00:23:17 silvia.vivanco: Welcome all
00:23:31 silvia.vivanco: Happy and prosperous New Year!
00:23:46 aziz: Hello Evryone
00:23:57 Sarah Kiden: Sarata is here! It’s nice that she’s finally able to join.
00:23:58 Abdulkarim Oloyede: hi
00:24:28 silvia.vivanco: Kindly mute your speakers if you are not speaking as to avoid background noise
00:24:58 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Am also here
00:25:02 Leon Sanchez: hello everyone!
00:25:06 Leon Sanchez: Happy new year!
00:25:13 Olevie Kouami: Capda is Michel Tchonang
00:25:40 Benjamin: Hello Everyone
00:25:51 Michel TCHONANG: Thank you Olivier
00:26:14 Barrack Otieno: Hello Benjamin, Bonjour Michel
00:26:34 Wisdom Donkor: Hi every one
00:26:50 Michel TCHONANG: Happy New Year Barrack
00:28:43 Heidi Ullrich: I need to look into where his certificate is
00:29:25 silvia.vivanco: thanks Heidi
00:31:18 Mary Uduma: Hi Everyone
00:33:39 silvia.vivanco: https://community.icann.org/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+Workspace%3A+Third+Accountability+and+Transparency+Review+Team+%28ATRT3%29+Draft+Report
00:34:17 silvia.vivanco: ICANN Public comments: https://www.icann.org/public-comments
00:34:17 Abdulkarim Oloyede: There is also comments on ART3 report
00:34:55 Vernatius Ezeama: Am having connection problem, kindly call my number +2348037007800 to join. thanks
00:35:18 Abdulkarim Oloyede: Hi Leon. Happy new Year to you too and thanks for joining us
00:35:19 silvia.vivanco: ALAC Public comment page: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=102139172
00:35:36 silvia.vivanco: CCWG will have French! interpretation
00:35:39 silvia.vivanco: Yes for next week
00:35:44 Michelle DeSmyter: @Vernatius - we will dial you momentarily
00:36:05 Sarah Kiden: Great news about CCWG French interpretation!
00:36:50 silvia.vivanco: CPWG sorry for the typo
00:37:23 Sarah Kiden: :-)
00:38:00 silvia.vivanco: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/open-call-for-community-members-to-join-the-new-africa-strategy-working-group
00:38:21 silvia.vivanco: Kindly see the announcement to join the new African strategy WG
00:38:54 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Greetings all.
00:39:23 Glenn McKnight FBSC : I wanted to share with the group that Dev and I submitted for the ABR a proposal to support a ATLARGE Blog
00:39:26 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Here is the details
00:39:28 silvia.vivanco: Hello Glenn
00:39:41 Michelle DeSmyter: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/open-call-for-community-members-to-join-the-new-africa-strategy-working-group
00:39:57 Michel TCHONANG: le souci c'est que langue de travail là bas est en anglais, ce qui à mon avis constitue une forme d'exclusion et c'est dommage
00:40:44 Glenn McKnight FBSC : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kcdsLtuf84pfcgD77HdYCPpTcClplm37/edit?dls=true
00:40:44 yaovi.atohoun: R: https://www.icann.org/news/blog/appel-aux-membres-de-la-communaute-pour-rejoindre-le-nouveau-groupe-de-travail-sur-la-strategie-pour-l-afrique
00:41:22 Glenn McKnight FBSC : The blog tool uses AMAZON Polly to translate the blog posts to 21 languages
00:41:34 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Here is an example from my Internet Governance Hub
00:42:01 Glenn McKnight FBSC : https://internetgovernancehub.blog/
00:43:17 Glenn McKnight FBSC : It also has an computer voice for reading the blog post as well.
00:43:28 Edem (ISOC Senegal): Hi All! Sorry for joining late!
00:43:59 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Secondly. I am helping Jacob in his efforts to create a Ghanian School of Internet Governance
00:44:00 Michel TCHONANG: Thank you Yaovi
00:44:40 Michel TCHONANG: Note Seun
00:44:55 Sarah Kiden: Thank you for raising the issue @Michel!
00:46:05 Sarah Kiden: Lost audio from TIjani
00:47:19 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Hi Raymond
00:48:31 Sarah Kiden: Congratulations once again, Leon!
00:49:14 silvia.vivanco: Welcome Leon :)!
00:49:30 davekissoondoyal: Congratulations to Leon
00:50:00 Mary Uduma: Congratulation Leon
00:50:29 Olivier Kouami: you are welcome Leon
00:50:54 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Congrats to Leon and good luck as the Vice Chair on the ICANN board
00:52:08 Sarah Kiden: Good stuff, Caleb!
00:52:36 silvia.vivanco: Thanks for sharing your activities Caleb!
