Terri Agnew: (1/27/2015 18:46) Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 21:00 UTC
Terri Agnew: (18:46) meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/w4sQAw
Leon Sanchez (Co-Chair, ALAC): (20:54) hello everyone!
Siranush Vardanyan: (20:55) hi all
Maureen Hilyard: (20:55) Hi everyone
Heidi Ullrich: (20:55) Welcome, All!
Glenn McKnight: (20:55) I just joined
VANDA: (20:55) hi everyone!
Julie Hammer: (20:56) Good morning, everyone!
VANDA: (20:56) great year to all!
VANDA: (20:57) I will be connected only by adobe line
Leon Sanchez (Co-Chair, ALAC): (20:58) Good morning Julie!
Leon Sanchez (Co-Chair, ALAC): (20:58) Feliz año Vanda!
VANDA: (20:59) a ti tambien leon!
Eduardo Diaz: (21:00) ¡Hola a todos!
Leon Sanchez (Co-Chair, ALAC): (21:00) Hola Ed!
Hadja: (21:00) Hello everyone
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (21:01) I can listen at the moment so please feel free to start
Gisella Gruber: (21:04) Fatima has joined the Spanish channel
Gisella Gruber: (21:04) Welcome Roberto - will add you to attendance
Glenn McKnight: (21:04) Voice is low
Gisella Gruber: (21:04) Evan has joined the AC room
Glenn McKnight: (21:04) Hey Evan
Roberto Gaetano: (21:04) Thanks, Gisella
VANDA: (21:04) yes, but I can hear
Leon Sanchez (Co-Chair, ALAC): (21:05) Hello Evan!
Gisella Gruber: (21:05) Judith Hellerstein has joined the AC
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:06) could we please have scroll control over the agenda?
Julie Hammer: (21:06) Not from me.
Eduardo Diaz: (21:06) I am going to be in the audio channel for a while. I have to phisically move to another place.
Glenn McKnight: (21:06) Evan did you want to repeat the announcemen to the NARALO ARIN MOU?
Ariel Liang: (21:07) Policy Development page: https://community.icann.org/x/bwFO
Gisella Gruber: (21:07) Amal and Rinalia have joined the AC room
Gisella Gruber: (21:08) Otunte has joined the AC room
Ariel Liang: (21:08) WHOIS Accuracy Pilot Report: https://community.icann.org/x/Zo0QAw
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:08) I've read the report and it appears to be done correctly. It appears that there is an improvement in the accuracy
Ariel Liang: (21:09) GNSO Policy & Implementation: https://community.icann.org/x/j5YQAw
Gisella Gruber: (21:09) Dev has joined the AC room
Glenn McKnight: (21:11) sounds like she is under water
VANDA: (21:11) difficult to understand also
Glenn McKnight: (21:12) No idea the point
Holly Raiche: (21:12) Remember, I was the chair of the WG to draw up the charter for this
VANDA: (21:12) can someone resume what Cheryl has said?
Gisella Gruber: (21:12) @ Glenn/Vanda - Cheryl is currently on her mobile. SHe will be on a landline shorltly
VANDA: (21:12) great
Glenn McKnight: (21:12) I know that We are asking for a summary
Beran Gillen: (21:13) Good evening sorry am late
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:14) +1 Alan - I agree it was very productive
Gisella Gruber: (21:15) Welcome Beran
Beran Gillen: (21:16) Thanks Gisella
Glenn McKnight: (21:16) ALS recruitment should go through a rigerous screen .
Glenn McKnight: (21:17) I have submitted a complete list of the NARALO ALS participation for 2014 . It's quite revealing
Alan Greenberg: (21:19) I dropped. Will dial back in
Alan Greenberg: (21:19) Olivier. Please
Alan Greenberg: (21:20) My phone has died. Need to change
Heidi Ullrich: (21:21) ALS Criteria: http://atlarge.icann.org/correspondence/structures-app.htm
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:22) hearing an echo
Leon Sanchez: (21:23) terrible echo
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:23) no its the whole channel
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:23) ok echo ended
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:25) ...and we need the interpretation to run so as to record in spanish too
Fatima Cambronero: (21:25) no audio in Spanish channel
Gisella Gruber: (21:25) Fatima - Spanish will be back shortly.
