Program Guidelines
Anyone interested in participating and collaborating as reviewers should send their inquiry using the email listed in the Language Services Community Wiki space or contact their corresponding ICANN Regional VP. Contact information is available here.
The Language Services Team has prepared simplified versions of the New gTLD Program Outreach documents for use by the program. This facilitates automatic processing and the review process by volunteer reviewers.
One email address for communication related to this program
Crowdsourced review work to be done within a collaborative platform (Google Docs).
Review period will be established in relation to the size/length of each document.
Upon conclusion of the Review process, the ICANN Language Services team will produce the final reviewed document into PDF version for publication. The PDF document link will be available on the Outreach Document page.
The ICANN Language Services team will process and publish a PDF of the final reviewed document once the allotted time for review has completed, to the Language Service Community Wiki Space. If a document was not reviewed within the stipulated time period, it will be marked as complete, and published without review comments using the original AI/NMT generated version of the document.
All published translated documents will include an Language Services translation disclosure (image embedded on first page).