New gTLD Review Group 2012.07.17 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the New gTLD Review Group on Tuesday 17 July 2012 at 1300 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Dev, I'll dial in momentarily
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Great, expecting a dial out soon
Gisella Gruber-White:Dialling out to you shortly Dev
Eduardo Diaz:hola everyone!
Heidi Ullrich:Hola/Hello!
Kenny Huang:Hello,
Alexander Kondaurov:Hello everybody!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello
Kenny Huang:Hello
Heidi Ullrich:Aziz has asked to be dialed out to again in 5 mins
Heidi Ullrich:Ring, no answer for Adela
Heidi Ullrich:Fouad is ring, no answer
Eduardo Diaz:What is the calll in numbers and passcode
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Eduardo - sending you now
Eduardo Diaz:never mind. I found it. Thanks
Heidi Ullrich:thanks
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Eduardo - thanks code 1638
Aziz:helle everebody
Heidi Ullrich:Bonjour, Aziz!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:RG SOI :
Fatimata:Hello All
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Fatimata!
Alexander Kondaurov:Hmmm.... Is it normal that I hear nothing?
Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Dev. The EURALO call will address Rudi's replacement today.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Gisella Gruber-White:Garth has joined the call
Garth Bruen:Sorry to be late
Aziz:Thank you Heidi I'm on AC
Fatimata:Please call me on my cell +221776393195
Fatimata:I can't hear you
Heidi Ullrich:Will do, Fatimata
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Fatimata - yes
Heidi Ullrich:Did you have a comment, Fatimata?
Heidi Ullrich:If so, would you like to write it here?
Gisella Gruber-White:Fatimata is on the Audio bridge
Heidi Ullrich:Dev, shoudl that be an AI for the RG members?
Heidi Ullrich:We have upcoming calls in EURALO, APRALO and LACRALO
Heidi Ullrich:sorry!!
Garth Bruen:Ominous!
Gisella Gruber-White:That is from the AC room
Gisella Gruber-White:IF you are not speaking, please do mute your computer mic
Heidi Ullrich:Dev, is this AI correct: AI: All regional members of the RG should post the text of the Objection Process to their regional lists and emphasize the two areas where comments are allowed for At-Large.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Fatimata:I am lowering my hand but it is not showing
Heidi Ullrich:Fatimata, it is lowered now. There is a bit of delay at times.
Heidi Ullrich:AI: CS to post information on the At-Large objection process on the DiploFoundation website.
Seth Reiss:I would like to nominate Dev for the Chair
Eduardo Diaz:second that too
Seth Reiss:That is a third I think
Carlton Samuels:@Seth: +1 and seconded
Carlton Samuels:Dev Anand Teelucksingh as RG Chair!
Seth Reiss:Congradulations Dev
Eduardo Diaz:kudos
Carlton Samuels:Excellent!!!
Heidi Ullrich:To confirm: Dev Anand Teelucksingh was chosen as the Chair of the RG by consensus.
Gisella Gruber-White:Thursday 26 July at 1400 UTC
Fatimata:Congrats Dev!
Eduardo Diaz:@gisella: are you going to send a reminder for that meeting?
Seth Reiss:My apologies for he next meeting as it is 4 AM My time
Eduardo Diaz:@Seith: set your clock to 3:45 Am (ja!)
Carlton Samuels:@Eduardo: lol, nobody living in Hawaii should get up that early!
Carlton Samuels:For work, that is!
Seth Reiss:Its actually against the law here
Carlton Samuels:@Seth: LOL. What sensible parliamentarians you live among!
Eduardo Diaz:@Carlton: or in Puerto Rico or Jamaica
Carlton Samuels:@Eduardo: See, I just KNEW you'd see my interest! Thumbs up!!
Carlton Samuels:Another piece of evidence of Bell Labs influence!
Heidi Ullrich:AI: RG to work on text for a one-pager to explain the At-Large objection process.
Heidi Ullrich:AI: Staff to work with relevant staff to develop a one pager.
Carlton Samuels:My enduring interest is an *actionable* Objection Statement!
Carlton Samuels:I would not wish to edit, revise and extend or otherwise inform the objection!
Carlton Samuels:If you're not clear in mind what you're objecting to then to my mind it ought not to go forward!
Fatimata:+1 Carlton
Fatimata:I have to move to another meeting
Fatimata:Thank you all and Bye
Heidi Ullrich:Efficient chairing, Mr. Chair!
Carlton Samuels:IThat said, gotta run...and would you know, its raining here!
Gisella Gruber-White:1400 UTC
Carlton Samuels:See y'all
Eduardo Diaz:Adios all!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone