Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call on Monday 13 May 2013 at 1900 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:Calling in now
Garth Bruen:Hello all
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
Glenn McKnight:I am on mute wih the phone.
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all, welcome
Garth Bruen:On the temporary secretary we have had interest so far from Dharma and Murray
Louis Houle:Bonjour tout le monde
Joly MacFie:Dharma would be good.
Allan Skuce:Rainy in mid-teens in Vancouver
Gisella Gruber-White:Bonjour Louis - Welcome to all!
Silvia Vivanco:I will be taking the Action Items today
Evan Leibovitch:Bonjour, hola and howdy.
Gisella Gruber-White:2.4 In Progress
Gisella Gruber-White:Annalisa Rogers has joined the Adobe Connect room
Silvia Vivanco:Staff is taking note of the AIs and will act accordingly
Glenn McKnight:People should mute their phone I am hearning music
Glenn McKnight:its getting louder
Glenn McKnight:stopped
Joly MacFie:Olivier has his hand up
Gisella Gruber-White:TOm has joined the AC room
Glenn McKnight:What are we voting on?
Glenn McKnight:Not clear are we accepting a person as substitute or the idea of a substitute
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:adobe's just told me the subscriber has not arrived & cut me off....
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I mean Adigo....
Joly MacFie:so you are disconnected for audio ?
Gisella Gruber-White:Murray has joined the AC room
Evan Leibovitch:OCL: if there a chance you mistyped 1638?
Glenn McKnight:lots of noise on Adigo
Glenn McKnight:Heidi is like a mouse squeeking
Garth Bruen:Feedback
Garth Bruen:Cant understand Heidi
Glenn McKnight:serves her right to have 85 f weather!
Eduardo Diaz:Ok. Will wait for Heidi.
Glenn McKnight:The application process needs attention since it had broken links on the website
Evan Leibovitch:I just know that there is a conscious effort to harmonize the application system, between the regions. This is not something NA could (or should) do in a vacuum
Joly MacFie:I've switched from adigo to AC. Seems to work.
Glenn McKnight:Sorry folks. I thought a Initial Letter of Interest form before the full application
Glenn McKnight:Evan has a good point
Gisella Gruber-White:Heidi is back
Joly MacFie:What about Eric B-W?
Glenn McKnight:Lots of native contacts to submit for a fellowship. yes, Eric has lots of contacts
Glenn McKnight:We need to know if the Native Americans are elibible
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Eduardo Diaz:@Glenn: it is all based on the world bank data
Glenn McKnight:Ok
Glenn McKnight:I know it;s stats on least developed nation economic indicators and their wired information
Glenn McKnight:Darlene any comments?
Glenn McKnight:I have not seen Darlene's comments on Aboriginals
Joly MacFie:Nice logo!
Heidi Ullrich:Are the slides supposed to be moving?
Darlene Thompson:I've been having to advance them myself to follow what Glenn is saying
Darlene Thompson:Glitch
murray mckercher Mobile:fyi i can hear but have no voice...
Joly MacFie:Glenn You should make a vid of this presentation. You can het the audio of the recording.
Joly MacFie:get
Glenn McKnight:why
Glenn McKnight:I read the slideshow no deviation
Glenn McKnight:i didnt elaborate. No questions from anyone
Joly MacFie:so it can easily be reviewed. Audio and video works.
Glenn McKnight:we have hundreds of videos
Glenn McKnight:not interested in doing another video
Joly MacFie:I didn't realize I had to advance slides til too late.
Glenn McKnight:the slideshow is available on SLIDESHARE
Evan Leibovitch:My lack of a check box is not lack of approval but rathyer conflict of interest on the vote
Joly MacFie:sorry what are we voting on
Heidi Ullrich:The next step with the ISOC CA application will be a vote by the ALAC
Heidi Ullrich:that vote will begin shortly
Joly MacFie:can't see hand up unless you clear agree
Evan Leibovitch:gotta leave adobe to reboot. still on the call.
Darlene Thompson:May we know who has already volunteered?
Glenn McKnight:I am sponsored
Glenn McKnight:Darma Dailey or Murray McKercher
Gisella Gruber-White:Passport to be valid for at least 6 months after entry date into South Africa
Joly MacFie:Mispelled Dharma
Tom Lowenhaupt:Were there not other volunteers?
Glenn McKnight:its not anonous
Joly MacFie:There was notice on the list that this would be voted on this call.
Darlene Thompson:I think that this vote is too close and does not represent true consensus. I think that this needs to be taken to the region.
Darlene Thompson:I think that this vote is too close and does not represent true consensus. I think that this needs to be taken to the region.
Glenn McKnight:Evan , Allan and Murray vote
Glenn McKnight:Also Dharma
Joly MacFie:can we get candidaqte statements?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Constituency Travel does not need to know in 3 days so why not 5 days?*
Joly MacFie:scuze my typing?
