ICANN75 - MSM Engagement Session w/IPC Membership Meeting | Monday, 19 September 2022 @ 06:00 UTC

ICANN75 - MSM Engagement Session w/IPC Membership Meeting | Monday, 19 September 2022 @ 06:00 UTC

ICANN75 Meeting - LINK

Meeting Date/Time:  Monday, 19 September 2022 @ 06:00 UTC [time converter]


Where Do We Stand with MSM Project?

Consensus-based Decision Making

Next Steps

Where Do We Go From Here?

Zoom Audio Replay:  HERE (m3u download)

Zoom Video Replay:  HERE (Whole Mtg: 1:14:08 - MSM portion: 30:00)

Chat Transcript: EN

Meeting Transcript: EN

Slide Deck:  PDF

IPC Jamboard: https://jamboard.google.com/d/17_G_isIlllYAtiqfMfT7dEf8-6F0024sIt2D3PC6QfQ/edit?usp=sharing

For questions or comments on the Jamboard or Zoom polls please contact:  giovanni.seppia@icann.org or negar.farzinnia@icann.org 


Yosha Katuwal, Abdal Ahmed, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Abdullah Al Mamun, Alban Kwan, Aleena’s iPhone, Ali Hussain, Amir | KASS, Arman, Aung Linn, Brian Beckham, Bibek S., Brian King, Caner Gürel, Ching-Heng Ku, Chloe, Cody Ryan Tippie, Jeremy Ducklin, Azren, Adastra IP Sathia, Damon Ashcraft, Dominic Hui, Elif Güldüz Gürel, Emanduel Chan, Eugénie Chaumont, Ezgi, Flip Petillion, Folli Herbert, Amouzougan, Gabrielle Creppy, Geoffrey Agoi, Glen De Saint Gery, Gurpreet (Adastra), Hülya, Jan Janssen, Jan Vannieuwenhuyse, John McElwaine, Kar Ling Wong, Ken-Ying Tseng, Khaled Saifullah, Lori Schulman, Margie Milam, Matt Schwartz, Matt Williams, Michael R., Mike Rodenbaugh, Nivaldo Cleto, Nur Atiqah Samian, Phyo L., Pim Pastoors, Razoana Moslam, Rick Lane, Russ Pangborn, Scott Austin, Segun Akano, Sein Ma Ma, Sonny Zulhuda, Sophie Hey, Susan Payne, Tom Barrett, Ujen Maharjan, Wiramrudee.M, Yoshi Murakami 

ICANN Org:  

Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Deborah Escalera, Devan Reed, Emily Barabas, Fabien Betremieux, Giovanni Seppia, Grant Nakata, Harel Efraim, Jason Kean, Joseph De Jesus, Larisa Gurnick, Negar Farzinnia, Yvette Guigneaux 

Standard Rules of Behavior - https:/www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en

ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy and Terms of Participation and Complaint Procedure - https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/community-anti-harassment-policy-2017-03-24-en

Jamboard Topics

Streamlining of reviews 
(to improve the ByLaws mandated review processes)

Operational planning process 
(to improve the quantification of resources, prioritization, flexibility, and transparency of the management of ICANN’s resources)

PDP 3.0 
(to enhance the efficiency and
effectiveness of GNSO policy development processes)

Operating Standards for Specific Reviews (A set of ICANN Bylaws-mandated, and Board-adopted, standards that ensures Reviews are conducted in a transparent, consistent, efficient, and predictable manner)

Strategic Trends process 
(critical first step in ICANN’s strategic planning process)

Language Services 
(Make information about ICANN and its work accessible to those who speak languages other than English in ways that enhance participation in and the effectiveness of the multistakeholder model)

Community Onboarding Program (mentorship-based program to improve engagement and retention of new participants within ICANN)

Holistic Review 
(a new Specific Review  to  review "the continuous improvement efforts of SO/AC/NC, etc.) 

Zoom Poll Questions (results to follow):  

Poll # 1 - Do you know the basic principles for making decisions on a consensus basis? 

Yes.  No.

Poll # 2 - Are you aware of the existence of “Consensus Playbook”?

Yes.    No.

Poll # 3 - Have you used/referenced the “Consensus Playbook” in ICANN work (PDPs, Reviews, CCWGs, etc.)?

Yes.  No.  

Poll # 4 - Did the consensus-based decision making contribute to the project (PDPs, Reviews, CCWGs, etc.) success?

Yes.    No.

Poll # 5 - Did you achieve better consensus of goals/objectives as a result of using/learning from “Consensus Playbook”?

Yes.    No.

Poll # 6 - Did goals/objectives become clearer as a result of consensus-based decision making?

Yes.    No.

Poll # 7 - Did you reach better mutual understanding as a result of using consensus-based decision making?

Yes.    No.

Poll # 8 - Did differing positions successfully converge?

Yes.    No.

Poll # 9 - Was there good communication and context when converging differing positions?

Yes.    No.
