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00:15:47 Claudia Ruiz: Welcome to the At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-Plus) Call
00:21:30 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: FYI our Nomcom is moving slowly through the vetting process and we finished the short list for the Board and PTI and tomorrow we are back at it again for the GNSO, ALAC EU and NA, and cCSNO
00:21:32 Claudia Ruiz:
00:22:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks @Glen hard work under difficult restrictions...
00:23:21 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: We are discussing the possibilitities of face to face for the interviews but the jury is still out on this one.
00:24:00 Amrita: An hybrid face to face issue is actually being discussed based on then circumstances
00:24:00 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Excellent team at NOMCOM with overwhelming attendance by all for our marathon calls
00:24:18 Amrita: * face to face meeting
00:24:36 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Yes Amrita correct
00:24:51 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: we will see
00:25:43 Abdulkarim oloyede: please I have my hands up
00:26:07 Claudia Ruiz: @Abdulkarim, we will give you the floor when Amrita is finished, thank you
00:27:01 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you Amrita
00:28:39 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: I am confused by the comment
00:29:05 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Yes its the ALT PlUS and the NOMCOM is included in this discussion
00:29:57 Abdulkarim oloyede: I think it's a good presentation but I think we should not set this as the standard
00:30:32 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: @abdul I don't understand why you reject a short presentation by the NOMCOM rep
00:30:35 Daniel K. Nanghaka: its not a standard, its an opportunity which poses no threats
00:30:44 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: we are spending more time than the presentation
00:31:04 Holly Raiche: And we should also thank Amrita for her presentation
00:31:19 Amrita: no worries Maureen and all :)
00:31:22 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: yes thank you fellow NOMCOM volunteer-Amrita
00:31:28 Heidi Ullrich: Thank you, Amrita.
00:31:30 Satish Babu: Thanks Amrita!
00:31:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I am sure that ALAC could go back to presentations by candidates in separate calls for future years as it has occasionally done in the pass (if your all so short of meetings to attend :-)
00:32:05 Abdulkarim oloyede: @Glenn I think RALOS should be giving the opportunity to pick candidates in future and present them to ALAC not ALT plus
00:32:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Noting of course that ALAC do not need to even pick from RALO proposed candidates
00:33:07 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and in the past have occasionally have not
00:33:38 Satish Babu: True, @Cheryl.
00:33:52 Abdulkarim oloyede: @CLO. I disagree . ALAC can only pick based on RALO's recommendations
00:33:54 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That *is good* to have received Thanls @Maureen
00:34:00 Abdulkarim oloyede: that is exactly my point
00:34:06 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: yes, ALAC has the authority to endorse or reject a candidate
00:34:16 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Its a check and balance approach
00:34:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Disagree with the bylaws as much as you ike Abdulkarim
00:34:46 Abdulkarim oloyede: its there in the bylaw
00:34:55 Abdulkarim oloyede: in consultation with RALO
00:35:10 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: consultation exactly
00:35:14 Heidi Ullrich: @AK, no, the relevant bylaw is: (v) The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region) to the Nominating Committee.
00:35:30 Heidi Ullrich: The key word here is “consultation”.
00:35:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that was a word specifically selected to ensure that RALOs had more input
00:35:41 Daniel K. Nanghaka: @AK, what is the problem here?
00:35:46 Abdulkarim oloyede: yes consultation means RALO must agree to it
00:36:14 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well feel free to take ICANN Legal to tsk on the wording
00:36:39 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: On the review issue. Do we have a process other than the Board acceptance of ATLARGE report for an independent assessment that the work was completed?
00:37:03 Daniel K. Nanghaka: If you think the Bylaws have a problem and does not mandate the ALAC then write a statement for ByLaw Change but it is very clear "The ALAC shall, after consultation with each RALO, annually appoint five voting delegates (no two of whom shall be citizens of countries in the same Geographic Region) to the Nominating Committee. "
00:37:29 Heidi Ullrich: No. Consultation is defined as: the action or process of formally consulting or discussing.. Also, keep in mind that the ALAC Delegates to the NomCom represent the regions - NOT the RALOs.
