CCWG on IG Teleconference - 2018.01.19 - Adobe Chat
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 07:38) --------------------------
Desiree Cabrera: Today's agenda is also available at:
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:00) --------------------------
judith hellerstein: HI All
Rafik Dammak: hi
Rafik Dammak: waiting for more people to join
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:03) --------------------------
Nigel Hickson: good afternoon; apologies
Adam Peake: took me a number of attempts to enter the room. hope others are OK
Nigel Hickson: Am at ITU discussing another WCIT.....
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: ok Nigel. Enjoy!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: Will you be able to speak?
Nigel Hickson: Yes have come out....
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: ok thx
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:06) --------------------------
judith hellerstein: HI nIgel, how is it going
Greg Shatan: Hello, all! Happy New Year (according to the Gregorian Calendar)!
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:10) --------------------------
Greg Shatan: The Julian Calendar New Year is even newer, starting on January 14....
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:11) --------------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: that's the name I was looking for. Julian calndar
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: the document is on:
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:13) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: Hi, sorry that I am late. I have a zillion calls today and its Friday. Is Friday the new Wednesday?
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:14) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: yes, from quick readk
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: @Lori - I had the same problem today too :-)
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: We started 6 minutes late anyway
Lori Schulman: At least there is no UN security line.
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:16) --------------------------
judith hellerstein: Good comment
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:22) --------------------------
judith hellerstein: are you still there
judith hellerstein: Oh Audio is back
Lori Schulman: Hi
Lori Schulman: It think the group should obligate itself to provide reports 2 weeks before each F2F ICANN meeting.
Lori Schulman: and then an annual round up
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:24) --------------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: I agree
Nigel Hickson: WSIS 2018 is after ICANN 61
Nigel Hickson: 2 weeks good
judith hellerstein: Great!! Thanka nigel
Bill Drake: is this group going to organize a WSIS Forum workshop again?
Lori Schulman: Isn't too late?
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:27) --------------------------
Bill Drake: Lofi the deadline's the 30th
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:29) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: Bill, thanks. I thought it was earlier. Given the ICANN whois scramble that will be a challenge.
Lori Schulman: I will not be attended WSIS this year as the new date directly conflicts with my organizations Board Meeting and Brands and Innovation Conference in NYC.
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:33) --------------------------
Nigel Hickson: @Olivier - yes seems ok re 6 - no change needed
Bill Drake: jus wonderin
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: no change in my opinion
judith hellerstein: This call is like abbott and costello
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: I wonder if I am the only one with a time lag to reach Rafik
Lori Schulman: I don't seem to have a lag
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: I can hear the speaker on Rafik's side 5 seconds after I say something.
judith hellerstein: yes you are overlapping with rafik
Lori Schulman: i can't seem to follow the screen
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: Can you go to:
Lori Schulman: thanks
Lori Schulman: I am in google now no worries
judith hellerstein: Yes. He keeps stops sharing so he can see the que. as you cannot see the que unless you stop screen sharing
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:41) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: I understand the concern but I think that the statement demands some kind of procedure be developed
Lori Schulman: how we approach the SO/AC, time frame, etc.
Lori Schulman: I will be typing my comments. It seems to be faster. The sound on Adobe is a bit odd and delayed.
Lori Schulman: Exactly, Olivier is illustrating my point.
judith hellerstein: Yes I agree with Lori
Bill Drake: I'm skeptical the vehicle will be able to do position papers so the fact that in order to do one you'd have a lot of process may not be a real issue.
Rafik: sorry, juts back
judith hellerstein: Yes that is a good idea. Keep them informed
Lori Schulman: Maybe, the wording is "In the event that the CCEG wishes to draft and adopt an ICANN policy on IG, the CCEG shall contact the chartering organizations and agree upon timeframes for input and inclusion as appropriate to the proposed task.
Lori Schulman: If SO/AC's get approval right then agree that we need to be explicit aobout it.
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:48) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: sound is wonky
judith hellerstein: Olivier you have an echo
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:50) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: yes
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:52) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: i have no hurt feelings if people think otherwise. it can always be modified
Greg Shatan: I know Lori’s wording is in draft, but I don’t think we have the remit to develop ICANN policy
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:53) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: so maybe we say "position" rather than "policy"
Lori Schulman: icann will have a position but perhaps its not memorialized in a specific way
Bill Drake: does that solve the problem?
Lori Schulman: agree that policy may not be the right word
Lori Schulman: it may be confused with GNSO
Bill Drake: statements of vehicle view
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:56) --------------------------
Tanya Tropina: Hi all, sorry for joining late -- was on another ICANN related call
Bill Drake: is the China position in the expert group getting any traction with developing countries?