00:52:49 silvia.vivanco: please all members share your activities via AFRALO mailing list
00:53:07 silvia.vivanco: And of course you will have a chance to include them on the upcoming Newsletter
00:53:32 Sarata Omane: Good work Caleb
00:53:35 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Tijani participanted in the English and French tracks in Montreal
00:54:27 Glenn McKnight FBSC : Please note that ISOC Foundation is dedicated to supporting schools of IG and dont; forget to join with Avri Doria the DC3 Coalition of Schools of Internet Governance
00:55:19 LizOrembo: Thanks Glen.
00:56:00 Michel TCHONANG: Thank Glenn
00:57:07 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong (IGF CHAD): For HOUSE OF AFRICA ALS : WE are part of Organizing committee for the first DNS FORUM IN CHAD who was held from 17 to 18 December 2019 in Ndjamena,Chad
00:57:44 Heidi Ullrich: Olivier, nous pouvons vous appeler. Veuillez informer Michelle de votre numéro.
00:58:06 aziz: Bravo Abdeljalil
00:58:19 Heidi Ullrich: Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638
00:58:20 Sarah Kiden: Noted, Abdeljalil
00:59:05 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong (IGF CHAD): Merci Aziz .
00:59:10 Minata ZONG-NABA: I invite you to relive some highlights of the FFGI2019 through these two links: I wish you a happy new year 2020. My best wishes for this year.
00:59:18 Minata ZONG-NABA: Vidéo: https://youtu.be/JpzEjCeLXls Images : http://bit.ly/35bng3P
00:59:29 silvia.vivanco: UA and IDN’s webinar in December: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=124846610
00:59:35 silvia.vivanco: The Webinar was recorded
00:59:38 davekissoondoyal: Bravo @Abdeljalil
00:59:39 Sarah Kiden: Merci Minata
00:59:41 silvia.vivanco: you can listen to it again
01:00:03 Bakary KOUYATE: Pour l'ALS du Mali, nous avons realisé en fin decembre la competion entre les ecoles supérieures d'une part et les lycées d'autre
01:00:29 silvia.vivanco: Thanks for the update Bakary
01:00:37 davekissoondoyal: Merci @Bakary
01:00:48 silvia.vivanco: Please also share your activity via Mailing list
01:00:49 Sarah Kiden: Merci Bakary
01:00:57 Bakary KOUYATE: C'était une competion de debat contradictoires sur la protection de la vie privée sur les réseaux sociaux
01:01:22 Michel TCHONANG: Bravo Bakary
01:02:25 Bakary KOUYATE: liens videos : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6619545581318705152
01:02:50 Bakary KOUYATE: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6619893934682406912
01:03:01 davekissoondoyal: Happy anniversary ISOC Benin
01:03:05 Michel TCHONANG: Congratulation Olivié
01:03:26 Bakary KOUYATE: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6620103678881828864
01:03:54 Kamara Lilian: great work yazid
01:03:55 Edem Nunekpeku (ISOC Senegal): Good Job Benin Chapter Folks
01:04:30 Sarah Kiden: Kudos UA Ambassadors Yazid and Galila! And Kudos about Benin Internet week
01:05:16 Michel TCHONANG: Great job all
01:05:17 AOlevie Kouami: Hello Mina
01:06:08 Raymond Mamattah: Well done ISOC Benin and happy anniversary
01:06:26 Minata ZONG-NABA: Super? Je vais bien Olivie.
01:06:51 silvia.vivanco: AI: Sarah Kiden to send a call for topics for the AFRALO-AFRICANN meeting in Cancun
01:08:59 silvia.vivanco: AI: Staff in coordination with Sarah to organize a Newsletter team call
01:10:12 silvia.vivanco: Sarah will collect inputs for the next Newsletter by the end of January
01:11:59 Sarah Kiden: Noted. We shall try to have English and French for volume 2
01:12:27 silvia.vivanco: Review of ROPs /Individual membership section
01:12:30 silvia.vivanco: https://community.icann.org/display/AFRALO/Individual+Membership+-+AFRALO+ROP+Review
01:13:34 silvia.vivanco: AI: Sarah Kiden to send a message to existing members of ROP WG to confirm membership and new members to join
01:13:49 silvia.vivanco: Task of the group: review existing rules and suggest any modifications
01:15:58 Sarah Kiden: @Silvia, modifications for individual membership rules only
01:16:05 Caleb Ogundele: Thank Sarah, Sara and Glenn.
