Guidelines Meeting #1 (21 September 2016 @ 19:00 UTC)
Sub-group Members: Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Julf Helsingius, Karel Douglas, Lito Ibarra, Lori Schulman, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Robin Gross. (9)
Staff: Charla Shambley, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry, Laena Rahim, Yvette Guigneaux (4)
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
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The audio recording is available here:
Work Stream 2
Guidelines for Standard of Conduct Presumed to Be Good Faith
with Exercising Removal of ICANN Board Members
September 21, 2016
- Introduction of Rapporteur
- Introduction of Team
- Explaining the Task
- Expectations for Deliverables
Executive Summary
Description of Issue
- Current State of Play
- Supplemental Report
- Requirements for recommendation (no wordsmithing expected)
- Rationale for recommendation
Assessment of Recommendations
- How do the recommendations meet the NTIA criteria?
- Are the recommendations compliant with WS1 recommendations?
- Special Concerns of the Group
- Establishing a Work Plan
- Regular Calls
1. Introduction of Rapporteur
2. Introduction of Team
3. Explaining the Task
4. Expectations for Deliverables
Executive Summary
Description of Issue
• Current State of Play
• Supplemental Report
• Requirements for recommendation (no wordsmithing expected)
• Rationale for recommendation
Assessment of Recommendations
• How do the recommendations meet the NTIA criteria?
• Are the recommendations compliant with WS1 recommendations?
5. Special Concerns of the Group
6. Establishing a Work Plan
7. Regular Calls
Administratve Items - SOI, attendance
Introduction and background of team members present to kick off the sugroup meeting
Discussion of the workplan and scoping of the topic to be discssed in the group.
Task is about standards behaviousr for community.
Deliverables - review of work and preparing the report to be provided to the CCWG Plenary
Special Concerns - is topic to be scheduled as shorter less complex or more complex. Potentially taget to have draft of the work done by Jan 2017. Anticipate having initial draft of the work completed by Hyderabad.
Ask that the group members look at drafting proposals for what should be in guidelines, exchange thoughts on process on the list and then the pints can be pulled together into the rough draft of the report.
Will start with the discription of the Issue, include proposals exchanged on the list. Options for proceeding will be proposed to the list so that those who were not participating in the discussion could weigh in on approach the work will take on conducting its assessment of its recommendations and how these should be considered by the group.
Documents Presented
WS2 Guidelines for Good Faith Agenda 09_21_2017.pdf
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux: Welcome to the Guidelines for Good Faith Conduct Subgroup Meeting #1 21 September 2016 @ 19:00 UTC
Julf Helsingius (GNSO NCPH NCA):Pretty quiet here so far...
Lito Ibarra:Hello
Lori Schulman:Hello
Lori Schulman:I am am having audio trouble
Lori Schulman:Will try to dial in
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I kept getting 'network connection errors sorry it took a while to get in here
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):your doing just fine Lori
Karel Douglas:Hi ALL
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Hey ther Karel been ages since we served togeter :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):together
Karel Douglas:Indeed it has been Cheryl
Robin Gross:Indeed we explictly said we would not have specific causes required for removal or other such limitations
Karel Douglas:Its great to "see" you here!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):exactly Robin *no cause*
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):That is my understanding as well Lori
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I thought is was our Standards of cnduct not Board onesas our remit YES
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Correct Alan that work for Designator Good faith conduct *is* our work
Robin Gross:As Alan said, we decided in WS 1 not to limit a group's rationale.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):YUP
Avri Doria:i think thee is only 1 director that might wear purple pants
Alan Greenberg:Purple shirts may be a different matter.
Avri Doria:what do we mean by good faith?
Avri Doria:Board are paid members of the community. unlike other particpants.
Avri Doria:that makes the consideration somewhat different
Avri Doria:Board has authority, no one else does.
Robin Gross:our remit is limited to directors here
Avri Doria:i would think so
Alan Greenberg:Directors are technically not "paid".
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I thought the term was stipend
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:"compensation"
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yes offered to all not all take it up
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thx Rinalia
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:my pleasure.
Avri Doria:do the tax people treat it as slary? if so, a rose by another name.
Alan Greenberg:To be clear, they are the only "volunteers" that receive such compensation. Others are just reimbursed for specific expenses.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:it is taxable.
Alan Greenberg:Taxable, but not salary (ie I beleive that ICANN does not pay benefits or employee taxes on it.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:correct in that it is not considered as salary.
Alan Greenberg:How recipient's tax authority treats it is a separate issue of course.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):less complex perhaps Yes
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):we could aim for the Jan 17 wrap
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):yup we are
Robin Gross:I agree with Alan about timing
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Let's have a go
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I'm ambivelent to which methd
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:we will consult the board and get back to you
Lito Ibarra:Thank you, Lori
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:will do our best
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2:fingers crossed on that Yes Lori
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2:nothing from me Thx
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2::)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim 2:well done, Lori.
Robin Gross:Thanks, Lori and all. Bye!
Julf Helsingius (GNSO NCPH NCA):Thanks!
Lito Ibarra:Thank you all. Have a nice day.
Lori Schulman:ciao
Avri Doria:thanks, bye