2014 At-Large Board Director (Seat #15) Selection Process Results

2014 At-Large Board Director (Seat #15) Selection Process Results

The 2014 At-Large Board Director (Seat #15) Selection Process was completed on 25-March-2014. The selection process was composed of:

    • First Vote
    • Tie Breaking Vote
    • Second (Final) Vote

Please see the detailed information and results of each vote below.



Open: 16-March-2014

Close: 17-March-2014

Purpose: To reduce the number of candidates from five to three; the winners are selected for the SECOND ROUND.

Method: Preferential vote – The three candidates with the lowest scores win.

Question: Please rank all 5 candidates (listed in alphabetical order of surname) from the most preferred to the least preferred (1 is the most preferred and 5 is the least preferred):

  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim

  • Sébastien Bachollet

  • Alan Greenberg

  • Evan Leibovitch

  • Jean-Jacques Subrenat


As at Poll close: Monday 17 March 2014 23:59 UTC
Number of voters: 20 · Group size: 20 · Percentage voted: 100.00
Ranked by largest sum of preference votes

1Jean-Jacques Subrenat6822.67
2Evan Leibovitch6722.33
3Sébastien Bachollet6421.33
4Alan Greenberg5317.67
5Rinalia Abdul Rahim4816.00

To confirm: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Alan Greenberg, and Sébastien Bachollet, who had the lowest scores, were selected for SECOND ROUND.

You may view the results individually under: https://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=3711TuywGIaKCvGpEyz55JnJ




Open: 22-March-2014

Close: 23-March-2014

Purpose: To select one candidate out of three candidates; the winner of this vote becomes the Board Director (Seat #15) for 2015-2017.

Method: Simple majority – The candidate with the highest votes, which must be more than 50% of the votes cast, wins.

Question: Who do you support to become the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017? Please select one candidate from the list below (Listed in alphabetical order of the family name):

  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim
  • Sébastien Bachollet
  • Alan Greenberg


As at Poll close: Sunday 23 March 2014 07:27 UTC
Number of voters: 20 · Group size: 20 · Percentage voted: 100.00
Ranked by votes

1Rinalia Abdul Rahim1050.00
2Sébastien Bachollet525.00
2Alan Greenberg525.00

To confirm: No candidate received more than 50% of the votes. Rinalia Abdul Rahim was selected for the SECOND VOTE as she had the highest scores; a tie existed between Sébastien Bachollet and Alan Greenberg.

You may view the results individually under: http://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=3742t8snNm6mHvcK5iIY3QTi



Open: 23-March-2014

Close: 24-March-2014

Purpose: To break the tie between Sébastien Bachollet and Alan Greenberg; the winner of this vote runs against Rinalia Abdul Rahim in the SECOND VOTE. 

Method: Simple majority – The candidate with the highest votes, which must exceed 50% of the votes cast, becomes the Board Director (Seat #15) for 2015-2017.

Question: Who do you support to run against Rinalia Abdul Rahim for the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by the ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017? Please select one candidate between the two tied candidates below (listed in alphabetical order of the family name):

  • Sébastien Bachollet
  • Alan Greenberg 


As at Poll close: Monday 24 March 2014 07:40 UTC
Number of voters: 20 · Group size: 20 · Percentage voted: 100.00
Ranked by votes

1Alan Greenberg1365.00
2Sébastien Bachollet735.00

To confirm: Alan Greenber was selected to run against Rinalia Abdul Rahim in the SECOND VOTE.

You may view the results individually under: http://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=3736qW46LZvyCA5bLZ9SBEFu



Open: 24-March-2014

Close: 25-March-2014

Purpose: To select one candidate between the two candidates; the winner of this vote becomes the Board Director (Seat #15) for 2015-2017.

Method: Simple majority – The candidate with the highest votes, which must exceed 50% of the votes cast, becomes the Board Director (Seat #15) for 2015-2017.

Question: Who do you support to become the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017? Please select one candidate from the list below (listed in alphabetical order of the family name):

  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim
  • Alan Greenberg


As at Poll close: Tuesday 25 March 2014 02:04 UTC
Number of voters: 20 · Group size: 20 · Percentage voted: 100.00
Ranked by votes

1Rinalia Abdul Rahim1260.00
2Alan Greenberg840.00

To confirm: Rinalia Abdul Rahim becomes the Board Director (Seat #15) selected by ALAC/At-Large for 2015-2017 and will take her seat at the Annual General Meeting ICANN 51 (12-16 October 2014). 

You may view the results individually under: http://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=3737NQxGJZvv6SKiIypvzezK