01:16:08 silvia.vivanco: the call for membership will be open for 2 weeks
01:16:34 Caleb Ogundele: To see activities of the Nigerian School on Internet Governance from last year visit
01:16:41 Caleb Ogundele: https://sig.ng
01:20:14 silvia.vivanco: AI: Staff and AFRALO leadership to coordinate on review of criteria to consider an ALS active or inactive, based on which there can be a request for decertifcation
01:22:24 silvia.vivanco: Thanks for sharing this information Celeb
01:23:08 silvia.vivanco: AI: Seun and AFRALO leaders to review the FY21 ABRs
01:25:18 Caleb Ogundele: We can hear you Seun
01:26:15 silvia.vivanco: Ralo Discretionary funds: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/FY20+RALO+Requests+for+Funding+to+support+an+Outreach+Activity
01:26:21 silvia.vivanco: FY20 ends on June 30th!
01:26:32 silvia.vivanco: Please review criteria and submit your requests
01:27:56 silvia.vivanco: request must be sent 3 weeks before the proposed activity
01:30:27 silvia.vivanco: AI; Staff to send a call for questions for ICANN Board members
01:32:23 silvia.vivanco: Staff in coordination with AFRALO leadership to send a call for questions for ICANN Board members
01:33:08 silvia.vivanco: the call will be for the AFRALO membership to send ideas /questions for the Board
01:33:13 silvia.vivanco: noted
01:33:14 Jacob Odame-Baiden: hello everybody, Jacob from Ghana
01:33:36 Sarah Kiden: Welcome Jacob!
01:35:43 silvia.vivanco: Warm welcome to all new AFRALO members
01:35:59 Oreoluwa Lesi: Hello everyone
01:36:11 Sarah Kiden: Welcome Abdel!
01:36:16 Sarah Kiden: And Ore!
01:36:26 AOlevie Kouami: Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres
01:36:30 Jacob Odame-Baiden: Thank you
01:36:50 AOlevie Kouami: Welcome on board
01:38:38 silvia.vivanco: AI: Evin and Sarah to follow-up with individual members with observer status
01:39:31 silvia.vivanco: Mandla Msimang Board member from South Africa
01:39:58 silvia.vivanco: See Board members bios: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/board-of-directors
01:42:37 Leon Sanchez: Dear Seun and all, unfortunately I have to leave the call now. I will update you on the Board activities for our workshop in LA via email
01:42:46 Leon Sanchez: Thanks for having me and talk to you all soon
01:42:49 Leon Sanchez: bye for now
01:43:13 Sarah Kiden: Thank you for joining us, Leon and apologies for not allowing you to speak
01:44:31 AOlevie Kouami: Leon has already introduced himself, Sarah
01:44:59 Sarah Kiden: @Olevie he wanted to make a comment during AOB
01:45:06 AOlevie Kouami: Bye Léon an thanks
01:45:34 AOlevie Kouami: OK, sorry
01:46:54 Abdulkarim Oloyede: I think Leon made his comments earlier when he was giving the floor the second time
01:47:54 Sarah Kiden: This is the message from Leaon before he left the call “Dear Seun and all, unfortunately I have to leave the call now. I will update you on the Board activities for our workshop in LA via email”
01:48:44 Caleb Ogundele: Not to over flog invitation to Board members, they are first Africans and so a regional attachment to AFRALO should be a thing of priority. It's also a welcome moment when a strategic document is being developed and they can contribute
01:48:53 Abdulkarim Oloyede: The workshop in LA is in the future.
01:49:01 Abdulkarim Oloyede: it is yet to happen
01:49:12 AOlevie Kouami: OK. Noted Sarah. Thank you
01:49:29 Sarah Kiden: Merci Olevie
01:49:32 Caleb Ogundele: Not to over flog invitation to Board members, they are first Africans and so a regional attachment to AFRALO should be a thing of priority. It's also a welcome moment when a strategic document is being developed and they can contribute
01:49:41 yaovi.atohoun: Thanks and bye
01:49:58 AOlevie Kouami: Y a pas de quoi Sarah
01:50:01 silvia.vivanco: Thank you all! Lots of activities ahead!
01:50:01 Mary Uduma: Thanks All and bye
01:50:02 Michel TCHONANG: Thank all for this good meeting, congratulation for the team. Bye bye!
01:50:04 Sarah Kiden: Thank you all and bye!
01:50:08 AOlevie Kouami: Thank you
01:50:09 Barrack Otieno: Thanks everyone
01:50:09 davekissoondoyal: Thanks Seun, all members, staff and interpreters
01:50:10 Bob Ochieng’s iPhone: Thanks and bye
01:50:11 Barrack Otieno: bye
01:50:12 AOlevie Kouami: Bye
01:50:15 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong (IGF CHAD): bye merci
01:50:16 Edem Nunekpeku (ISOC Senegal): Bye
01:50:16 davekissoondoyal: bye
01:50:17 Benjamin: bye
01:50:17 Raymond Mamattah: Good night
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