00:37:48 Abdulkarim oloyede: sure ICANN legal can advice but not supreme authority
00:38:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: @Glenn what type of process? other than acting on the next steps as outlined? there could be but what is needed?
00:38:24 Satish Babu: Going by past interpretation and past practice, it's ALAC that decides...
00:38:58 Daniel K. Nanghaka: Here the opportunity is for the members to make presentations and on the call we have the various regional leaders which I see an opportunity, the interests submitted to the NOMCOM are for the good of the community and not individuals. Its for the betterment of the community and the ICANN plus Internet ecosystem
00:39:52 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: I am asking if we have a third party assessor ( going back to the Reviewers or other) to assess the completeness of the final report. ie. Outstanding work, achievements etc A guess a bit of a sanity test( like Trump's cognative test)
00:40:24 Abdulkarim oloyede: my disagreement is not with the presentation but with the fact that it should not be turned into a tradition that all candidates would be asked to give a presentation.
00:40:57 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Meanwhile as the Agenda continues....
00:41:10 Abdulkarim oloyede: I don't want to mixup issues here and it better to leave it till when isuees can be taken one after the other
00:41:35 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: what is the highlight colours mean?
00:42:28 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: What does #15 mean?
00:42:30 Abdulkarim oloyede: thanks to Amrita for finding time to present..guess I need to now catch up with the next item on the agenda..
00:43:30 Daniel K. Nanghaka: Am I the only one not seeing slides
00:43:45 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: I can see the slides
00:43:59 Daniel K. Nanghaka: Am not seeing any slides
00:44:00 Ricardo Holmquist: @Glenn, those were the issues found by ITEMS, some were rejected by At-Large, some get comments, some have specific course (the ones NOT highlighted)
00:44:05 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: @daniel the item #15 applies to O and E
00:44:21 Claudia Ruiz: @Daniel are you on your laptop or phone?
00:44:34 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: @ricardo. Yes I figured it out after I typed the questions :)
00:44:45 Daniel K. Nanghaka: Am using my Laptop @Claudia
00:46:34 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: @Daniel the item 13 Oand E Resources. an Activity Dashboard
00:47:47 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Where can I find the details on item 13
00:48:01 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: is this the list of Virtual meetings per RALO?
00:48:58 Heidi Ullrich: @Glenn, the Dashboard has the details of each Issue Item:
00:49:13 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Thanks Heidi I will review
00:49:59 Evin Erdogdu: Go CPWG! :) and ATLAS III
00:51:58 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Heidi I reviewed the link and it says the dashboard is complete but the only link is to the ABR allocations. Where is the dashboard indicated in the writeup
00:52:30 Heidi Ullrich: @Glenn, it Is in report.
00:53:08 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Can you give me the link to the dashboard from the report .
00:53:21 Heidi Ullrich: The report is at the top of the Dashboard page.
00:53:32 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: The only link I see is this one
00:53:33 Glenn McKnight, Desktop:
00:53:40 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Is this what you mean by a Dashboard
00:55:04 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: I assume its this
00:55:04 Glenn McKnight, Desktop:
00:55:51 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Odd use of the term dashboard
00:58:10 Heidi Ullrich: @Glenn, there are several Dashboards.
00:58:30 Heidi Ullrich: The ARI Dashboard is of relevance for this discussion:
00:58:32 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: interesting"is indeed the word @Holly
00:59:12 Abdulkarim oloyede: thank you Seun for your brilliant comment +1
00:59:49 Heidi Ullrich: @Holly, the increase in numbers was likely due to the post ATLASIII Ambassadors joining the CPWG.
