CCWG-IG F2F Meeting in Helsinki

CCWG-IG F2F Meeting in Helsinki

Date:   Tuesday 28 June 2016                              

Time:  17:00-18:30 Helsinki Time (15:00-16:30 UTC)

Adobe Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/hel56-terracehall

English Audio http://stream.icann.org:8000/hel56-terracehall-en.m3u
English Audio (Low Bitrate) http://stream.icann.org:8000/hel56-terracehall-en-lo.m3u

Location: Terrace Hall, Level 1

Adigo Participant #:
For Adigo numbers: http://adigo.com/icann/

Interpretation Available: No



Call management:

Action Items:

Adobe Connect Recording: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p4ayn3qs9xi/ (started late for technical reasons)

Recording: (Note that the recording was incomplete for technical reasons)

Part 1: hel56-PRIVATE-2016-06-28-T1420-terracehall-7CypczU2XyUZCBAZb5f2ArFTTW2Ua9Kh-en-01.mp3  (interrupted for technical reasons)

Part 2: hel56-PRIVATE-2016-06-28-T1420-terracehall-7CypczU2XyUZCBAZb5f2ArFTTW2Ua9Kh-en-02.mp3


Transcript: CLOSED_ICANN56-HEL_Tue28Jun2016-CCWG with IG Goran-en.pdf

Adobe Chat:

A G E N D A  

1. Introduction and Approval of Agenda. Introduction of all participating (5 minutes)

2. Introduction of the CCWG IG (10 minutes, co-chairs)

  • Function of the CCWG-IG wrt the ICANN community, its relationship with its co-chartering organisations, the ICANN Board and ICANN staff. Past activities: Public Sessions at ICANN meetings; NetMundial; IGF workshops.

3. Discussion with ICANN President and CEO Göran Marby (15 minutes)

  • Introductory remarks from Göran Marby

4. Discussion with Markus Kummer, Board Chair of IG WG (20 minutes)

  • Interactive discussion with Q & A

5. CCWG Activities and Planning July-Dec 2016 (30 minutes)

  • *identify and gather calendar of relevant events for update to calendar of events
  • *plan a 'town hall' for the ICANN57 to address key messages to the IGF and do a survey of ICANN members regarding participation in the IGF2016
  • *Discuss ICANN booth at IGF2016 and its focus and how CCWG-IG can support
  • *Discuss ICANN Open forum at IGF2016 merely for informational purposes, and 'exchange' information about other engagement of CCWG-IG members at IGF2016
  • *Identify ICANN engagement at July ECOSOC - brief update from Tarek/Mandy/Veni/Nigel

6. Next Steps (5 minutes)