C&CC Meeting #21 - 19 October

C&CC Meeting #21 - 19 October


Review Team Members:  Stan Besen, Carlos Raul Guiterrez, Kaili Kan, Dejan Djukic, Jordyn Buchanan, Jamie Hedlund, Waudo Siganga

Staff:  Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Pamela Smith, Margie Milam, Eleeza Agopian, Brian Aitchison, Antonietta Mangiacotti

Apologies:  /

Guest:  Stacey Chan 

Observers:  Zach Colelman, Crescent Ezekwu


1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI (1 min)
2. Discussion with Analysis Group (30 min)
3. Overview of URS vs. UDRP template (Dejan) (13 min)
4. Refining high level findings (15 min)
5. A.O.B (1 min)



Chat:  EN

Transcript:  EN


  • ACTION ITEM - Analysis Group to follow up on Waudo's question: "why was there no follow up in Phase 2 on the issue of regisrar competition within registries. There was a section in Phase 1 on this but nothing in Phase 2"
  • ACTION ITEM - Dejan to reflect input received on call
  • ACTION ITEM - Jordyn and Jamie to discuss how to integrate Jamie's input into high level findings document.