01:00:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That was validated By attendance records Yes @Heidi
01:00:27 Heidi Ullrich: The Post-ATLASIII Survey Analysis and Report might be seen as a companion report to the ARI Final Report
01:00:35 Holly Raiche: @ CLO - “interesting’ is the word I use in public in relation to some of the proposals
01:00:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I hear you my friend
01:00:46 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Daniel can we speak after this call on the O and E materials in the Dashboard
01:01:12 Heidi Ullrich: Post-ATLASIII Report file:///Users/heidi.ullrich/Downloads/Post-ATLASIII%20Survey%20Final%20Report%20-%20v3.1%20(1)%20(3).pdf
01:01:21 DANIEL K. NANGHAKA: Yes sure
01:02:32 Holly Raiche: We can still hear you
01:03:08 Joanna Kulesza: Love the Star Trek audio effect :)
01:06:49 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: We are launching the Virtual School of Internet Governance and we incorporated a large section on UA
01:06:50 Glenn McKnight, Desktop:
01:07:13 Joanna Kulesza: Congrats Glenn, looks great.
01:07:30 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: @joanna thanks for the imput on the Legal issues
01:08:44 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: excellent @Glenn
01:08:55 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: I can do some posts on my blog
01:08:56 Glenn McKnight, Desktop:
01:09:10 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: also we can add it to the Facebook group which we have IHUB
01:09:30 Holly Raiche: Good ideas Tijani - use the UA Ambassadors - to explain what UA is and why it is important
01:09:34 Glenn McKnight, Desktop:
01:10:21 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Yes, Mohamed reached out to us and he will be presenting at our September student block of 100 students on UA
01:11:13 Heidi Ullrich: @JZ, perhaps a tool kit for each activation campaign issue.
01:11:35 Justine Chew: +1 Jonathan, the aim is activation, it doesn't matter what the topic is, in principle.
01:11:47 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly
01:11:50 Heidi Ullrich: So the Ambassadors have the key messages and suggested methods they need. Also, a way to gather their activities might be useful.
01:11:57 Joanna Kulesza: +10
01:12:27 Justine Chew: But there isn't any reason why we can't leverage the UA Ambassadors and the work of UASG.
01:12:45 Maureen Hilyard: +1 Justine
01:12:57 Justine Chew: The fact that those already exist should make UA a more desirable topic of choice.
01:13:23 Amrita: Agree Justine
01:13:24 Satish Babu: Agree that we can try this out, after a bit of planning...on the activities, stakeholders and timeline.
01:13:29 Dave Kissoondoyal: +1 Justine
01:13:46 Holly Raiche: This discussion feels like the response to the Review - and using the channels both ways - out to the community and back
01:13:53 Jonathan Zuck: The key to the concept would be to see if we could develop an efficient chain of communication to the entire At-Large community, in a short period of time.
01:14:02 Heidi Ullrich: Perfect, Justine. We just need a workspace where they are located with the means to track the activities. Perhaps even a bit of a regional competition?
01:14:40 Holly Raiche: WE could also use DNS abuse - a very live issue in most areas
01:15:13 Seun Ojedeji: the more direct means which we reach them now is via monthly meeting, there is no option for physical meet-up yet
01:15:23 Seun Ojedeji: have to go now....bye for now
01:15:30 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: Here is a quick blog post as an example on UA its translated into French, Spanish and Arabic
01:15:33 Maureen Hilyard: thanks Seun
01:15:33 Glenn McKnight, Desktop:
01:16:02 Joanna Kulesza: @Holly, DNS Abuse seems much more controversial though.
01:16:03 Justine Chew: @Holly, DNS Abuse was the topic that I used to propose exactly what Jonathan is thinking.
