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Participants:  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan Greenberg, Sébastien Bachollet, Dave Kissoondoyal
Apologies:  Carlton Samuels, Vanda Scartezini
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White

Standing Agenda Items

1. Review of the Action Items of the 18 October 2010 Executive Committee Meeting and Action Items of the 26 October ALAC Meeting (Cheryl) - 5 mins

ALAC ExCom 18.10.10 Action Items

a.  Heidi to check with Kevin Wilson’s office regarding revisions to FY12 budget schedule (since, as of time of 18 Oct ExCom meeting, ICANN was already behind on original schedule).

  • Done.  No revisions announced yet. 
  • Heidi has been informed that there will be two briefing calls on the FY12 budget.  The first will be for key players; Cheryl and other Chairs will receive a note asking who should be invited.  (Cheryl does not understand reason for limiting the audience, but would expect the ALAC ExCom and WT C – including all of the ALAC’s Subcommittee on Finance and Budget – to attend.)  The second will be a broader, open call in November.

b.  Cheryl to draft an inquiry to the GAC regarding the ALAC and GAC’s working collaboratively on the request regarding Rec. 6.

  • Done.  Cheryl and Chuck have e-mailed.  Cheryl suggested GNSO meet with GAC alone.  Cheryl will approach Heather regarding an informal meeting in Cartagena.

c.  Staff to retrieve language in this ExCom meeting, from meeting recording, regarding Rec. 6 stated shortly before the 40-minute point into the meeting – for use in letter regarding Rec. 6.

  • Done.

d.  Staff to send out announcement to RALOs for additional comments and regional views from the gTLD WG for use in the Community consensus report.

  • Done.

e.  Carlton to look at details of Public Participation Committee Webinar Information issue and write comment.

  • Pending (Carlton not present in this meeting).

f.  Cheryl and Heidi to work backwards from announcing the new ALAC officers on 10 Dec to fill in the dates in the election process (including the opening of nominations, etc.).

  • Done.  Schedule has been posted.

g.  Alan to review ALAC rules and circulate comment confirming who the proper electorate is to vote on new ALAC officers.

  • Done. 
  • It might be the case that ALAC will not have certain officers temporarily.

ALAC 26.10.2010 Action Items

a.  Cheryl and ALAC ExCom to continue to communicate with the GNSO regarding the cross-constituency WG and the concerns regarding Board's reaction to JAS WG.

  • Ongoing. 

Cheryl:  As we know, one of the problems is that the Board has no specific requirement regarding turning its attention toward the work of cross-community WGs, such as those on Rec. 6 or JAS.  So, clearly, the Accountability and Transparency function requires that a statement be put forth.

b.  Staff to follow up with the AFRALO representative on the ALS application from FORCAS.

  • Done.

c.  Carlton to follow up with the WG responsible for the ALAC response to the public consultations on Summary of the Impact of Root Zone Scaling and the Delegation Rate Scenarios for New gTLDs.

  • Pending (Carlton was not present at this meeting).

d.  ExCom + Adam and a few others to draft a statement on the TLG Review.

  • Ongoing.

Cheryl:  Since you, Alan, seem to have particular opinions on this matter, please work with Adam on this.

e.  Staff to convene an ABSdt meeting to discuss the extension of the deadline of the Board Director Vote.

  • Doodle sent out.

Alan:  The possible complaint to come from those wanting to disrupt the process and seating of the At-Large-selected Director is that the selection process was well underway before the proper ICANN bylaws were in place. 

Heidi:  Of course, we do have a note from the ICANN GC saying that this is fine.

Alan:  But such a note from the GC, written in an e-mail, isn’t adequate to stop those wanting to find problems with the system.  That’s why I’m proposing that the Board resolution contain a clause recognizing that the selection process has been ongoing and that it’s fine with that.  I will send an e-mail around to the ExCom with suggested wording.

Heidi:  On a related note, there is of course also a NARALO opening in the ABSdt since Alan’s resignation.

f.  Staff to put a placeholder in the November meeting to discuss Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support report.

  • Done.

g.  The ExCom to send a message to ICANN Legal on the requirement to inform the Board of incoming members one month in advance.

h.  Staff to work with Adam to schedule a meeting between the NomCom and ALAC.

  • Will be discussed in this meeting.

i.  Staff to propose to the regional leaders that they use monthly RALO meetings to focus on the issues that the regional representatives should be preparing for the Cartagena meeting.

2. Review and Revise Timelines on the Policy Advice Development Calendar (Carlton) - 10 mins

Click here for all currently open public consultations.

  • This agenda item skipped due to Carlton’s absence at this meeting.

Items for Decision

3. ICANN Meeting 39 in Cartagena - Agreement on Agendas of At-Large Meetings

Click here for the draft At-Large Cartagena Meetings Schedule.

Cheryl:  The Cartagena meeting is already very full.  My concern is that we still need to fit in our meeting with Adam of the NomCom.  Adam has requested Tuesday because that’s when his people will be there.

Heidi:  And Wednesday is already quite crowded.

Cheryl:  Heidi, please let Adam know that our proposed time is 12:00 to 12:30 pm (local time) on Tuesday.

Cheryl:  Next, we have to schedule Kevin Wilson.

Heidi:  Kevin will be participating in Wednesday’s WT C meeting and, if you’d like, in Friday’s ExCom meeting.  He’ll either be there in person or participating remotely.

Cheryl:  Let’s leave the Friday question until we’re in Cartagena.  Perhaps we’ll need to use that Friday time for Adam and the NomCom.

Heidi:  Which other staff people would you like briefings from (on Tuesday)?  We’ll have to send out invitations.

Sebastien:  Perhaps the new Compliance staff.

Heidi:  Would you like Pam Little from Compliance?

Cheryl:  Good idea.  We can pick up on the RAA work, issues brought up by Vertical Integration, etc.

Alan:  Perhaps both Pam and the new senior director of Compliance, is named by then.

Heidi:  What if we first brought in Margie on RAA and then Pam on Compliance?

Cheryl:  Okay, that fills Part 1 on Tuesday.  And, if they can’t make Tuesday, perhaps Sunday.

Heidi then continued taking the meeting through the Tuesday schedule, including the Outreach/Inreach session, Barbara Clay/Scott Pinzon meeting, and the session with Manday Carver of Global Partnerships. 

Heidi:  We then have David Olive and the new COO, Akkram, at 3:00 pm.

Cheryl:  Let’s make that 16:00, just to be safe.

Heidi:  That would followed by At-Large Improvements at 16:30 for 90 minutes.  Do we need it to be that long, given that the WT co-chairs will also be reporting at the ALAC/Regional Wrap-Up?

Cheryl:  Let’s make it for 45-60 minutes, starting at 2:00 pm onward.  Sebastien is scheduled to moderate.

Sebastien:  We also, I would suggest, need to include somewhere in the schedule some team-building exercises, since we have new members.

Heidi:  Should we dedicate lunch to the new members and have it catered?

Alan:  I actually was going to suggest a catered breakfast on Sunday or another day, so as not to run into other meetings, with the new Board member.  It might be particularly useful if the person is not someone usually at our meetings.

Heidi:  We still have open Sunday from 11:00 to 12:30 pm.

Alan:  Let’s keep it open in case something important that we haven’t predicted comes up, as it often does.

Cheryl:  Some time on Sunday or Tuesday needs to be taken up by the ATRT report, currently out for translation.  It must be finalized at this meeting.  If this will require remote input, then put in in on Sunday.  If not, then put in on Tuesday.

Heidi:  Continuing on, we have many RALO meetings, of course.  Plus the ALAC and Board meeting, which is tentatively over lunch.  What would you like the items for discussion to be for that?

Cheryl:  The gTLDs wil be the flavor of the month, so that’s an obvious topic.

Sebastien:  Also, there’s the new Board member and relations with the Community.

Cheryl:  In other words, what Sebastien is suggesting comes under the ATRT.  That’s also fine.  We could have ATRT and gTLDs or either of them.

Heidi:  Immediately following that will be the meeting with Registrars.  What would you like the topics for that be?

Cheryl:  We should just continue the discussion of working toward better cooperation and trust, along with aspirational rights, the documents coming out of the RAA, vertical integration, better equipping Registrants, etc. 

Cheryl:  But certainly also ask Mason Cole from the of the Registrars for his input into the agenda.

Alan:  I would actually prefer a more substantive agenda for this meeting, with actual outcomes.  Let me think about it.

Heidi:  Continuing with the schedule, we have the Consumer meeting – about which I’ll send a note to Cheryl, Rosemary, etc. – the LACRALO meeting, the Improvements WT B informal meeting over breakfast, and the ALAC/Regional Wrap, which will contain Improvements WT reports at the end.

Alan:  I would like to suggest that the ALAC Wrap-Up not be at the same time as the GNSO Wrap-Up, at least for the sake of the GNSO liaison.

Gisella:  The GNSO Wrap-Up is during lunch Thursday from 12:30 to 2:00 pm (local time).

Heidi:  Finally, we have the Community Confluence call with Roman and Carol and the ALAC/ExCom meeting.

Cheryl:  Plus, by request of the Chair, keep your dance cards free immediately after dinner, from 18:00 to 19:00 (local time).

Items for Discussion

4. Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda specifics and general information sharing (Vanda)

(Vanda was not present at this meeting.)

Cheryl:  I don’t believe Vanda sent anything for us to review.  But, clearly, the most important aspect for At-Large of this Board meeting is the approval of the bylaw changes.  Let’s just remember to be careful of the intent behind whatever is passed – that is, what the Board members think is coming out of their meetings – as well as how it can be interpreted. 

5. Any Other Business

Technical problems with ALAC ExCom Adobe Connect Room

(Discussed during agenda item #1 above)

Problems were encountered during this meeting with the AC Room – for example, Sebastien could not enter the room.  Heidi initially reported these problems to IT about 6-10 days ago.

Transfer from old to new ALAC ExCom

(Discussed during agenda item #1 above)

Cheryl:  I’d like to come up with a means of transitioning smoothly from the old ExCom to the incoming one, a way in which some of the past wisdom and suggestions for needed improvements are passed on.

Alan:  I have actually been working on a document to so just that.

Term length of ALAC members

(Discussed during agenda item #1 above)

Sebastien:  I would suggest we discuss changing the ALAC member term length from two to three years.

Cheryl:  Such a proposal would require looking at many issues (including, for example, the synchronizing of terms) and the bylaws of both the RALOs and ICANN.  Of our current WGs, it would probably best fall into the work of Improvements WT A (on ALAC’s continuing purpose).

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