Gisella Gruber: (21:26) Power cuts in Buenos Aires today
Fatima Cambronero: (21:26) ok, thanks Gisella
Fatima Cambronero: (21:26) ouch
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:27) @Tijani: I was suggesting having a CROPP + a CRIPP
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:27) adding CRIPP
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:28) There was a time when ICANN senior staff committed to visit ALSes, but I do not know if this is still taking place
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:28) To clarify, the CROPP program is for GNSO Constituncies (BC, IPC, ISPC, NCUC, NPOC) and At-Large. Other ACs like SSAC, GAC aren't part of the program
Glenn McKnight: (21:29) I thought we are using the term engagement not outreach
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:29) CRIPP = Community Regional Inreach Pilot Program. No reference to the US gang. Sorry I did not realise....
Roberto Gaetano: (21:29) @OCL2 - would it not be too heavy burden to have ICANN staff visiting *all* ALSes?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:30) of course, not every time, but there are some regions where this would really help keep the tie with ICANN
Glenn McKnight: (21:30) Where is the link to CRIPP?
Gisella Gruber: (21:30) ICANN Full schedule: http://singapore52.icann.org/en/schedule-full
Gisella Gruber: (21:31) At-Large Agendas: https://community.icann.org/x/kiTxAg
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:31) @Glenn: nowhere. I just coined it Inreach = I Outreach = O
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (21:32) @Roberto - I don't think so, I think its good to let the ALS know that they are there and perhaps see if a chat can happen - its very strange if an ICANN VP is in a country and the ALS in country are the last to know about it
Glenn McKnight: (21:32) @ better than CREEP
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:32) what I said is that we should be suggesting a Community Regional Inreach program if we are serious about inreach
Fatima Cambronero: (21:32) no audio again
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:32) @Glenn: CREEP?
Gisella Gruber: (21:33) Fatima - no spanish?
Fatima Cambronero: (21:33) yes, no Spanish audio
Alan Greenberg: (21:33) Fatima - power failures in Buenos Aires
Fatima Cambronero: (21:34) ok, I can move to the AC
Alan Greenberg: (21:34) That would help. Thank you.
Roberto Gaetano: (21:34) @Dev - You are probably right - I am thinking about the implications, in order to make a reasonable proposal
Gisella Gruber: (21:35) @ Fatima - thank you very much!
Fatima Cambronero: (21:35) no problem. Thank you :)
Gisella Gruber: (21:35) We are reconnecting the Spanish as soon as possible ...
Gisella Gruber: (21:35) Cheryl is back on
Fatima Cambronero: (21:35) Here are storms across the country today
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:36) I noticed we don' t have 15 minutes lay over between meeting, though it is huge timing, but was useful last time not to be late from one meeting to another
Fatima Cambronero: (21:36) *there are
Garth Graham: (21:38) CREEP = Communities Relating Exquisitely Extreme Predicaments
Gisella Gruber: (21:38) @ Siranush - we have tried to do our best but we are very limited on time slots. We will encourage the Chairs/Moderators to finsih a few minutes ahead of time.
Gisella Gruber: (21:38) Fortunately Singapore is a great venue - all the meeting rooms are on the same floor!
Gisella Gruber: (21:38) Eduardo has left the call - he was restricted to one hour
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:38) thanks, Gisella
Holly Raiche: (21:38) What about a free pass to Raffles for high tea
Roberto Gaetano: (21:39) @Fatima you mean weatherwise, or related to Kirchner's announcement? :) - sorry, I could not resist :(
Maureen Hilyard: (21:39) @Holly LOL - ICANN wouldn't be able to afford the required budget
Fatima Cambronero: (21:39) both, @Roberto ;)
Gisella Gruber: (21:39) Spanish interpretation is back
Fatima Cambronero: (21:40) thanks @Gisella
Holly Raiche: (21:40) Unhappily, yes, I don't think we'' get free passes for anything at Raffles
Gisella Gruber: (21:41) Cheryl is back in the AC
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:41) Nothing in free at Raffles. :-)
Gisella Gruber: (21:41) Spanish dropped again
Gisella Gruber: (21:41) Spanish is back
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:41) Nothing is free
Ariel Liang: (21:41) ALAC questions to the Board: https://community.icann.org/x/KyjxAg
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (21:41) I have only missed a minute of audio as I transitioned from road to home/office
Roberto Gaetano: (21:41) Why go to Raffles? They do not even offer free WiFi for customers, unless you have a room in the hotel
Murray McKercher naralo: (21:41) Sorry I am late, but trying to catch the last few magic moments
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:42) @Roberto, that's where the conference is. Raffles centre
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:42) Not the Raffles hotel. (we wish!)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (21:43) The Board will ask if the ALAC has suggestions on ICANN's top 5 risks. No problem if there is none to propose/discuss.