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 08:58) --------------------------
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: @tanya - you missed all the fun on the charter work. But can contribute by commenting on the Google Doc
Bill Drake: but that one percent is a really important one! :-)
Tanya Tropina: :( I joined only because of charter discussion. Sorry that I couldn't contribute - I was on a call about chairing the GDPR session at NCPH intersessional and it popped up at the very last moment :(
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 09:04) --------------------------
Nigel Hickson: @Bill yes
Bill Drake: thanks
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 09:06) --------------------------
judith hellerstein: The answer should be no
judith hellerstein: it does not matter
Bill Drake: ITRs
Bill Drake: I've always heard 3%. and yes it's mostly between develping countries
Bill Drake: China wants them to cover cybersecurity and privacy. bit of a mandate stretch
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 09:11) --------------------------
judith hellerstein: That was produced to marilyn cade
Tanya Tropina: LOL
Bill Drake: ????????????
judith hellerstein: Sorry Bill
Bill Drake: we're so alike
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: sorry it's been a long day already for me :-)
judith hellerstein: we need a good laugh
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 09:14) --------------------------
judith hellerstein: Sorry adobe crashed
Bill Drake: last year was CB
Bill Drake: and ITU took careful notes en route to launching its own agenda
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: @Bill: good to hear it was helpful for some organisations
Bill Drake: ICANN gives money to ITU? better keep that quiet
judith hellerstein: I have something for any other business
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 09:17) --------------------------
Tanya Tropina: It's my 5th call.
Tanya Tropina: today
Lori Schulman: Its my 3rd call - 3 more to go
Lori Schulman: we are all tired
Bill Drake: I have a choppy connection so no vocalizing
Greg Shatan: I have take a vow of relative silence for the New Year.
Tanya Tropina: Lori, and it's only 11 am for you?
Lori Schulman: and GDPR is sucking the air out of the room
Lori Schulman: Yes,
Lori Schulman: My calls start early
Lori Schulman: we have European members
Tanya Tropina: Greg, I almost made the same resolution but I thought I would fail on the 2nd working day post new year
Greg Shatan: Tanya, that is why it is only relative.
Tanya Tropina: Greg oh that was a lawyered up resolution then :-)
Bill Drake: I don't think it would be strategic to do a session on ICANN meets GDRP at ITU
Tanya Tropina: all the beasts in ne place :-)
Tanya Tropina: *one
Bill Drake: we don't really happy a happy news story to tell in that context
Lori Schulman: Then I would call it Data Privacy not GDRP
judith hellerstein: Yes I do like a data privacy one and related it to the internet of thinkgs
Nigel Hickson: @Lori - yes agree
judith hellerstein: but this does not really relates as much to our mandate
Lori Schulman: speaking has been too challenging
Lori Schulman: today
Tanya Tropina: Lori :-) am glad am not the only one in that condition today
Greg Shatan: We need text to speech conversion for the chat. :-)
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: @Greg indeed :-)
Tanya Tropina: Greg, the one that does accents
Tanya Tropina: I don't want to be voiced by some computer voice :-)
Tanya Tropina: Siri-like
Bill Drake: if nobody's going to be at WF besides me and Nigel it doesn't make sense to spend cycles trying to pump out a proposal in the next week
Tanya Tropina: am not sure it's within ICANN's remit
Tanya Tropina: I would be against.
Tanya Tropina: :-)
Tanya Tropina: for NOW.
Lori Schulman: agree.
judith hellerstein: There are security issues and that could be within icann's remit tangentially
Tanya Tropina: I would say, I would be *biolently* against
Tanya Tropina: Violently
Lori Schulman: the IoT is very technical in terms of separate addresses but I don't know about IG policy
Tanya Tropina: god I can't even type let alone talk. Sigh.
Lori Schulman: unless we talk about permissionless internet which is not an ICANN issue
judith hellerstein: yes lori that was what i was thinking
Tanya Tropina: IoT security regulation or lack of thereof and a need for it (or not) is a policy topic too but has nothing to do with ICANN's remit
Adam Peake: CTO's team looks at IOT and implications for the DNS. Mentioned during the CTO's session at the iGF in geneva. Trasncript available. Strong personal interest of Maarten Botterman, but not in his capacity as ICANN Director.
Tanya Tropina: Maarten and I were on the IoT regulation panel together at IGF
Tanya Tropina: IoT implications for DNS is within ICANN remit but it's a kinda narrow topic -- very narrow compare to all the IoT discussions
Lori Schulman: agree
Lori Schulman: transcription should be for higher level discussions
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 09:30) --------------------------
Adam Peake: IOT - following the IGF discussion would be quite dry for WSIS Forum. It was very tech oriented.
-------------------------- (01/19/2018 09:32) --------------------------
Lori Schulman: we have the intersessional
Tanya Tropina: Yes. No calls please.
judith hellerstein: That works for me
Tanya Tropina: yes, 5th of February is better.
Tanya Tropina: (for now).
Lori Schulman: yes
Bill Drake: cheers
Tanya Tropina: thanks all. Have a great weekend.
Greg Shatan: Bye all!
Adam Peake: thank you