Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ICANN Academy Working Group call on Friday 05 October 2012 at 1300 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Greetins all g
Glenn McKnight:Someone is shistling a tune
Siranush Vardanyan:thank you
Chuck Gomes:Am I correct that there is no dial-in number?
Sandra Hoferichter:Hello all there!
Glenn McKnight:siranush is things working our for you and the VIS to Canada?
Siranush Vardanyan:hello, everyone
Stéphane Van Gelder:Hi everyone
Siranush Vardanyan:I don;t need dial out, as I ca hear through adobe connect space
Siranush Vardanyan:thanks for welcoming, Gisella
Stéphane Van Gelder:What are the dial in details Gisella please?
Stéphane Van Gelder:If someone can provide the dial in details that would be appreciated
Hong Xue:Can we start on time?
Hong Xue:Yes.
Gisella Gruber-White:Marilyn Cade has joined the Adobe Connect
Marilyn Cade, BC Chair:Like Stephane, I need the dial in information. Can this please be sent?
Gisella Gruber-White:I will send them in a second
Marilyn Cade, BC Chair:thanks, to this note, or elsewhere?
Gisella Gruber-White:Toll-free access number (US and Canada): 800 550 6865
Gisella Gruber-White:Pass code 1638
Gisella Gruber-White:ALl dial-in details available via the wiki agenda page
Gisella Gruber-White:Any other country toll free numbers required?
Marilyn Cade, BC Chair:Gisa, not all of us are wiki users from our limited hand held devices, while driving. -)
Gisella Gruber-White:Plase remember to mute your computers if you are on the phone line AND the Adobe Connect
Sandra Hoferichter:we can hear you
Glenn McKnight:Please indicate the meeting times in Toronto
Gisella Gruber-White:Academy Meeting in Toronto: Wednesday 17 October from 07:00 - 10:00
Chuck Gomes:I will only be able to attend the first two hours
Glenn McKnight:Thanks, It clashes with the NARALO Capactiy Building session,
Gisella Gruber-White:ICANN Schedule:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:As to the ADVANCED VIRTUAL LEARNING we created the ICANN ACADEMY Moodle and I have provide my short ICANN informaiton videos for the modules
Gisella Gruber-White:Avri Doria has joined the call
Gisella Gruber-White:Please state your names
Marilyn Cade, BC Chair: apologies, I will try to remember to state my name when I speak.
avri:Yes, SVG, we are ICANN
Sandra Hoferichter:I do not have the link here right now.
Sandra Hoferichter:
Sandra Hoferichter:Beijing need no new budget request but South Africa
Filiz Yilmaz:Sally has been briefed about the project.
avri:i will be there all day friday. good idea
Glenn McKnight:I will be around as well
Chuck Gomes:I can be there on Friday
Glenn McKnight:Not a bad idea to have a face to face meeting on Friday
Silvia Vivanco:
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:I am flying out on Wednesday evening - so can only attend Wednesday
Silvia Vivanco:This is the At Large schedule for Friday
Hong Xue:I'm flying out Friday early morning.
Sandra Hoferichter:Let do a doodle
Filiz Yilmaz:I will not be there on Friday. Most ICANN Staff is checking out on Friday.
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:could we go back to the wednesday agenda?
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:ah thank you :)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:hence the wednesday meeting is best - agreed soe people migt be missing but it is getting very hard to have 1 time slot with absolutely everyone
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:what could happen is the same discussion to take place both on wednesday & friday
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:but how can you define a learning objective without knowing the target audience?
Filiz Yilmaz:Whay cannot it be both?
Filiz Yilmaz:One block is capacity building, the other grooming the leaders....
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:agree with Marily that they are intertwined
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:but then at least an overal goal should be established
Filiz Yilmaz:Of course there is the quesiton what is the next implementable thing should be. But the ICANN Academy concept can include all the blocks...
Hong Xue:Learning goal or purpose of the project?
avri:i think learning goal versus target group is a "chicken and egg" problem
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hong, they are talking a bout the pilot only
avri:Tijani: aren't they talking about an overall framework as well?
avri:i know they called these two things, one thing, but in any case, I did hear talk of a framework.
Glenn McKnight:Each group has different expectations and learning outcomes.
Glenn McKnight:Some need ony the bare bones others need indepth knowledge
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:agreed
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:we know there are more than one target groups but we neither have the money nor the resources to deal with all target groups simultaneously
avri:But itis true, we are not yet sure whether this includes the original ALAC notion of an academy for all community participants, especially users.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:there is a huuuuge demand for capacity building
Glenn McKnight:Yes, Avri is right
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:but we need to start smewhere -- one step at a time
Glenn McKnight:Step one is assessment of the learner needs and map the training to outcomes.
avri:OCL: so it is said. and we do that by chasing our tails.
Glenn McKnight:We should be using SMART analysis or Results Based Tools for this assessment
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:the leadership programme just appeared to be one which had a concrete target group, and quantifiable results -ROIs which can then get ICANN to fund the other programmes in future years
Glenn McKnight:I think MC is talking about he Virtual Learning Environment
avri:OCL: yes, but we see that leadership training is fraught with political connundrum - and may be the most difficult thing to actually agree on.
Glenn McKnight:I think this discussion is a slice of the politics
Filiz Yilmaz:I have to leave now, have another meeting starting at the hour. See you in Toronto.
Glenn McKnight:It's quite simple from an education designers point of view but this discusion is mired down
Chuck Gomes:I think we have more than enough to keep us busy in Toronto.
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:Bye Filiz, see you next week!
Sandra Hoferichter:Thank you for joining us Filiz
avri:Chuck: as long as we can keep from having the same conversations over and over and ove and ...
avri:my suggestons for the role of staff: help us by dong what we ask them to do.
Sebastien:I need to leave also. I am ask to leave the meeting room I am in. See you in Toronto
avri:bye Sebastien
Gisella Gruber-White: Please note heavy breathing - please mute your speakers
Sebastien:not me :)
avri:wht are we agreeing to?
Sandra Hoferichter:the agenda for Toronto
Sandra Hoferichter:1. discussion on target groups / learning goals
avri:can someone write it in the discussion notes section?
Silvia Vivanco:yes
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Avri - Silvia is taking notes
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:I think all participants (including staff) can have valuable input on content and process, since we all represent variuos view points and stakeholders. In that sense I find the whole "who should be involved" discussion a bit of a shame and detract from the overal goal
Sandra Hoferichter:2. Timing Beijing or not
Sandra Hoferichter:3. roll of staff
Tijani BEN JEMAA:I agree with your proposal Sanra
Glenn McKnight:We worked on the MOODLE and I provide at no cost the ICANN information Videos
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Hong Xue:I do have many questions but in case i vannot be heard again. I save them to F2F.
avri:bye y'all. i like being to particpate in a meeting just using Adobe.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you!
Rumy Spratley-Kanis 2:thank you Sandra, see you in Toronto
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all byes
Ron Sherwood:Thank you Sandra
Adam Gosling:thankyou
avri:bye bye Gisella
Sandra Hoferichter:Bye!
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