01:16:40 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: I spoke with Paul Diaz early this week and for PIR the DNS abuse is a big issue. They did a very good presentation on that topic a few weeks ago
01:16:51 Holly Raiche: Thanks Justine - we have generated smooch material on the subject - and it resonates in most areas
01:17:02 Holly Raiche: (so much - sorry)
01:17:09 Justine Chew: But the call for proposals didn't go anywhere in the end. :(
01:17:23 Jonathan Zuck: The issue is metrics, I think. We need to develop an EFFICIENT mechanism for back and forth communication when we need it.
01:18:10 DANIEL K. NANGHAKA: That's right Jonathan
01:18:41 Holly Raiche: In some communities, UA is a very live issue - so taking Jonathan’s point, it is about communicate and not the issue
01:19:10 Jonathan Zuck: My concern about using the UA ambassadors is that they are unique to that issue. Ideally, we would have the capacity to reach out on any issue quick, such as DNS Abuse prevention during COVID or getting folks to take the geonames poll or something similar. We can't have a custom solution for every issue area.
01:19:13 Heidi Ullrich: Apologies, Claudia has lost Internet connection
01:19:19 Heidi Ullrich: We are working to get the agenda up
01:19:38 Justine Chew: The issue is not only metrics, but also channel building.
01:21:07 Jonathan Zuck: Agree, Justine. It's exactly about channel building but we need metrics to know if we have channels built.
01:23:49 Yrjo Lansipuro: It is a good idea to test how our organisation functions as a commiunication chain. In order to get all ALS’es and individuals motivated to participate fully, the topic should be something that is perceived as “hot” everywhere.
01:23:56 Maureen Hilyard: We don't have DNS Abuse Ambassadors..
01:25:31 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: @Maureen you really mean Anti-DNS Abuse Ambassadors:)
01:26:21 Maureen Hilyard: Agree Glenn
01:29:32 Jonathan Zuck: We do that way too much
01:29:37 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: We don't have one toolkit but various ones. novice, leaders, potential members. key policy people
01:30:14 Satish Babu: There is also some variation amongsts RALOS in the way they carry out their activities...
01:30:16 Maureen Hilyard: There is a wiki space that is supposed to be an Outreach Tookit
01:30:26 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: We overwhelm people
01:30:31 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: We need an onramp
01:30:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Very true @Glenn
01:31:03 Heidi Ullrich: The O/E Dashboard:
01:31:30 Heidi Ullrich: At-Large Participation Toolkit:
01:31:41 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: First need to identify the customer/target group. With the Linux Professional Institute we had two ramps One for Newbies and one for alumni
01:32:09 Glenn McKnight, Desktop: The depth of knowledge ie glossaries, history etc etc provide the background to Newbies.
01:32:25 Heidi Ullrich: @Glenn, in all of the recent strategies (communications, O/E, ICANN Learn courses), the target is identified
01:33:35 Heidi Ullrich: There are generally two targets: 1) People who may be interested in joining At-Large and 2) At-Large members , including ALS members (not just reps) and Individuals are are part of At-Large, but not yet fully engaged.
01:36:08 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks everyone and useful and informative meeting in my (not so) humble opinion... Bye for now!
01:37:15 Holly Raiche: Thanks Gisella - 0200 hrs is not my favorite time
01:37:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: rotation does share the pain
01:37:47 Maureen Hilyard: @Holly --- we hear you Not my favourite time either
01:38:23 Gisella Gruber: Rotating and SET which is always good to help organise ones life
01:38:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Your audio is shockingly bad
01:38:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: better now
01:41:00 Justine Chew: I look forward to seeing more differentian in agenda items between ALAC and ALT-PLUS calls. Today is a good start.
01:41:14 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: indeed @Justine
01:41:52 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: or read the ARI report
01:42:45 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks and bye to all
01:42:48 Evin Erdogdu: Thank you all
01:42:50 Satish Babu: Thanks and bye!
01:42:50 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, All.
01:42:52 Joanna Kulesza: thanks all
01:42:54 sergio salinas porto: Bye!!!!
01:42:55 Ricardo Holmquist: thanks, and bye everyone

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