Fatima Cambronero: (21:43) I sent some suggestions to the meeting with the Board
Gisella Gruber: (21:43) @ All - Spanish interpretation is no longer available. Sincere apologies for the inconvenience!
Roberto Gaetano: (21:43) @OCL the Raffles centre is one thing, the Raffles hotel is a different thing
Evan Leibovitch: (21:44) Sorry, guess Iĺ l type
Murray McKercher naralo: (21:44) @Alan..on remote hubs it appears the time difference for this particular meeting makes it unlikley we will have a NARALO remote hub..sorry I have no voice at the moment
Evan Leibovitch: (21:44) no audio
Evan Leibovitch: (21:44) 2 questions:
Holly Raiche: (21:44) @ Roberto - trust me, OCL knows - we did high tea at the real Raffles
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (21:44) Need a dial back in please listening in AC though
Evan Leibovitch: (21:44) is the meeting between the NGCPC andon pics been screduled
Evan Leibovitch: (21:44) 2) is there a list of arrival; time so people can sghare taxis
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (21:45) high tea = high price
Evan Leibovitch: (21:45) the meeting on PICS
Evan Leibovitch: (21:45) NGPC and ALAC members
Glenn McKnight: (21:45) Evan you and I arrive after midnight on Friday
Gisella Gruber: (21:45) @ Evan - in progress re travel data
Ariel Liang: (21:45) yes I have been following up with travel staff re arrival list. will be up shortly
Evan Leibovitch: (21:45) Ah OK, thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (21:45) back in thx
Glenn McKnight: (21:46) Also the Technology Taskforce is putting a Road Warrior PDF of tips for Mobile etc while in Singapore
Glenn McKnight: (21:46) Looking for tips for the PDF
Evan Leibovitch: (21:46) Glenn has been doing a great job coordinating a visitors guide
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (21:47) and THANK YOU Leon for wrangling the schedule
VANDA: (21:47) great Glenn!
Maureen Hilyard: (21:47) Big thanks to Leon.. for a job well done
Heidi Ullrich: (21:47) Thanks to Leon and Gisella!!!
Evan Leibovitch: (21:47) ++++1 Leon
VANDA: (21:47) + 1 Heidi
Leon Sanchez: (21:47) Thanks everyone! :D
Beran Gillen: (21:47) well done Leon :)
Glenn McKnight: (21:47) @ no I am not doing a visitor guide but a Road Warrior Guide ie. Sims, Mobile Apps etc for Singapore
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (21:48) at least G knoew she was in for Leon on the other hand ... .. ....
Heidi Ullrich: (21:48) 17 applications for hubs - https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Remote+Hub+for+ICANN+52+Workspace
VANDA: (21:48) not a chance for brazil too. middle of the night
Ariel Liang: (21:48) Here is the Remote Hub application status table: https://community.icann.org/x/IyjxAg
Ariel Liang: (21:48) 17 applications
Glenn McKnight: (21:48) No outstanding NARALO ALS applications right now
Heidi Ullrich: (21:48) @Murray, there are two applications from NARALO
Glenn McKnight: (21:49) Which two Naralo applications?
Judith Hellerstein: (21:49) @heidi any answers to my questions on special budget
Evan Leibovitch: (21:49) NARALo is working on a submission to come shirtly
Heidi Ullrich: (21:49) https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+FY16+Budget+Development+Workspace
Murray McKercher naralo: (21:49) @Heidi, that is good news, perhaps there is a way to collaborate with these folks, please bridge us if appropriate
Ariel Liang: (21:50) @Murray, I still have included your application in the table. the other NARALO application is from Intellectual Property and Technology Section of the Hawaii State Bar Association (in Hawaii)
Glenn McKnight: (21:50) A few Naralo application will be coming One from Loris will be submitted soon
Ariel Liang: (21:50) @Glenn, deadline for submission was yesterday
Glenn McKnight: (21:50) @ the Hawaii group is Seth Reiss;s group isn;t it?
Judith Hellerstein: (21:50) Special request for Captioning
Ariel Liang: (21:50) Yes, Seth's
Glenn McKnight: (21:51) @ Ariel what are you speaking about , What deadline?
