01:02:54 Eduardo Diaz: Why is this n webinar format? I thought it was a meeting?
01:02:57 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Welcome everyone!
01:03:13 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks Leon, hello all.
01:03:28 Abdulkarim Oloyede: hi myself too
01:03:35 Herb Waye Ombuds: Greetings everyone… hope you are all well.
01:04:00 Abdulkarim Oloyede: I will need to be promoted too
01:04:25 Aaron Jimenez: https://meetings.icann.org/en/expected-standards-behavior
01:05:45 Manal Ismail: Hello everyone :) !!
01:06:20 Vanda Scartezini - Brazil: hi everyone, sorry be a bit late
01:14:47 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: In the mean time I am happy to work with you all and provide any help or guidance you might see fits so that the ALAC and the Board continue to enhance the way we work together
01:15:35 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ALAC has *always* given Advice to the Board, this evolved model however is an evolution in how it is developed and this discussion is important for many reasons in How it is responded to, how it can be more effective et., etc.,
01:16:42 Claudia Ruiz ICANN Org: @Abdulkarim, only speakers are promoted to panelist
01:18:17 Heidi Ullrich: The agenda for today’s session is at: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/2021-07-08+ALAC+and+Board+Teleconference.
01:19:52 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: I would add that not only did you spend months and months on this at the CPWG side but also as active participants of the PDP
01:20:08 Aaron Jimenez: Hi Heidi, would you be able to reshape with Panelist and Attendees?
01:20:16 Jonathan Zuck: +1 Leon
01:20:20 Aaron Jimenez: The agenda was only shared with Panelists
01:20:24 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Very Active in the PDP Yes @Léon
01:20:41 Heidi Ullrich: The agenda for today’s session is at: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/2021-07-08+ALAC+and+Board+Teleconference.
01:20:47 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: +1 to the Very part @Cheryl
01:21:07 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: The process by which this Advice on Subsequent Procedures was drafted took several months with an average of 20-40 minutes per week taken to discuss each and every point in Sub-Pro. There were numerous polls, numerous questions, numerous discussions, sometimes numerous disagreements and ultimately finding consensus amongst not only the members of the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group, but the whole At-Large Community that had multiple chances of changing the advice (and indeed sometimes the advice had to be changed from a previous position because the "majority" of the views had shifted.
01:21:32 Jonathan Zuck: And we focused our advice on what we considered to be the specific interests of end users, rather than comment on everything
01:21:38 Wendy Profit - ICANN Org: Reminder to select “Panelists and Attendees” from the drop down menu so everyone can see your comments.
01:21:39 alangreenberg: Yes Leon, but Justine was highlighting that for this particular PDP (although not unique) a large number of people were involved in formulating our positions, not JUST those who were active in the PDP.
01:22:22 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Agree Alan, I was trying to reinforce her point
01:22:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes @JZ and that specific lens/focus ON end user interests is a key differentiation for ALAC Advice here and in other matters...
01:23:33 Maureen Hilyard: IF members of the ALAC and At-Large have any questions related to the topics raised during this session, please type them into the chat so that we can perhaps raise a selection with Leon at the next ALAC meeting
01:24:11 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: The process by which this Advice on Subsequent Procedures was drafted took several months with an average of 20-40 minutes per week taken to discuss each and every point in Sub-Pro. There were numerous polls, numerous questions, numerous discussions, sometimes numerous disagreements and ultimately finding consensus amongst not only the members of the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group, but the whole At-Large Community that had multiple chances of changing the advice (and indeed sometimes the advice had to be changed from a previous position because the "majority" of the views had shifted.
01:28:51 Goran Marby: I can confirm that we need to handle advice before the boards makes the final decisions.
01:29:45 Joanna Kulesza: In the same vain: as the At Large we are planning a coordinated process aimed at identifying end user position on various policy related issues. This will complement the work done already within the CPWG, ensuring legitimacy of whatever consensus will be then presented in the ALAC advice.
01:30:16 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: That is a great initiative @Joanna
01:30:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks @Avri and I am confident the ALAC will appreciate the dialogue and of course the opportunity to work with various clarifying questions as this proceeds... and of course **Transparency** is key here...
01:30:41 alangreenberg: One of our concerns is that the ODP is very GNSO-centric (with respect to AC/SOs) and some of our positions are not well represented there!
01:31:32 Goran Marby: Alan, you always have the ability to give Advice to the board. But we also have to respect the role of the GNSO within the MS model
01:33:31 Goran Marby: Being formalistic
01:33:38 Goran Marby: Section 11.1. DESCRIPTION
There shall be a policy-development body known as the Generic Names Supporting Organization (the "Generic Names Supporting Organization" or "GNSO", and collectively with the ASO and ccNSO, the "Supporting Organizations")), which shall be responsible for developing and recommending to the Board substantive policies relating to generic top-level domains and other responsibilities of the GNSO as set forth in these Bylaws.
