CCT Meeting #63 - 29 November 2017

CCT Meeting #63 - 29 November 2017


Team:  Kaili Kan, Jordyn Buchanan, Jonathan Zuck, Dejan Djukic, David Taylor, Laureen Kapin, Carlton Samuels, Drew Bagley, Waudo Siganga, Calvin Browne

Observers:  /

ICANN Org:  Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Brenda Brewer, Steve Conte, Karen Lentz, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Brian Aitchison

Apologies:  Megan Richards, Gao Mosweu, Fabro Steibel, Alice Jansen


  1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI
  2. Discussion on updated recommendations: 
      • Rec. #43-47: Jonathan
      • Rec. #48-50: Jonathan/Megan
  3. Review of recommendations updates & consolidations from Competition Sub team:
      • Rec. #2: Jordyn
      • Rec. #3: Jordyn
      • Rec. #4: Jordyn
      • Rec. #5: Jordyn
      • Rec. #7-8: Dejan
      • Rec. #9: Waudo
      • Rec. #10: Jordyn/David
      • Rec. #12: Dejan

      4.  A.O.B.



Chat Transcript:  EN

Transcript:  EN

Decisions Reached:  

  • Rec. 2, 3, 4, 43, 45, 46 were approved by the Review Team and will be updated in the final report.

Action Items:

  • Rec. 5: change "frustrates" to "hinders". Jordyn to make changes and circulate updated version to the list for last comments before end of this week. If none, recommendation will be approved.
  • Rec. 10: Jordyn to update success measures based on David's input. Jordyn to make changes and circulate updated version to the list for last comments before end of this week. If none, recommendation will be approved.
  • Rec. 7-8 will be circulated for review to the list for last comments before end of this week. If none, recommendations will be approved.
  • Rec. 9: Waudo to remove the reference to the price of the poll and circulate the recommendation for comment to the rt list.
  • Rec. 12: Laureen to send suggestions to Dejan
  • Rec. 47: Jonathan / Megan to incorporate the right to challenge the asserted facts from GAC advice. 
  • Rec 48-50: Incorporate a need for an appeal mechanism for objections
  • Global south definition: Jonathan to update definition with two changes: "including but not limited to" and "Asia-Pacific", and circulate new definition to the Review Team.
  • Rec. 44: Jonathan to add "by potential applicants" at the end of details text, and circulate for final review to the RT.