Heidi Ullrich:if we start the vote today, it can be 5 days
Heidi Ullrich:and still submit it to CT by the end of the week
Eduardo Diaz:CAn you remove the poll window from the adobe?
Joly MacFie:And Dharma is spelled with an h
Glenn McKnight:It;s a dead parrot
Glenn McKnight:No it's just sleeping
Heidi Ullrich:Garth, we do have a street address for that ALS
Heidi Ullrich:Link to certification and de-certification info for ALSes:
Glenn McKnight:Joly you didn't comment on my Monty Python joke?
Joly MacFie:Mustn't grumble.
Glenn McKnight:its typed above
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO Regional officers page:
Glenn McKnight:No
Glenn McKnight:Evan has only served one year
Glenn McKnight:NOMCOM too
Glenn McKnight:Maximum is two years. My term is finished in end of July
Glenn McKnight:Sec. Chair, Alac, Nomcom open
Heidi Ullrich:11. At least once a year, on or before the First of July, or whenever a vacancy arises, the NARALO shall issue a call for Statements of Interest from members of the North American Internet community to serve on the ALAC. The call for Statements of Interest shall be open for at least 30 days. New ALAC members will be selected and announced sufficiently in advance of ICANN's annual meeting to allow them to be seated as required by Paragraph 10.12. After the close of the period for submission of Statements of Interest, the NARALO shall convene its General Assembly to select its member(s) for the ALAC. Selection of the ALAC should be made through a "rough consensus" process. "Rough consensus" does not require that all participants agree although this is, of course, preferred. In general, the dominant view of the NARALO shall prevail. (However, it must be noted that "dominance" is not to be determined on the basis of volume or persistence, but rather a more general sense of agreement.) Consensus can be deter
Heidi Ullrich:Link to NARALO Operating Principles:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Glenn: you finish at the end of the AGM, not in July
Glenn McKnight:Technically but our NOMCOM tasks wrap up in Durban, No more meetings
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:except if the main candidate & its fallback are both unavailable in which case you might be called upon again. Expect the unexpected!
Glenn McKnight:Ha Ha
Glenn McKnight:You telling me!
Glenn McKnight:My fingers are crossed that this one goes smoothly not like Prague
Tom Lowenhaupt:check means yes
Eduardo Diaz:i got cut off
Eduardo Diaz:reconnecting
murray mckercher Mobile:yes from murray
Eduardo Diaz:i a=m still connevcting go ahead with olivier
Garth Bruen:Cant hear you Eduardo
Heidi Ullrich:Eduardo, we are looking into whether you've dropped
Heidi Ullrich:can you hear the conversation, Eudardo?
Eduardo Diaz:@Heidi was my headphone
Heidi Ullrich:ah. Adigo says you've dropped. are you dialing in again?
Glenn McKnight:I think the Vice would need to attend meetings to be functional.
Heidi Ullrich:welcome back, Eduardo
Eduardo Diaz:@HEidi: thanks
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:you still only have 2 fully funded slots
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:whether they're taken by Chair/VC or Chair/Secretariat, or VC/Secretariat. But you cannot have more slots than you currently have
Glenn McKnight:Interesting opportunity for Vice Chair with no travel allowance.
Eduardo Diaz:@Garth: I have another commitment at 4:05. Please excuse me dropping out..
Garth Bruen:OK @Eduardo
Glenn McKnight:I can't stay much more
Garth Bruen:Ok @Glenn
Heidi Ullrich:From the Fellowship website: Applicants must be citizens of economically eligible countries. We use a combination of the World Bank classification of low, lower-middle, and upper-middle economies, along with two (2) UN groupings of developing and least developed nations:, which are based on distinctly different criteria which stretch beyond the World Bank's economically deterministic view.
Heidi Ullrich:See full page at:
Heidi Ullrich:LDCs:
Glenn McKnight:Perhaps people can share their room
Glenn McKnight:looking for solutions not problems
Glenn McKnight:save on the hotel and the funds can go to the travel
Glenn McKnight:I raised my hand
Heidi Ullrich:Please note that the Summit 2 has not yet been approved by the Board. It is on their agenda for the June Board meeting.
Glenn McKnight:Sorry must go to a presentation
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:bye
Heidi:Policy Development workspace:
Gisella Gruber-White:Webinar on WEDNESDAY 15th at 1900 UTC
Heidi:Agenda page
Heidi:Evan's document:
Heidi:The vote will start at 23:59 UTC today
Tom Lowenhaupt:great meeting
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:excellent call -thanks Garth!
Allan Skuce:bye
Gisella Gruber-White:thank you all!
Garth Bruen:Gisella, I never stay on long enough to hear that, need to pay attention
App links