2. Documents (Drafts - Published)

2. Documents (Drafts - Published)

Documents under consideration or approved by the Working Group

Mapping CWG Charters to Typical WG Life Cycle (Spreadsheet/Chart)

Working Group Charter

Final CWG Charter March 2014 as approved by GNSO & ccNSO Councils  (NOTE: this document was developed by the CWG Charter Drafting Team created by the GNSO and ccNSO Councils in late 2013, the final version of which was APPROVED by the ccNSO and GNSO Councils at their respective meetings at ICANN49 in Singapore, in March 2014)

Additional documents, including the initial draft CWG principles and background information

Draft Cross-Community Working Group Principles for GNSO Council Review 23 December 2011

Draft Cross-Community Working Group Principles with Rationale 23 December 2011

ccNSO Feedback on GNSO Draft Principles (June 2013)

Staff Paper on Framework for CWG Principles (10 Nov 2013)