- Category: ICANN Structure
- Topic: PSO MOU Ratification and Bylaws
- Board meeting date: 26 August 1999
- Resolution number: 99.74, 99.75
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/meetings/santiago/santiago-resolutions.htm
- Status: Completed
Ratified MOU and amended the bylaws to create the Protocol Supporting Organization (PSO).
WHEREAS the President signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the IETF, the W3C, the ITU, and ETSI in Oslo on July 14, 1999, it is now
RESOLVED [99.74] that the Memorandum of Understanding is ratified by the Board, and
FURTHER RESOLVED [99.75] that Article VI-C of the Bylaws is hereby replaced in its entirety with the following:
"Section 1. Description
"(a) The PSO shall advise the Board with respect to policy issues relating to the assignment of parameters for Internet protocols.
"(b) The PSO shall be the entity established by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Corporation and a group of open, international, Internet-related standards development organizations ("SDOs").
"(c) The PSO shall be considered to exist and to be recognized when the Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by the President and ratified by the Board.
"Section 2. Protocol Council
"(a) The PSO shall have a Protocol Council, consisting of representatives of the SDOs that are signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding. The Protocol Council shall, at least annually, host a meeting (the "General Assembly"), open to participation by all interested individuals.
"(b) The Protocol Council shall select Directors to those seats on the Board designated to be filled by the PSO."
Implementation Actions
- Record Bylaw amendments
- Responsible entity: ICANN Staff
- Due date: None provided
- Completion date: 1999
Other Related Resolutions
Additional Information
- No additional funding provided.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.