Participants: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Cheryl Langdon, Evan Leibovitch, Carlton Samuels, Tijani Ben Jemaa
Guests: Alan Greenberg, Sebastien Bachollet
Apologies: None
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White
1. Review of the Action Items ExCom Meeting and ALAC Meeting of 25 January 2011.
Action Items from 6 Jan 2011 ExCom Meeting:
Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Next Steps
A follow-up email to go out to all the regional leads to ensure it is clear what the consultation is about.
- Completed
Tijani to send the AFRALO draft statement to all the lists and ask them to send their comments.
- Completed
CLO will put in the AFRALO comments into the draft ALAC statement.
- Completed
Heidi will follow up with ICANN's language service on the missing transcriptions.
- Completed (Transcript from 5 December meeting with Kurt Pritz posted on Strategic Plan Workspace; Transcripts from 9 November Strategic Kick-Off meeting with Kurt Pritz and 16 November EURALO meeting do not exist. The 9 November call was not recorded. However, detailed notes were posted).
Staff will send out another email to the regional leads of APRALO and LACRALO to remind them of the strategy plan consultations.
- Completed
Olivier will track the EURALO board and ask for input on the strategy plan.
- Completed
Evan will prod Beau and remind him to push the region to provide input.
- Completed – Beau sent note.
Olivier will email the ALAC and ask them whether they would like to endorse this initiative.
- Completed
The ALAC will comment on the Geographic regions public consultations.
- In progress
OCL to follow up with ccNSO chair on ALAC/ccNSO meeting during SFO meeting.
- Completed
Action Items from 25 Jan 2011 ALAC Meeting:
Staff to add Alan to joint BCEC/ABSdt mailing list and to send Alan minutes of last meeting.
- In progress
Staff to send minutes of BCEC/ABSdt call to all members for further comments.
- In progress
Heidi to follow up with IT re Confluence editing user's guide.
- In progress
James to write draft of ALAC comment on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group.
- In progress
Evan to lead AGAT WG.
- Ongoing
Carlton to lead on drafting of unionized JAS Charter.
- In progress
Olivier to inform GNSO that ALAC going ahead with unionized JAS charter.
- In progress
Olivier to check DSSA WG Charter regarding positions that the ALAC needs to fill (re alternate liaison). (Will follow up with Chair of SSAC.)
- In progress
Olivier to draft Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget working with the ExCom. (The draft text is to be posted on the At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace.)
- In progress
2. Review and Revise Timelines on the Policy Advice Development Calendar
Carlton suggested course of action on each in 25 January 2011 ALAC meeting. In cases in which an ALAC comment was decided on, it is usually the appropriate WG chair who “holds the pen.”
3. Follow up from ALAC meeting of 25 January 2011
Evan (as chair of gTLD WG, of which the AGAT is a part) plans for the AGAT to identify which sections of the Applicant Guidebook need to be revised and to assign the “pen” on each quickly.
b. JAS Charter issue
In ALAC meeting earlier today, it was decided that the ExCom would proposed a revised, unionized JAS charter to the ALAC. For this work, Olivier has a possible starting document.
c. Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget (closes 2 February); ALAC ExCom 25.01.11 Summary Minutes
It was decided in the ALAC meeting earlier today that would take the lead on the preparation of the At-Large Requests to ICANN’s FY12 Budget. The ALAC ExCom 25.01.11 Summary Minutes At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace is very full, so Olivier will likely do this work on a new Confluence page, attached to the Workspace.
ALAC deadline for this is now 2 February.
ICANN COO (Juan) has:
- Reiterated that the budget-request template is not rigid. There are various ways to add to it, including adding pages, adding text at the bottom, submitting via Google Docs, etc. (The new template has a wrap-around feature, but there still is not much room for text for each item. If you click on the cell, you can see the wrap-around feature/text.)
- The LACRALO page on which it’s requests were prepared is fine regarding its format, etc.
It was decided that Olivier would not simply collect all the RALOs’ requests and forward them to Juan. Instead, the various RALO requests, since there is similarly among those from the different RALOs, would be integrated/compiled into broad categories, such as GAs, outreach, etc.
However, ALAC will not do any vetting or filtering of the regions’ requests. Only exception is if a request is clearly inappropriate. However, if a proposed project is shown to fit with ICANN’s Strategic Plan and yield something quantifiable, we will include it. The ALAC’s role is to help the region’s get funding for their requests.
The ALAC is still waiting for APRALO’s and AFRALO’s submissions.
d. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on the Interim Report of the Geo-Regions Review WG (closes 30 January); ALAC ExCom 25.01.11 Summary Minutes
Each region will have its own view of its region, etc.
But the ALAC also will have its own view – an Advisory Committee level view -- and recommendations. The ALAC should begin developing and discussing its overview of this issue in San Francisco.
e. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on the ATRT Final Recommendations (closes 14 February);
In ALAC meeting earlier today, Cheryl made following comments regarding an ALAC comment on the ATRT Final Recommendations:
- The ALAC can but does not have to put in a comment on the ATRT Final Recommendation. I would recommend it puts in a simple one, basically listing what it would like the next ATRT to cover.
f. At-Large Meetings in San Francisco - Additional meetings (including proposal for ALAC/NCUC Town Hall at Stanford) and development of tentative agendas
Proposal for ALAC/NCUC Town Hall at Stanford:
Mark Rottenberg has sent a description and questions regarding the proposed Town Hall. The questions includes ones regarding the budget and who will be organizing it.
There are, apparently, some people from Stanford who have volunteered to organize it.
The ExCom expressed the following practical concerns with the Stanford Town Hall, resulting from its being put together so quickly:
- The time needed to participate – specifically to travel to and from Stanford – if the Town Hall is during the ICANN meeting, since Stanford is not located particularly close to San Francisco.
- The fact that most At-Large people will be gone, if the Town Hall occurs after the ICANN meeting.
- The fact that many At-Large people already have their travel plans.
In addition, ICANN Meetings has expressed concern about the extent to which it would need to be involved in the Stanford Town Hall.
The concern was also expressed that the ALAC does not want to send the wrong message that a large amount of outreach is done locally when the ICANN meetings are held in North America but not when they are held elsewhere.
However, it was agreed that the idea of town-hall-like meetings is a good one – especially good for ALSes. They’re a good way to engage locally. Consequently, the possibility of having a standing local town hall meeting with each ICANN Meeting was discussed. It’s a way of engaging the local community where ICANN goes. Each Town Hall would need a purpose/topic, of course.
Development of tentative San Francisco agendas:
4. Any Other Business
Today’s Board meeting topics
Sebastien asked about ALAC/At-Large feedback regarding domain name issues to be discussed in the Board meeting scheduled tonight, which was briefly discussed.
Populating At-Large Standing Working Groups
Actually, this was mentioned at the beginning of today’s meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.