members are expected to demonstrate knowledge or expertise aspects of the objectives of the DSSA WG. Please identify any knowledge, expertise, or experience that you have that would be relevant to the work of the DSSA Working Group.

Broad experience in IDN and DNS technologies and policies, including operational, protocol and policy implementation experience.

- Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes, for example, if you are an academic or non-governmental organization and use your position to advance your ability  to participate, this should be part of the Statement of Interest, just as should employment by an organization that has an interest in DSSAWorking Group outcomes.

ISOC HK advocates the advancement of Internet security in Hong Kong.

As a not-for-profit organization, DotAsia's core mandate is to promote Internet development and adoption in Asia.

My participation in the DSSA WG and its outcomes may shape the position of ISOC HK and DotAsia in these areas.

Olivier Crépin-Leblond

-          Current vocation, employer and position

Managing Director of Global Information Highway Ltd, a limited liability private company incorporated in England and Wales.
I am also a member of the English Chapter of the Internet Society.

-          Type of work performed

My company provides sub-contracting technical services for IP networks (both intra-nets and Internet) as well as technical and strategic consultancy on next generation networking to worldwide clients. It also supports the export of refurbished telecommunications equipment to developing countries. I run it whilst resorting to contractors for the hands-on work.

-          Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in organizations that are interested parties in DSSA related topics


-          Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in DSSA related topics. Are you representing other parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work group member.

No direct financial interest. I just like to keep my ear to the ground whilst doing my part to ensure ICANN's stability, thus defending the multi-stakeholder ICANN model. Ultimately, my business benefits from a stable user-centric Internet ecosystem.

-          DSSA Working Group members are expected to demonstrate knowledge or expertise aspects of the objectives of the DSSA WG. Please identify any knowledge, expertise, or experience that you have that would be relevant to the work of the DSSA Working Group.

I have been an Internet user since 1988 - and lived the RTM Worm of Nov 88, hands-on, so I know what it feels like when large parts of the Internet shuts down. I've been consulting, creating ISPs & Web design company business and technical plans since the early nineties. Tracking Internet connectivity worldwide from 1992 onwards and affiliated to the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC).

-          Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes, for example, if you are an academic or non-governmental organization and use your position to advance your ability  to participate, this should be part of the Statement of Interest, just as should employment by an organization that has an interest in DSSA Working Group outcomes.

I'll learn more about the DNS.

Mohamed El Bashir

-  Current vocation, employer and position
- Founder, Executive Committee - Sudan Internet Society
- Manager, Internet and Numbering, ictQATAR

- Type of work performed
- Established ccTLD registry of .SD
- Management of ccTLD & IDN ccTLD
- Managing an Internet Society Chapter

-  Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in organizations that are interested parties in DSSA related topics

-  Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in DSSA related topics. Are you representing other parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work group member.

-  DSSA Working Group members are expected to demonstrate knowledge or expertise aspects of the objectives of the DSSA WG. Please identify any knowledge, expertise, or experience that you have that would be relevant to the work of the DSSA Working Group.
- Experience in ccTLD and DNS operations for the last 10 years, being involved in IDN policy development inc. being member of IDN guidelines drafting WG since 2006.

-  Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes, for example, if you are an academic or non-governmental organization and use your position to advance your ability  to participate, this should be part of the Statement of Interest, just as should employment by an organization that has an interest in DSSA Working Group outcomes.

Julie Hammer

(Statement of Interest forthcoming)

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Information as requested  for use in any ALAC endorsement to be appointed as an At-Large representative in the ICANN Cross Community DSSA-WG,  see also general ICANN Bio at

- Current vocation, employer and position
Self Employed, Company Director, Secretary and Principal Shareholder at Hovtek Pty. Limited & Buildersnet P/L  

-  Type of work performed
Administration, General Management, Research and Design, Online Content development and delivery, contract negotiations with Government and Organisational (including NGO) clients and general customer support.

- Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in organizations that are interested parties in DSSA related topics
Company Director of two Australian Not For Profit Companies Limited by Guarantee, with specific interest in DSSA related topics is declared  as being leadership role i.e. auDA and ISOC-AU

- Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in DSSA related topics.

auDA  and ISOC-AU as stated above  both rolls are voluntary though auDA  does have a sitting fee associated with each Board Meeting attended. _Are you representing other parties? _No (other than that involved in seeking endorsement as an At-Large representative with a possible roll as the ALAC Liaison to this WG- all to yet be confirmed  by ALAC Endorsement Process). 

- Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work group member. 

None (beyond those outlined in WG Charter for a person holding the Co-Chartering Organisation (C-CO) Liaison roll, if appointed).

-  DSSA Working Group members are expected to demonstrate knowledge or expertise aspects of the objectives of the DSSA WG. Please identify any knowledge, expertise, or experience that you have that would be relevant to the work of the DSSA Working Group.

My ongoing interest, commitment and leadership rolls over the last decade or so (including Leadership roles within) ccTLD operations, ISOC, ISOC-AU and ICANN Work Groups (GNSO, ccNSO as well as At-Large Security and Stability specific activities, Policy Development fora and in consumer and end-user education and outreach programs (development and delivery)  in combination with my career in internet dependent SME's and volunteer work in consumer and (tele)communications end user advocacy (note my role in founding the Australian Communication Consumer Action Network - ACCAN here) are complementary to the general objectives (and administration of) the DSSA-WG  but my training and experience in graduate research (experimental work, thesis and dissertation for peer review as opposed to course work) also provides me with data collection, analysis, statistical review, gap analysis, hypothesis building and scenario testing  as well as reporting of outcomes (written reporting and presentation skill sets), that I believe would be useful to the work and progress  of the activities of the DSSA-WG i.e. in the examination OF the level, frequency and severity of threats to the DNS, the ability to review the current efforts and activities intended to mitigate these threats; and to identify possible gaps in the current security response to DNS issues.
-Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes, for example, if you are an academic or non-governmental organization and use your position to advance your ability  to participate, this should be part of the Statement of Interest, just as should employment by an organization that has an interest in DSSA Working Group outcomes.

None. Although working under the principals of continuous disclosure should this or any other part of my statement change this will be declared to the WG and this SoI updated accordingly...

The Statements of Interest will be posted on the DSSA Working Group website.

Understood and agreed to, please also link copy of the SoI to which I keep updated regularly by way of an ongoing Declaration of Interests (DoI)  for ICANN related activities. 

John R. Levine

1.  Current vocation, employer and position

 Writer and consultant, Taughannock Networks, Owner.

 President, CAUCE (Coalition Against Unsolicited E-mail) North America, non-profit consumer advocacy group.

2.  Type of work performed in #1 above

Taughannock: write books including "The Internet for Dummies", and "Linkers and loaders", consulting on network security and patent topics.

CAUCE: consumer advocacy and legislator/staff education.

3.  Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in that are interested parties in DSSA related topics.


4.  Identify any type of commercial or non-­-commercial interest in DSSA related topics.  Are you representing other parties?  Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work team member.

Represent primarily myself, and secondarily CAUCE.

5.  As referenced in Section 3.1 above, DSSA WG members are expected to "demonstrate knowledge or expertise of aspects of the objective of the DSSA WG. Please identify any knowlege, expertise or experience you have that would be relevant to the work of the DSSA WG.

Deep technical background in computing and Internet, particularly electronic mail which depends on DNS for both routing (MX and A

records) and abuse management (DNS blacklists and whitelists.) Written or co-written DNS related IETF RFCs including RFCs 5518, 5617, 5782, and 5965.  Written some special purpose DNS servers, been DDOS'ed when bad guys didn't like the data my DNS was serving.

6.  Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes.  For example, if you are an academic or NGO and use your position to advance your ability to participate, this should be a part of the statement of interest, just as should employment by an organization that has an interest in DSSA WG outcomes.

Make DNS more reliable for myself and for e-mail users.  I suppose it might get me a consulting engagement or two, but that's not my goal in participating.

Andre Thompson

I am interested in becoming an At-Large representative of the DSSA WG.

I have been working in the Information Technology field for more than 15 years and I am currently working at the University of the West Indies as a Systems Engineer. Here I have gained extensive knowledge in implementing TCPIP based networks at the campus level – Routing, Multilayer switching, Access Lists, etc. I am currently working on implementing IPv6 and DNSSEC in the Enterprise.

The University of the West Indies also has an Internet 2 connection which I am trying to make IPv6 native.

Patrick Vande Walle

-   Current vocation, employer and position

Not relevant. Applying in a personal capacity.

-    Type of work performed

Network engineer. 

-  Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in organizations that are interested parties in DSSA related topics


-   Identify any type of commercial or non-commercial interest in DSSA related topics. Are you representing other parties? Describe any arrangements/agreements between you and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding your nomination/selection as a work group member.

Applying as a representative from Euralo at their request.

-  DSSA Working Group members are expected to demonstrate knowledge or expertise aspects of the objectives of the DSSA WG. Please identify any knowledge, expertise, or experience that you have that would be relevant to the work of the DSSA Working Group.

I have been active as a network engineer for over 20 years in the IP addressing and DNS fields. I am currently serving as a member of SSAC and as the ALAC liaison to them.

-  Describe any tangible or intangible benefit that you receive from participation in such processes, for example, if you are an academic or non-governmental organization and use your position to advance your ability  to participate, this should be part of the Statement of Interest, just as should employment by an organization that has an interest in DSSA Working Group outcomes.

As with all my past and present positions in ICANN working groups, I expect no personal benefit from this position, short of expanding my knowledge through discussions with peers. Unless I am mistaken, such a WG should seek the benefit for the Internet community at-large and not for the personal benefit of individual or companies involved. 

Particularly, I wish to avoid that this WG reinvents the wheel and performs tasks that are already covered elsewhere within ICANN.

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