CCT Meeting #51 - 24 & 25 June (ICANN59)

CCT Meeting #51 - 24 & 25 June (ICANN59)

Join the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) face-to-face meeting

The Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) will be meeting in Johannesburg on June 24-25, 2017, just before ICANN59 kicks off.  

Under the ICANN Bylaws, the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) Team is responsible for evaluating 1) how the new gTLD Program has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice; 2) the effectiveness of the application and evaluation processes; 3) the effectiveness of safeguards put in place to mitigate issues involved in the expansion of the domain name space. This review is one of the key inputs to the re-opening of applications for New gTLDs.

The CCT-RT began its work in January 2016 and issued a set of draft fact-based recommendations for public comment in March 2017. This meeting will help the CCT-RT advance its work and analyze the public comment received as well as results of recent research data (including DNS Abuse Study Intermediate Report). The two-day face-to-face meeting is open to all, and is a perfect opportunity for the community to learn more about proposed improvements to the New generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) program and hear the latest findings of the CCT-RT. The Review Team plans to issue a second draft for public comment prior to issuing the Final Report.

You can attend this face-to-face meeting in person (Sandton Convention Centre, Committee 2), 161 Maude St, Sandton, 2196 Johannesburg) or virtually participate via https://participate.icann.org/jnb59-committeeroom2

For further information on the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team, please see https://www.icann.org/resources/reviews/specific-reviews/cct and the CCT-RT wiki http://cct.wiki.

Agenda & Details

Program and agenda are located here.

Reading List/Discussion Documents

Day 1 - Saturday 24 June 9:00 - 17:00 (SAST) / 6:30 - 15:30 (UTC)

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Team: Jonathan Zuck, Jordyn Buchanan, Laureen Kapin, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Gaongalelwe Mosweu, Carlton Samuels, Calvin Browne, Waudo Siganga, Fabro Steibel, Kaili Kan, Dejan Djukic, Drew Bagley, David Taylor

Guests: Maciej Korczynski, Maarten Wullink, Maguy Serad

Observers: John McCormack (HosterStats.com), Patrick Dodson, Steve Conte, Ken Taylor, Jennifer Bryce

Staff: Eleeza Agopian, Pamela Smith, Brenda Brewer, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Alice Jansen, Negar Farzinnia, Karen Mulberry

Apologies:  Jamie Hedlund





Day 2 - Sunday 25 June 9:00 - 17:00 (SAST) / 7:00 - 15:30 (UTC)

[Time Zone Converter ]


Team: Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin, Jamie Hedlund, Gaongalelwe Mosweu, Waudo Siganga, Carlton Samuels, Calvin Browne, Fabro Steibel, Kaili Kan, Megan Richards, David Taylor, Drew Bagley, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Dejan Djukic, Jordyn Buchanan.

Guests: Akram Atallah, Trang Nguyen, Maguy Serad, Jennifer Scott

Observers: Erika Randall, John McCormack (HosterStats.com), Theresa Swinehart, Phil Buckingham, Fabien Betremieux, Nick Wood, Dietmar Lenden

Staff: Eleeza Agopian, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Alice Jansen, Pamela Smith, Karen Mulberry





Notes/Action Items

Face-to-Face meeting Day 1

  • SIDN/TU Delft:  Check on whether the rate of abusive domains using Privacy/Proxy registrations is increasing
  • SIDN/TU Delft: Include more detail on abuse in p/p registrations
  • ICANN ORG to inquire with Compliance Department on more detail related to registries' timelines for responding to complaints of abusive behavior.
  • Public Comment follow-up
    • SubGroups to review recommendations and consolidate related recommendations and eliminate duplicative ones.
    • SubGroup to review wording to ensure that it's expressed in a manner so that the Board can adopt our recommendations Verbatim.
    • SubGroups to review recommendations to harmonize terms such as "should" "shall" "must" (refer to https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt) and consider that as the SubGroups work to standardize terms throughout the report.
    • Clarify which group will implement the recommendations if Board approves (who is best to take this on during the implementation process)
    • SubGroups to review assigned recommendations and add details on rationale and success measures(and especially regarding data we recommend collecting).
  • CCTRT to review slides from INTA survey and share follow up questions to relay back to Nielsen who commissioned that study.
  • CCTRT members to prepare for the ICANN Org meeting and bring clarification to the questions ICANN Org raised, or ask for clarification on ICANN Org comments.

Face-to-Face meeting Day 2

  • Discussion on ICANN Org input
    • Rec.1: Redefine the recommendation and its rationale and success measures. 
    • Add more clarity on terms such as "Global South, Underserved Regions", align with terms used by other groups e.g. Subsequent Procedures Working Group.
    • https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/audits-2012-02-25-en is the main audit page with links to all the materials.
  • Jean-Baptiste to complete the Heat Map of Public Comments received that Fabro Steibel provided.
  • Parking Paper: Jordyn/Drew to review the parking paper and look into the DNS Abuse Correlation with Parking.
  • Roadmap to Final Report:
    • Review team members to review accuracy of the public comment summary and confirm to staff accuracy /changes by July 6 COB.
    • Schedule subgroups call as from the week after ICANN59 for a period of 4-5 weeks (Deadline August 1)  to review the public comments received and incorporate edits. Subgroup calls should last one hour and be extended if necessary.
    • Two weeks from the delivery of DNS Abuse Study Public results will be released for public comments new sections of the report
    • Heat Map to be included in the Final Report
    • Review Team to publish for public comment only new sections to the draft report (DNS Abuse Study, INTA Survey...), edits following the first period of public comment will be incorporated in the final report before it is sent out the Board.
    • First Plenary call after ICANN59 scheduled on August 1st.