17:03:02 From heidi.ullrich to Everyone:
Welcome, All!
17:03:09 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Welcome all
17:03:31 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Hi All
17:03:49 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Do we have the ICANN77 ZOOM backgrounds yet?
17:07:10 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
My Zoom background is a temp version by ICANN
17:11:30 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Don't forget to have your RALO provide feedback on the Equity and Diversity issue with the Fellowship program due mid May
17:13:46 From heidi.ullrich to Everyone:
One priority might be the the RALO call with the interim CEO; Another might be initial discussion of FY24 Outreach Plans.
17:15:15 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
Don't forget to have your RALO provide feedback on the Equity and Diversity issue with the Fellowship program due mid May Is there a link to this?
17:15:28 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Glenn - not yet - we will post on the wiki page
17:15:54 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
Ok good. Thanks for the reminder @Glenn
17:15:57 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
@Claire I will post the message from Siranush
17:16:01 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Replying to "One priority might b..."
agree Heidi. Regarding FY24 OE plan we may to change some approaches because the environment is changed too. Need to brainstorm
17:16:39 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
NEW ACTION ITEM: SOs/ACs to provide feedback on Fellowship Program outreach and promotion goals SOs/ACs are asked to contribute to the Fellowship Program's strategy for outreach and promotion by providing feedback on suggested diversity targets for the Fellowship Program. Interested community groups should contact Siranush.Vardanyan@icann.org to receive a form to complete. Groups should aim to return the forms by 15 May 2023.
17:17:49 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Myself and Dev created a database of the fellowship program, you can search based on region and community. No gender information
17:18:27 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
Thanks Glenn
17:19:34 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
17:20:47 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
I did an analysis of the data based upon gender and more than twice as many males vs female is selected.
17:21:48 From heidi.ullrich to Everyone:
March 2024 is Puerto Rico
17:23:43 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
thanks Greg for this answer and understanding the importance of the issue.
17:24:03 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
Will we have a NARALO Space?
17:24:24 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Or spin
17:24:40 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Everyone is welcome to our session
17:25:41 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Networking lunch will be after either the Roundtable or the NARALO Members meeting. Open Lunch
17:25:54 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
@Alfredo - NARALO Space - yes. Timing yet to be confirmed (organised by GSE)
17:26:18 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Town hall is an excellent approach
17:27:08 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Please note the lunch will not be an open event due to budget. It will be by invitation
17:27:52 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
17:27:53 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Company town hall meetings are companywide meetings, which are usually conducted by senior leaders to communicate important information. To organize an effective town hall meeting, decide on its objectives, create an agenda, and choose an appropriate location. Also, brief people on what to expect.
17:28:19 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Democracy is messy
17:28:47 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
@Natalia I sent you an email that I will join your IGF proposal
17:29:58 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
We will be running th e ICANN booth and we will have contest for social media with a Photo FRAME similar to the LACRALO contest
17:30:15 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
We will be looking for volunteers during the breaks and lunch at the booth
17:30:18 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Replying to "@Natalia I sent you ..."
thanks Glenn! Great!
17:30:36 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
The NA Space is organized by Naela
17:31:05 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
thanks @Claire
17:34:14 From heidi.ullrich to Everyone:
There is a RALO Coordination meeting being scheduled at ICANN77.
17:34:52 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
Replying to "There is a RALO Coor..."
this is great
17:36:31 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Don't forget that a NOMCOM Review is asking for comments too
17:37:03 From heidi.ullrich to Everyone:
Correct, Glenn. The OFB-WG will review that public comment.
17:38:53 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
the decertification process is fraught with challenges, caution on proper process and documentation if you proceed on this
17:39:26 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Its a matter of quality vs quantity
17:39:53 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
Thanks Glenn
17:40:49 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
the ISOC SF has appointed a new person Gonzalo and he has been at NASIG in San Juan
17:43:23 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
Ok thanks for the feedback on decertification. I is really helpful
17:44:34 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
how great it would be for every DEcertified to meet a new certified ALS-)
17:51:30 From Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org to Everyone:
5 of May at 17:45 UTC
17:54:33 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
17:56:58 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
It has made the process of handling individuals more straight forward
17:59:35 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Similar to the ISOC Hall of Fame idea
17:59:55 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Need a nomination process
18:01:47 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
really great idea, very respectful, great showcase for newcomers
18:02:32 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
ICANN History Project could capture their experiences etc , reflective comments
18:02:33 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
Leaving for another call.
18:02:48 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
ie Ester Dyson
18:02:49 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Some first suggestions
18:02:52 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
ICANN 25th Anniversary
Each RALO invite one founding person from its region
Jean-François Abramatic | October 1999 – September 2000
Geraldine Capdeboscq | October 1998 – November 2000
George Conrades | October 1998 – November 2000
Greg Crew | October 1998 – November 2000
Esther Dyson | October 1998 – Chairman until November 2000
Eugenio Triana | October 1998 – November 2000
Pindar Wong | until September 2000
Becky Burr
18:03:41 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
What is the date for this event?
18:04:08 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Monday 18th September 2023
17:00-19:00 UTC - 19:00-21:00 CET
18:05:14 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Natalia and myself will be in RIPE86. But we will try to make it
18:05:25 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
It's not good that we don't have a full house
18:05:39 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Correct - we can discuss this even in Washington
18:05:47 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Agree Glenn
18:06:42 From Claire Craig to Everyone:
bye all
18:06:44 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you all
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