Murray McKercher naralo: (21:51) @Ariel, well Hawaii makes sense, given the time zone issues
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:51) related to fy16, is there a possibility to change the deadline go the first submission to staff? it is February 4' but we need to discuss in person with apralo team in Singapore before applying?
Ariel Liang: (21:52) @Glenn, Remote Hub applications
Glenn McKnight: (21:52) Ok, confused me since we were speaking about Naralo ALS applications
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:54) apralo has started to work on one request, so, consider receiving one from us as we'll
Heidi Ullrich: (21:55) @Siranush, great! What is the proposal?
Glenn McKnight: (21:56) Naralo has had a lot of discussion on a North American General Assembly
Glenn McKnight: (21:56) Evan can speak on thi s
Heidi Ullrich: (21:56) https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+FY16+Budget+Development+Workspace
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:56) @heidi, related ti participation at the annual igf meeting
Heidi Ullrich: (21:57) ok, thanks.
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:57) sorry for typos, I am using iPad now
Heidi Ullrich: (21:57) If you have any questions, please contact Alan, Tijani and At-Large staff
Heidi Ullrich: (21:58) Staff are happy to work with you, provide guidance, etc.
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:58) so, no chances to submit at least while hi Singapore, Heidi?
Heidi Ullrich: (21:58) CCWG on Accountability: https://community.icann.org/display/acctcrosscomm/CCWG+on+Enhancing+ICANN+Accountability
Siranush Vardanyan: (21:59) in Singapore I mean
Heidi Ullrich: (21:59) Please note that this topic will be one of the ALAC's hot topics in Singapore.
Evan Leibovitch: (21:59) Alan, I thought I'd answered your comments almost as soon as you asked them. :-)
Heidi Ullrich: (21:59) @Siranush, you can submit it in Singapore, but the FBSC may not have time to review it in Singapore.
Siranush Vardanyan: (22:00) ok, thanks
Glenn McKnight: (22:01) Just a reminder on the ETHOS AWARDS
Glenn McKnight: (22:01) https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-12-10-en
Evan Leibovitch: (22:02) There is a discussion in the mailing lists, started by Greg Shatan, that revisits the idea of "members" iof ICANN as an accountability issue. Very interesting reading.
Beran Gillen: (22:04) Indeed discussions on the mailing lists are very interesting indeed.
Leon Sanchez: (22:04) It is interesting. However as far as the CCWG concerns, we are not yet looking into that as we are focusing our work on scoping the "how can we...?" in relation to the requirements identified to empower the communitiy
Beran Gillen: (22:05) Robin Gross also suggested having ahe Board delegatesa decision-making function to some other body
Beran Gillen: (22:05) with minimal change to current structure of ICANN
Beran Gillen: (22:06) i thought that was quite feasible and an interesting approach
Evan Leibovitch: (22:06) I find "making the community 'members' of ICANN who can elect the Board (or remove them!) to be a quite good answer to "how do we?" ... :-)
Beran Gillen: (22:06) i got quite a bit of support too
Beran Gillen: (22:06) it**
Leon Sanchez: (22:07) @Evan yes. But I mean the "how do we...?" from a legal POV
Alan Greenberg: (22:08) @beran, that is not just Robin that has proposed somthing like that. It was also an integral part of the ALAC IANA transition proposal, as well as integral to the Business Const. Proposals.
Leon Sanchez: (22:08) The question to the legal experts in that sense could be "how can we have the community members be empowered to recall/remove board members under certain given circumstances?
Evan Leibovitch: (22:09) ICANN can have its status changed from "non profit without members" to "non profit with members".
Fatima Cambronero: (22:09) I am not sure that "ICANN membership" could be the correct answer...
Beran Gillen: (22:09) @Alan yes I am aware I was talking with regards to Accountability and the CCWG which was the topic we were on.
Alan Greenberg: (22:09) On members, although a number of people are supporting that, they have quite different ( and not compatible) views as to who those members should be.
Leon Sanchez: (22:09) @Evan yes but I have some concerns that changing ICANN into a membership organization might leave out many groups
VANDA: (22:10) + 1 Leon
Beran Gillen: (22:10) @Leon thats my fear too..... those who are not necessarily that tough could easily be drowned out in the noise or muscled out by the bigger guys
Alan Greenberg: (22:10) Proposals for members have ranged from the AC/SOs to every gTLD registrant.
