CCT Meeting #62 - 27 October 2017 (ICANN60)

CCT Meeting #62 - 27 October 2017 (ICANN60)

Join the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) face-to-face meeting

The Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) will be meeting in Abu Dhabi on 27 October 2017, just before ICANN60 kicks off.  

Under the ICANN Bylaws, the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) Team is responsible for evaluating 1) how the new gTLD Program has promoted competition, consumer trust and consumer choice; 2) the effectiveness of the application and evaluation processes; 3) the effectiveness of safeguards put in place to mitigate issues involved in the expansion of the domain name space. This review is one of the key inputs to the re-opening of applications for New gTLDs.

The CCT-RT began its work in January 2016 and issued a set of draft fact-based recommendations for public comment in March 2017. This meeting will help the CCT-RT advance its work and analyze the public comment received as well as results of recent research data (including DNS Abuse Study Intermediate Report). The two-day face-to-face meeting is open to all, and is a perfect opportunity for the community to learn more about proposed improvements to the New generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) program and hear the latest findings of the CCT-RT. The Review Team plans to issue a second draft for public comment prior to issuing the Final Report.

You can attend this face-to-face meeting in person (Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Abu Dhabi, UAE) or virtually participate via:  https://participate.icann.org/abu60-capitalsuite3.

For further information on the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team, please see https://www.icann.org/resources/reviews/specific-reviews/cct and the CCT-RT wiki http://cct.wiki.

Agenda & Details

Reading List/Discussion Documents

Friday, 27 October 2017 09:00 - 17:30 GST | 05:00 - 13:00 UTC

( timezone converter)


Team:  Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin, Jordyn Buchanan, Gongalwe Moseu, Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Calvin Browne, Fabro Stiebel, David Taylor, Waudo Siganga, Dejan Dukic, Kaili Kan, Carlton Samuels


Observers: Margie Milam, Karen Lentz, Alice Jansen, Negar Farzinnia, Lars Hoffman

ICANN Org: Antonietta Mangiacotti, Eleeza Agopian, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez

Apologies:  Jamie Hedlund, Megan Richards


09:00 – 09:10         Welcome, roll call, Statement of Interest updates and opening remarks: Jonathan

09:10 – 10:15         Review of current status of draft report recommendations : Jean-Baptiste

  • Walk-through and report based on subteam work on updating/consolidating recommendations for the final report
  • Recommendations format

10:15 - 10:30     Break

10:30 – 12:00         Review and approve (consolidated) Competition Draft Report Recommendations: Jordyn

  • Rec. 2-6, 11: Jordyn
  • Rec. 7, 8, 12: Dejan
  • Rec. 9: Waudo
  • Rec. 10: Jordyn/David


12:00 – 12:30         Review and approve Application & Evaluation Draft Report Recommendations: Jonathan

  • Rec. 43 – 50: Jonathan

12:30 - 13:15     Review Team Lunch

13:15 - 15:15          Review  and approve (consolidated) Safeguards & Trust Draft Report Recommendations: Laureen

  • Rec. 13, 15, 33: Gao
  • Rec 14, 16, 25-30: Laureen
  • Rec 17,18, 20, 24: Calvin
  • Rec 19, 34, 37, 38, 39: Drew
  • Rec 21, 22, 23: Carlton
  • Rec 31, 32: Fabro
  • Rec 35: Jamie
  • Rec.36: Carlos
  • Rec. 40, 41, 42: David

15:15 - 15:30     Break

15:30 – 16:00         Determine updates needed to final report: All

  • Review and reach consensus on identified updates needed

16:00 – 17:00         Engagement Session preparations: All

17:00 – 17:15         Roadmap to Final Report: Jonathan, Jordyn, Laureen

  • Schedule of Calls
  • Adoption of Public Comment Shell
  • Workplan

17:15 – 17:30         A.O.B. and review of action items/decisions reached: Jonathan



Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcript:  EN

Notes/Action Items

Draft Report

  • All to maintain survey recommendations and consider consolidating all recommendations that reference topics related to asking consumers for their sense of trust, etc. in domains (i.e. recs. 9, 11, 13)
  • Rec. 5: Jonathan to provide an updated version of the parking paper based on today’s discussion. DONE
  • Rec 12. and 24 are separate: Dejan sent updated language for Rec 12. Jean-Baptiste to update PowerPoint. DONE
  • Consolidate recommendations 13, 35, 33 into a single end-user survey: Laureen to consider whether it will be a part of the earlier larger recommendation on conducting a single end-user survey. Jordyn to consolidate registrant survey recommendations and Laureen to address end-user survey recommendations for possible consolidation. 
  • Rec. 14 (assigned to David Taylor): Rewriting it to include removal of barriers to diversity (i.e. more niche TLDs or other business models?) to incentivize it rather than encouraging a particular business model. 
  • Rec 16: Carlos and Laureen to refocus recommendation to focus on data collection needed for the next review team rather than a study. Carlos to move some of the text in Rec 16 to the analysis section. 
  • Rec. 25-30: ICANN org to reach out to Subsequent Procedures leadership and ask where they are in their highly regulated strings discussion.  As it will influence priority level for the recommendation -- does it need to be completed in time for Subsequent Procedures PDP WG to address in its work? 
  • Rec 32, and 33: Stay as is.
  • Rec 35: remove recommendation, pending Jamie’s review. Delete rec 36. Some of rationale from recs 35 and 36 should be included in rec 14 or elsewhere in the text. i.e. Observations about risks and costs and benefits in the text. 
  • Rec. 40: Jordyn to draft text (by Monday 30 Oct - OVERDUE) to capture discussion on registrant survey with INTA Survey (rec. 40).


Final Report

  • Executive Summary: Jonathan to include a section on conclusions about the program
  • Final numbering of recommendations: Restart with clear numbering and digestible way of reporting recommendations. Add a paragraph under the public comment section in the appendix “review process” describing which recommendations were consolidated based on the input received from comments.
  • Recommendation summary: add a column with level of consensus.
  • Finish consolidation exercise, circle back to staff for a cost analysis of the new/consolidated recommendations, CCTRT to determine whether each recommendation is worth/not the cost, and if it’s not then delete. 
  • Review Team to identify any sections in the draft report that need to be updated based on public comments received, and all to compare public comment sheet to apply changes.
  • Set up discussion after ICANN60 with ICANN org on standardizing recommendation language so they may be translated into Board resolutions. 
  • ICANN Org to review and clarify to Jonathan how a subset of the team is maintained to help with recommendations’ implementation after conclusion of the review?