Reviewing the CEP - Meeting #3 (11 January 2017 @ 13:00 UTC)

Reviewing the CEP - Meeting #3 (11 January 2017 @ 13:00 UTC)


Sub-group Members: Anna Loup, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr  (3)

Staff:  Berry Cobb, Nathalie Vergnolle, Yvette Guigneaux

Apologies:  Sam Lanfranco, Alan Greenberg

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **




•Introduction, Attendance, Regrets, SOI’s
•Mediation, Conciliation, Negotiation: Structured Negotiation
•Examination of past CEPs: What and How
•Way Forward

Notes (including relevant portions of chat):

Introduction, Attendance, Regrets, SOI’s

  • Brief agenda, small group
  • Roll call will be taken from AC room
  • Apologies: Sam Lanfranco


  • View presented initially that benefit of CEP was that it was informal
  • Suggestion from plenary for a more structured negotiation, with a 3rd party
  • Question to this group: is this the direction we want to go?

Mediation, Conciliation, Negotiation: Structured Negotiation

  • Anna: if we go this direction, we'd need more people or review previous CEP to hear their opinion
  • Structured negotiation: would would pay for it?

Examination of past CEPs: What and How

  • Ed Morris: I asked the question to ICANN Legal and haven't received any response. I will go through Leon and the Legal. Committee to try to get some responses.
  • How do we want to go about examining past CEPs?
  • Anna Loup: a targetted survey could work, and I am in LA if it is necessary to be physically present at ICANN at any point
  • Ed: would you be willing to volunteer to prepare such a survey?
  • Anna: ok, happy to help. I'll look into alternative methods as well. it's too early for me to think of unique methods. 

Way Forward

  • We've had a participation issue from the beginning. Ed will bring it to the plenary today to try to get more folks.
  • Ed will send an email to the list with questions raised today, and suggested way forward. 

Documents Presented


Chat Transcript

Yvette Guigneaux: (1/10/2017 16:38) Welcome all to the WS2_ Reviewing the CEP | Wednesday, 11 January 2017 @ 13:00 UTC!
Yvette Guigneaux: (16:39) If you are not speaking, please kindly mute your phones - press *6 (star six) to unmute
Edward Morris: (1/11/2017 04:51) HI Yvette, can I get a call out. I'm having trouble with the dial in. +44 7472 687 857. Thanks.
Yvette Guigneaux: (04:53) hi Ed - we just turned on the audio for the room so you're probably ok now
Edward Morris: (04:54) Thanks!
Edward Morris: (04:56) Hi Cheryl. Happy New Year
Anna Loup: (05:02) Hello all
Yvette Guigneaux: (05:04) Hi Ed - made you a presenter - you can now move slides as need be
Edward Morris: (05:08) Thanks Yvette
Yvette Guigneaux: (05:12) Anna has a hand up
Anna Loup: (05:14) I'll look alternative methods as well. its too early for me to think of unique methods
Anna Loup: (05:15) thank you all!
avri doria: (05:15) bye
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (05:16) bye