Glenn McKnight: (22:10) Membership slogans pending
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (22:11) I've "kinda been' on those calls as well OCL ;-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (22:11) Cheryl - I only mentioned "members" of the WG. sorry :-)
Leon Sanchez: (22:11) @Beran or existing members could capture the organization and prevent new members from joining if they had confronted interests
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (22:12) ...and of course I stand corrected that Alan was not a member: But he's the ALAC Chair so he's allowed to be mentioned :-)
Beran Gillen: (22:12) @Leon.... true
Evan Leibovitch: (22:12) This is the email I am referring to:
Evan Leibovitch: (22:12) https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/accountability-cross-community/2015-January/000863.html
Evan Leibovitch: (22:13) This offers a vision of membership that offers a very interesting starting point
Siranush Vardanyan: (22:13) it is 2:15am my time :(
Leon Sanchez: (22:13) @Evan it does. We're continuing discussion on Jonathan's points
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (22:13) I'v been meeting at that ime since 2007 Siranush ;-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (22:14) Several alternatives: conduct regional ALAC meetings back to back & have Alan repeat himself. :-)
Siranush Vardanyan: (22:14) I know that, Cheryl:)
Beran Gillen: (22:14) laughs @OCL
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (22:14) I only took family dinner time to 'If needs be'
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (22:15) We can perhaps still rotate between 2 'prime times' but we shall see
Evan Leibovitch: (22:15) Sshh
Alan Greenberg: (22:17) @OCL, I hope we will get to the point where the meetings are not just people listening to me.
Ariel Liang: (22:17) ATLAS II Recs to Board Attention: https://community.icann.org/x/PBnxAg
Ariel Liang: (22:19) No.16, 26, 27, 40, 41, 42 are the ones that we will present to the Board
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (22:19) Would suggest preparing recommendations for Staff - directed at Fadi (they may be in the position to do something even without Board engagement/acceptance because it would fall within their work).
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (22:20) @Rinalia: good point. I'll see if we can work on any recommendations for staff
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (22:20) cool
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2: (22:20) @Rinalia: the current problem is time. We have little time.
VANDA: (22:20) true
Heidi Ullrich: (22:21) At-Large/At-Large Review Workspace: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51417943
Glenn McKnight: (22:21) I need to go to another meeting.
Glenn McKnight: (22:21) vye
Glenn McKnight: (22:21) bye
VANDA: (22:21) safe trip to Singapore Glenn
VANDA: (22:22) welcome to take pictures at DNS women.... 7AM monday... kisses
Heidi Ullrich: (22:22) At-Large Review Workspace: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=51417955
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (22:23) no permission to read it - guess its for the ALAC only ;-D
VANDA: (22:23) I can help on this CLO / Holly
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (22:24) Excellent Thanks Vanda (note this please staff)
VANDA: (22:24) will do
Heidi Ullrich: (22:24) There will be a brief update on Tuesday by Holly and Cheryl (see: At-Large Review Working Party - Holly Raiche and Cheryl Langdon-Orr (11:00-11:20))
Leon Sanchez: (22:25) will step away for a moment to take care of fatherhood really quick
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (22:26) :) Leon
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (22:27) wow
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (22:27) Take care all
Heidi Ullrich: (22:27) See you in Singapore!!
Maureen Hilyard: (22:27) Well done Alan!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (22:27) Excellent :-) Thanks all
Holly Raiche: (22:27) Well done Alan
Siranush Vardanyan: (22:27) by all, safe travels and see you soon
VANDA: (22:27) just remember LAC SPACE will be Monday from 10:30 to 12:00
Heidi Ullrich: (22:27) Please let At-Large staff know if you have any concerns re travel info and per diems
Beran Gillen: (22:27) safe travels
Murray McKercher naralo: (22:27) enjoe the trip see you in internetland
Beran Gillen: (22:27) see hyou
Maureen Hilyard: (22:27) Bye all.. see you in Singapore
Ariel Liang: (22:27) bye all! see you in Singapore. safe travels
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (22:27) Bye safe travels
Beran Gillen: (22:27) bye
Amal: (22:27) Thank you !
Julie Hammer: (22:27) Bye!
VANDA: (22:27) safe travels to all
Roberto Gaetano: (22:27) Bye
Fatima Cambronero: (22:27) thanks all. See you soon. Bye
Amal: (22:27) See you in Singapore
Silvia Vivanco: (22:28) Bye bye safe travels everyone and see you soon!
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