Diversity Meeting #30 (18 August 2017 @ 13:00 UTC)

Diversity Meeting #30 (18 August 2017 @ 13:00 UTC)


Sub-group Members:  Amal Al-saqqaf, Dalila Rahmouni, Fiona Asonga, Greg Shatan, Herb Waye, Julie Hammer, Lito Ibarra, Olévié Kouami, Rafik Dammak, Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Sebastien Bachollet

Observers/Guests:  Bruna Santos, Judith Hellerstein

StaffBernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Andrews, Meghan Healy, Mike Brennan, Sabrina Mosquera

Apologies:  Pam Little, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Interpretation Stats:

  • FR = 2
  • ES = 0

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **




1- Roll Call

2- Action Item reviews:  To integrate edited recommendations into draft report V5 and publish as a Google doc.

3- Review of the updated draft report (pdf)   

4- AOB

Raw Captioning Notes

Disclaimer: This rough edit transcript, which may contain missing, misspelled or paraphrased words, is only provided for your immediate review and is not certified as verbatim and is not to be cited in any way. 


  • Similarly to the SOAC report that was published for public consultation and noted the non-consensus on the subject of a Mutual Accountability Round Table the Diversity group will include a segment on the proposal for a Diversiy Office in its report to the WS2 plenary.

Action Items:

  •  none


  • (none)

Documents Presented:

Chat Transcript:

 Brenda Brewer: (8/18/2017 07:26) Good day and welcome to WS2 Diversity Subgroup Meeting #30 on 18 August 2017 @ 13:00 UTC!

  Brenda Brewer: (07:26) If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6). To unmute, *7. This call is recorded.

  Brenda Brewer: (07:26) Reminder to all, please speak slowly and state your name before speaking for the Captioner.  Thank you!

  Rafik: (07:59) hi all

  Rafik: (08:00)  we will start in one minute

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (08:02) Greetings all

  Sebastien (ALAC): (08:02) Can we have hte link to the last document?

  Rafik: (08:03) https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1UQJMzeYH4FlrsOmPag9SLuewLQiO-2Dy-5FMDedVpjljGRs_edit&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=kbiQDH54980u4nTPfwdloDLY6-6F24x0ArAvhdeDvvc&m=MGTz974ZhbaxBw15L9Aac7A_lonV1x9COvwiz4xVCZg&s=qr6yo82JDxALHj1-y-C6TehMoCXzLwJ2WsCOUhusqlQ&e=

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (08:05) Next WS2 Plenary is 30 August documents due 23 August which is Wednesday next week.

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (08:07) @Dalila - hand?

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:10) it wasn't a recommendation but it was a whole section

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:12) yes the implementation details were discussed to be left out

  Fiona Asonga: (08:13) Ergy talked to us before the survey

  Fiona Asonga: (08:14) We were even sent the questionnaire before it went out

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:17) we want to have diversity, improve it

  Fiona Asonga: (08:17)  A diversity Office is not the only way to improve diversity

  Fiona Asonga: (08:18) We may have an office but with a non-perfroming staff since the expectations will not be clear

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:19) the concern is that non independent diversity monitoring and evaluation may hinder the progress of recommendations

  Fiona Asonga: (08:20) How will the office will create non-independence?

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:21) Fiona, that is the dilemma. once we get to this point, the idea of independent assessement gets dismissed as implememntation detail

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:22) certainly staff has constraints that won't create independence

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:22) so maybe we can compromise on just asserting on an extra recommendation about independent monitoring and assessing of recommendations

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:26) Staff has been helpful and is great

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:27) But just like ombudsman work, diversity work also needs a degree of dettachment from organization

  judith hellerstein: (08:28) @Fiona you are correct. We are trying to change the culture of the organization and that is hard to do

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:30) maybe a mechanism of staff and community

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:31) truly it is the beginhing of a journey of 1000 steps

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (08:31) Time check - 30 minutes left in call

  Fiona Asonga: (08:34) @Dalila we have capture it in a manner that doesn't allow for micro-managing

  Fiona Asonga: (08:35) You seem not to appreciate how we hvae captured it

  Fiona Asonga: (08:35) You want only your exact wording which is the problem.

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:36) Rec 5 has the word review

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:36) maybe build up on that

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:36) ?

  Fiona Asonga: (08:36) Thanks Renata for pointing that out

  Fiona Asonga: (08:37) Yes it does

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:37) "independently review and update"

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:37) just add "independently"

  Herb Waye Ombuds: (08:38) I must leave the call... have a nice weekend everyone

  Fiona Asonga: (08:39) Thanks Herb

  Fiona Asonga: (08:40) I am in agreement with your proposed approach Julie

  Fiona Asonga: (08:40) What doe Sabastein and Dalila think

  Lito Ibarra: (08:40) I also agree with Julie

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:42) maybe the text could bring in this idea of independent assessment

  Fiona Asonga: (08:46) Ok Renata we shall try and reword it to capture the idea of independent assessment

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:46) fine rafik

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:46) rks fiona

  Dalila RAHMOUNI: (08:46) Yes I  do

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:46) *tks

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:47) and thanks rapporteurs for striving to achieve consensus

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:47) y

  Fiona Asonga: (08:48) Thank Bernard

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:51) sounds good

  Fiona Asonga: (08:51) Dalila?

  Fiona Asonga: (08:51) Sebastien

  Dalila RAHMOUNI: (08:53) Thank you fiona

  Fiona Asonga: (08:55) Yes next Monday on the mailing list

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:55) y

  Dalila RAHMOUNI: (08:55) ok

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:55) d'accord :)

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:57) suggestion: maybe talk about commonalities of findings on gender survey and report here next call

  Dalila RAHMOUNI: (08:57) congratulation Julie!

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:57) congrats Julie

  Renata Aquino Ribeiro: (08:57) bye

  Fiona Asonga: (08:57) Thanks bye

  Dalila RAHMOUNI: (08:57) bye

  Bernard Turcotte - ICANN: (08:58) bye all