Discussion with New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG | 10 May 2018
CCT Leadership: Laureen Kapin, Jonathan Zuck, Drew Bagley, Jordyn Buchanan
New gTLD Leadership: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jeff Neuman
ICANN Org: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brian Aitchison, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Karen Lentz, Steve Chan, Julie Hedlund, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Alice Jansen
- CCT: Update on final recommendations + Q&A
- New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Working Group: Update on Initial Report, ICANN62 + Q&A
- A.O.B.
Since the issue of the first draft report, no significant changes were made to the sections affecting the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP WG work.
The number of recommendations with Prerequisite priority level has decreased.
What is classified as Abuse, and what do registrars and registries should do against abuse, which measures should be implemented is included in the lastest draft report, but CCT offered to organize an other call to develop on that.
- Based on the ICANN Board letter, the CCT Review Team will update the prescriptiveness and timeline of its recommendations
- Implementation phase: Suggestion from New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Working Group leadership to merge recommendations implementation from the two groups, Jonathan suggested to identify the components that have overlap to make sure that there is no redundancy/conflict to make sure recommendations are implemented as easy as possible.
New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Working Group
- Goal to publish the initial report by the end of May 2018. The report is currently several hundred pages long.
- Best case scenario is to submit the Final Report to Council by Q4 2018.
- The Working Group is currently reviewing all sections of the report.
- Mainly concerned with CCT recommendations set as prerequisite which are addressed to the New gTLDs Subsequent Procedures Working Group.
- 4 sessions are scheduled for ICANN62: two WT 1-4 sessions on the first day and last day, two WT5 cross community sessions are scheduled for day 1 (90 min) and day 4 (90 min).