2024-07-11 | SubPro IRT | ASP Sub-Track | Meeting #20

2024-07-11 | SubPro IRT | ASP Sub-Track | Meeting #20

The meeting will take place on 11 July 2024 at 18:00 UTC for 60 minutes (local time).


  1. Present proposed plans for ASP-IRT meetings for v3 Handbook
  2. Potential updates to 51% ownership or control by an entity that would not meet Financial Need criterion
  3. Proposed expansion of SubPro Implementation Guidance 17.17
  4. Proposed Handbook language on Extended Evaluation for ASP (outcome of supplemental rec 32.1)



  • ICANN org to:
    • Make updates to proposed language on ownership and control indicator for Financial Need
    • Take questions back on ownership/control disclosure requirements