01:35:09 Justine Chew: My apologies, my connection dropped off
01:35:38 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: No worries Justine. I hope we provided acceptable answers to your questions so far
01:37:25 Goran Marby: Off topic but might be interesting : https://www.icann.org/en/announcements/details/community-input-needed-ssad-odp-questionnaire-8-7-2021-en
01:37:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Indeed @Greg MUCH change has happened time for a good review
01:38:47 Goran Marby: And sorry for posting again…realized that I only posted this to the panelists about the role of the GNSO: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en/#article11
01:39:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Very well stated @Greg and the hold off on other reviews until a full Holistic analysis is done is important here
01:39:19 Justine Chew: @Leon, thank you. I would like to also like to add that the ALAC is prepared to participate in SubPro issue-specific bilaterals with the Board, a series of calls if needed and with any nominated Board member(s).
01:40:28 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thanks Justine, happy to continue the discussion and follow up
01:42:26 alangreenberg: @Goran, there is no question that RECOMMENDING gTLD policy is the domain of the GNSO, but the ODP is a BOARD activity and we need to ensure that it is not just the GNSO that feeds into it. That is a position that we took during the OPD discussions...
01:44:06 Greg Shatan: The role of the GNSO as both hunter and gamekeeper is ample reason for a holistic review in and of itself.
01:45:56 Goran Marby: I have no opinions about that Greg (and you know that). Not my role…
01:46:11 Becky Burr: That’s an interesting way to describe the issue @Greg. A historian might say that is fundamental to the original ICANN “bargain”
01:46:45 Holly Raiche: @ Greg - true - but AVri as asking what the actual questions will be - and maybe one thing ALAC could do is help formulate questions that will help define - and confine - the review
01:47:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And we trust that Prioritisation is also going to progress *being a specific Rec of ATRT3 as well** of course
01:47:18 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Agree @Cheryl
01:47:58 Greg Shatan: @Holly, agree -- I was responding more to the Chat discussion directly above my comment...
01:49:29 Jonathan Zuck: Agree Becky that the transition had some holistic proportions, for sure.
01:51:13 Goran Marby: Alan, I know you know this but maybe for others, if the board does not agree with a pdp. The board has to go back to the GNSO.
01:51:18 Goran Marby: Simplified
01:51:46 Vanda Scartezini - Brazil: the question is what can we do to start this pilot??
01:52:48 Jonathan Zuck: Agree Goran, far too often the community fails to reach true consensus and lays to much at the feet of the board, asking them to play the role of Solomon. Pushing such discussions back to the community is exactly the way to go.
01:54:04 Holly Raiche: @ JZ - so the question should be how the community - in all its parts - responds, rather than, as Goran points out - going back to the GNSO as required
01:54:09 Goran Marby: The bylaws says..back to the GNSO. Just as a finer point.
01:54:16 alangreenberg: @Goran, yes, and I think most people do realize that. The Board will not invent policy. But the Board must decide whether to accept, reject or remand a recommendation. And the ODP will be a significant part of the input into that decision, and that is the source of our concern of the GNSO-focus in the ODP.
01:55:01 alangreenberg: 11" tall Stonehenge! We need to capture that image!
01:56:38 Holly Raiche: I like the images
01:56:49 Holly Raiche: More work for ALAC?
01:56:58 Goran Marby: Again, I am not part in this discussion. Just quoting the bylaws. Changing a recommendation is a tricky question. Is that new policy?
01:57:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Good interaction today ALAC/Board Thank you all....
01:57:34 León Felipe Sánchez Ambía: Thank you all for this opportunity. Good call!
01:57:34 Herb Waye Ombuds: Always nice to see and hear you all. Take care and stay safe… and remember to be kind.
01:57:55 Jonathan Zuck: Thanks all. We stand ready to have further conversations about SubProc, in particular.
01:58:07 Chokri Ben Romdhane: Thank you all for this opportunity
01:58:09 Matthew Shears: really good questions and discussion
01:58:09 Becky Burr: Looks like Greg is in a Cathedral somewhere
01:58:40 Lito Ibarra: Thanks everyone. Stay safe
01:58:47 Greg Shatan: It's the side doorway to the Chrysler Building (my office building).
01:58:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now (from SYD/NSW Lockdown) Stay safe everyone!!1
01:58:53 Justine Chew: Thank you, Board Member. I again say that the ALAC is prepared to participate in SubPro issue-specific bilaterals with the Board, a series of calls if needed and with any nominated Board member(s).
01:58:55 Vanda Scartezini - Brazil: thanks Avri for clarity !!!
01:59:04 Vanda Scartezini - Brazil: thanks all for the opportunity
01:59:10 Dave Kissoondoyal ALAC: Thanks and bye to all
01:59:13 Goran Marby: Thanks!!
01:59:14 Holly Raiche: Thanks to the Board for this meeting
01:59:19 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks all, great meeting.
01:59:27 Harold Arcos 2: thanks all,,, thanks to our interpreters!
01:59:30 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: Thank you all! Have a good rest of your day/night
01:59:31 Lito Ibarra: Take care
01:59:38 DANKO Jevtović: thanks
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