Participants: Alejandra Reynoso, Joke Braeken, Eduardo Santoyo, David McAuley, Katrina Sataki, Ben Fuller, Lesley Crowley, MirjanaTasic, Dejan Djukic, Stephen Deerhake,
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Action Items
- Status Quo: discussion on the current documents
- Next steps: ccNSO Council Meetings; ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities
- Tech Day – what to do?
Chat Transcript:
Alejandra Reynoso:Good morning
Kimberly Carlson:Good morning
Alejandra Reynoso:6am :)
Alejandra Reynoso:Hi!
Joke Braeken:Hi Katrina :)
David McAuley:Good morning
Joke Braeken:13:00h in Brussels
David McAuley:7am here
David McAuley:in DC area
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello
Lesley:Helo everyone
Lesley:or hello even!
Ben Fuller:Hi everyon e, will keep my mic muted because its raining here and the noise on the roof is very loud.
Stephen Deerhake:Sprry I'm late.
Stephen Deerhake:Still dark here.
Lesley:Agree - review in advance of the 3 years normal review
Lesley:Agree with Katrina
Lesley:US english or UK English
Lesley:UK Engliah is 'programme'
David McAuley:agreed - programme
David McAuley:nice word
Ben Fuller:Me too
Ben Fuller:Yes, I will look at it
Ben Fuller:Sorry we are getting lots of lightening strikes, but I can follow the audio
Ben Fuller:Katrina, plese remind me which document you want me to look at.
Katrina Sataki:- Charter: ccNSO Meetings Program WG – ready for the final round of comments (
Ben Fuller:OK will explain
Stephen Deerhake:Spell it programme however, Ben :-)
Ben Fuller:That final sentence in 3.6 looks OK to me
David McAuley:Me too
Lesley:'taking into consideration' does not mean incorporating the comments
Stephen Deerhake:No problem with 3.6 either.
Katrina Sataki:yes, that's what I thought too, Lesley
David McAuley:fully agree with Bart
David McAuley:consider includes the notion of rejection as well as acceptance
Stephen Deerhake:+1 for Lesley's interpretation. That's what it means to me as well.
David McAuley:I read it last night and frankly it seemed fine
Stephen Deerhake:I can take it on...
David McAuley:i will volunteer
David McAuley:Thanks Stephen
Stephen Deerhake:Trannslate it into English.
David McAuley:Good point - the committees doc has some language on non-productive participants as I recall
David McAuley:para 5.1 of collaboration groups addresses this issue
David McAuley:+1 @ Lesley for one overarching place to address non-performance
Stephen Deerhake:I agree with Lesley --have a separate policy document that then gets referenced.
Ben Fuller:Good idea Lesley
Ben Fuller:Are there any ICANN bylaws about accountability and performance we can refer to?
David McAuley:work in progress
David McAuley:Two days - one for workstream one, another for workstream two
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I am supporting Lesley's proposal how to cope with accountability
Stephen Deerhake:I would say it's not broken; not sure what we need to tweak.
David McAuley:Are there surveys from recent tech days that might help us
Stephen Deerhake:Can We carry that question over to the next meeting so I can consult with Eberhard and the Tech WG ? I'd get on audio but I have no voice today.
Ben Fuller:It mightbe a good idea to include the TWG in this discussion
David McAuley:Agreed - Dr Lisse appears to be quite involved - would be good to check with him
David McAuley:Good idea Stephen
Lesley:Tech day is still 'owned' by the ccNSO, so I think it should be included
Stephen Deerhake:I am. Lucky for the group!
EDUARDO SANTOYO:agree with Lesley
Ben Fuller:Lesley makes a good point, there may be other initiavies the fall under the ccNSO but link to other SOs
David McAuley:next call - are we on 2 or 3 week wsched
David McAuley:ok sounds fine
Lesley:21st fine with me
Joke Braeken:for me too
Stephen Deerhake:OK.
Alejandra Reynoso:ok
Dejan Djukic:sounds ok
Ben Fuller:OK
EDUARDO SANTOYO:have a good week
David McAuley:Thank you Katrina and Bart and Kim and all
Stephen Deerhake:Thanks all.
Alejandra Reynoso:Thank you! :)
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you everyone
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye
David McAuley:Bye all
Joke Braeken:Thank you :) have a nice day
Alejandra Reynoso:Bye
Katrina Sataki:thank you, bye!
Dejan Djukic:bye